Institutional Mobility, Foreign Scholarships

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme to support education, training and youth. The mobility projects include non-degree study programmes in EU countries for at least one study period (trimester or semester) with Erasmus grant. In addition to study programmes students may also apply for traineeships.

Under Erasmus+ programme the higher education institutions shall submit applications to the European Commission. Following the deliberation and decision the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) will be issued, providing opportunities for the institutions to apply to their own national agencies for grants. In Hungary the Tempus Public Foundation decides on the number of students who may spend their studies or traineeships abroad. The national framework for Erasmus grants will be distributed among the applicant institutions according to specific guidelines.

Taking into consideration the objectives set out in the Erasmus Policy Statement, the principles of student mobility as well as other priorities, the University shall distribute the grants among the winning applicants. The allocation of Erasmus places is made on basis of bilateral agreements concluded between the university and the partner institutions. Although the Erasmus grant cannot cover all expenses, it provides support for the students while studying or spending their traineeships abroad.

Further information and calls for applications:

Erasmus bilateral agreements, traineeships, academic staff and staff mobility, student mobility
Ildikó Anna Tóth, institutional Erasmus coordinator
Rector’s Office
Cím: 1091 Budapest, Kálvin tér 9.
Phone: + 36 1 455 9061

Faculty ERASMUS coordinators:

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Judit Nagy, vice-dean for international affairs
Address: 1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4.
Phone: +36 1 483 2906
Dóra Tóth
Address: 1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4.
Phone: +36 1 483-2861

Faculty of Law
Sándor Orovecz, programme coordinator
Address: 1042 Budapest, Viola utca 2-4.
Phone: +36 1 370 8601/110 extension

Faculty of Social Studies and Health Science
Dr. Boróka Fehér, associate professor
Address: 1042 Budapest, Viola utca 3-5.
Phone: +36 574 5172

Faculty of Teacher Training
Attila Mócza
Address: 2750 Nagykőrös, Hősök tere 5.
Phone: +36 53 350 885
Fax: +36 53 351 393

Faculty of Theology
Dr. Miklós Kocsev, dean
Address: 1022 Budapest, Csopaki utca 6.