- Written by Deli-Nagy Tünde
Religious Liberty as the Keystone in the Arch of Freedom
Religious freedom has been considered as the keystone in the arch of freedom since it allows us to ask for and seek responses to the most fundamental question of human existence. This freedom allows communities to develop inner strength and resilience. Together with the freedom of speech, they aim to shield citizens and communities against arbitrary state intervention. However, religious liberty is being challenged by new phenomena such as cosmopolitanism, globalization or even religious extremism in the 21st century. Furthermore, even though there has been an explosion of human rights in terms of international treaties and apparatus; we have been experiencing an erosion of religious freedom around the world. It is mainly due to secular criticism and attacks especially in the West that aims to drive religion to the margins and out of the public discourse as well as to an individualistic construction of fundamental rights that ignores the collective nature freedoms. These and similar contemporary questions will be addressed by Gerard V. Bradley, Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame in the online event of the Barna Horváth Hungary Law and Liberty Circle.