The Department of Labour Law and Social Security

The Department of Labour Law and Social Security

The Department of Labour Law and Social Security is a small, but dedicated team of labour and social law experts. The Department is responsible for the main courses of labour law and social security law, and for various optional courses, such as health care law, transnational labour law, CSR etc. The Department is involved in the teaching of both law students and students in other related study programmes (such as HR-management, Erasmus students etc.).

In the field of research, the Department of Labour Law and Social Security covers the whole range of Hungarian, European and international/transnational, individual and collective labour law, as well as social security law. Typical of the Department is its strong focus on the study of European, international and comparative labour law and social security law. Also typical of the Department is its strong and ongoing collaboration with national and international partners. Among the national partners, the Department of Labour Law and Social Security of the University of Szeged is of utmost importance (e.g. commonly published study books for students, common projects etc.). Also usual for the Department is the strong relation to the practice of law.

As Part of HUNLAB (Hungarian Labour Law Research Network), together with three other Hungarian Universities’ departments of labour law (SZTE, PPKE, PTE) we are institutional member to the LLRN (Labour Law Research Network), where Attila Kun is a member of the Advisory Board. LLRN is the world’s largest independent academic network dedicated to the study of labour law.

Several recognitions are strengthening the reputation of the Department, such as:

  • students’ outstanding research papers in the official Hungarian research competition (OTDK) for law students (e.g.: in labour law, first prize in 2011; special award in 2013 etc.);
  • students’ brilliant positions in the official Hungarian case-solving competition in labour law (e.g. best respondent in 2013);
  • ongoing involvement in Erasmus IP projects with 7 stable European partner universities (e.g. Oulu in 2012; Tilburg in 2013; Budapest in 2014);
  • various research awards (e.g. Attila Kun’s ‘Bolyai Scholarship’ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; his membership in the MTA-PTE Labour Law Research Group; his Marco Biagi Award of 2011 co-authored by Beryl ter Haar from the Unversity of Amsterdam and Antonio García-Muñoz from the University of Castilla-La Mancha etc.)

Head of department:

Dr. Habil. Attila Kun, professor

Deputy head of department:

Dr. Habil. Olivér Árpád Homicskó, professor


Dr. Rácz-Antal Ildikó senior lecturer

Dr. Szabó Imre Szilárd senior lecturer

Subject available in English:

Introduction to Transnational Labour Law (Dr. Habil. Attila Kun)


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