Faculty of Law

Even though the Faculty of Law of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is the youngest institution of the Hungarian higher education in the field of law, it is a worthy successor of the significant historic law schools. The Faculty began its operation in 1998, as the successor of the Reformed Law Academy in Kecskemét, which was founded in 1831. Adapting to the changes and expectations of the society and labour market, the Faculty of Law created a new type of legal training with a fundamentally new approach.  As a result, greater attention is paid to the instruction of legal aspects of the private sector, and since 2010 economic courses have been added to our course offer as well. The dynamically developing Faculty also places great emphasis on the practical side of legal training. In the higher educational ranking of HVG magazine (Weekly World Economics Magazine) in 2012 and 2013 the Faculty of Law finished on the first place in the category: ‘excellence of professors’.

The Faculty of Law provides its more than 1300 students with high quality courses in the field of law and management. Our majors are the followings:

First cycle (BA) studies

  • Human Resources, Business Administration and Management, International Relations

Single cycle studies

  • Lawyer

Second cycle (MA) studies

  • European and International Business Law

Higher Educational Vocational Trainings

  • Law, Human Resources

Specialist Postgraduate Programmes

  • Lawyer Specialized in Criminal Law, EU Programme Manager and Analyst, Economic Diplomacy Advisor, Pastor with Legal Certificate, Foreign Affairs Advisor

Doctoral School

  • PhD studies in Law and Political Sciences

For teachers we offer the following programmes

  • Public Education Expert with Legal Certificate, Protestant Public Education Expert with Legal Certificate, Public Education Expert


Our programmes are available in full-time and part-time (correspondence) trainings, in state-funded and fee-paying forms as well.

The Faculty has a well-equipped library, which provides the students with 70 computers, free internet access, WI-FI and copying and printing possibilities. The well-functioning and active Student Council, apart from its tasks related to the protection of the student interests, is also engaged in organising the freshmen’s ball, events and camps.

In order to further deepen its academic work, the Faculty of Law, organises national and international conferences, presentations and field trips on a regular basis.

Instead of the conventional norm-centric programmes of the universities, which prepare participants for a legal career, our Doctorate School is committed to offer a more problem-oriented training. The Doctorate School offers programmes in the two following fields: Responsibility and Ethics.

The Faculty is continuously working on expanding its international relations with a variety of universities, colleges and research institutions. (Such as: International Society of Criminology, Paris, Institut für Rechts und Kriminologie, Wien, Penal Reform International, London Max Planc Institut, European Comission, Jean Monnet Action.)

In order to support our students with their academic-related expenses, the Faculty has established the Károly Eötvös Scholarship Programme. The integration of the freshmen is helped by mentors, to whom they can turn to with any questions regarding their courses, studies and career prospects. The mentors offer help for senior students as well, if needed.

The Career Office contributes to the conscious career planning with career development counselling, job recruitment and furthermore with organising trainings, job fairs, conferences and internships, so that our students can find the most fitting job to their area of expertise and interest.

Doctoral School



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