Rules and Regulations

The system of assessment of the academic performance is regulated on one hand by the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education and the government decrees on its implementations, and on the other hand by the regulations of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary adopted in compliance with the applicable law.

The rules and regulations of the university are public and accessible for all:

The regulations and procedures including the rules of the evaluation and assessment are regulated in detail in the Student Requirement System and in its annexes (Part III of the Rules for Organisation and Procedure).

In the Annexes of the Academic and Examination Regulation of the Student Requirement System the following issues are regulated:

• the order of the admission procedure (III. Annex 1: Student Admission Regulations)
• benefits for students and fees and charges paid by them (III. Annex 2: Regulation on Student Fees and Benefits),
• student legal remedy procedures (III. Annex 3: Procedure for Student Legal Remedy)
• provisions for student residence halls, colleges for advanced studies (III. Annex 4: Residence Hall Regulations),
• disciplinary and compensation responsibility of the students and of the university (III. Annex 5: Students’ Disciplinary and Compensation Regulation),
• the rules of procedure concerning doctoral programmes and doctoral (PhD) degrees (III. Annex 6: Doctoral Regulation),
• the order of recognising foreign certificates (III. Annex 7: Regulation on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Diplomas),
• provision for ensuring equal opportunities for students with disabilities (III. Annex 8: Regulation on the conditions required to ensure equal opportunities for students with disabilities).

The Rector’s Office makes available to the university citizens all regulations in force concerning their studies. The subject/course requirements are included in the sample curricula, syllabi and course descriptions. The methods, procedures and rules of assessment (in the form of oral and written examinations) are determined in Articles 65–71 of the Academic and Examination Regulation.

The university regulations are continuously updated, the necessary legislative changes are implemented. In cooperation with the Students’ Union the Student Requirement System of the university are constantly reviewed.

We provide up-to-date information on the student regulations and their modification
• on the website of the university
• in NEPTUN Education Administration System, and
• through other communication channels (emails, notice boards, etc.)

In addition to the study and examination requirements another key issue is the accurate management of the university records. At Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary we use the Neptun Education Administration System to register the data of lecturers and students, to control the processes of the education management, to meet the administrative requirements of the higher education, and to implement certain parts of distance (online) education and examination.

Main activities carried out in Neptun Education Administration System are as follows:

• data registration
• management of the study programmes
• surveillance of the students’ academic progress
• course registration, administration of completion of the courses
• tasks performed in the financial module
• Uni-Poll examinations
• online support materials, etc.