Academic Cooperation with the Republic of Korea

Facilitated by PROK (Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea) and PCK (Presbyterian Church of Korea), academic cooperation with Korea became intensive in 2010, as a result of which Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE) signed the first Memorandum of Understanding with Hanshin University in 2012. Since 2014, two further partnerships with Handong Global University and Keimyung University have been allowing for the exchange of students and academics, joint research activities and publications, participation in seminars, academic meetings and short-term academic programs, and the exchange of academic materials. The International Credit Mobility Programme (Erasmus + KA 107) and the Campus Munndi Scholarship Programme have given a further impetus to the exchange component of KRE’s Korean partnerships. In addition, KRE signed a Memorandum of Agreement with PROK for graduate exchange in early 2015 and a Memorandum of Understanding with Soongsil University in 2019.

Webpages of the partner Universities:

Hanshin University:


Handong Global University:


Keimyung University:


Soongsil Uinversity:


Photo Gallery


Social media