Foreign Scholarships and Study Abroad Programmes

Our University has bilateral agreements with more than 180 higher education institutions from 40 countries around the world to support study abroad programmes both for incoming and outgoing students. Most of our partners are European, but we also have partnerships with universities in Canada, Columbia, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States.

In the European context, the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme plays a prominent role, and our University also participates in the regional CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) and Makovecz programmes.

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training and youth. The Erasmus+ programme available to students in higher education offers opportunities for study mobility and traineeships, or a combination of both. In the framework of Erasmus+ study mobility, it is possible to study in a European Union country for at least one period of study (trimester or semester), and the programme provides financial support. Erasmus+ traineeship programmes allows higher education students to gain work experience at a company or organization in another host country, also with Erasmus financial support. Erasmus+ programme is open to bachelor, master and doctoral students.

CEEPUS scholarships are available for studies in certain central European partner institutes. Currently, it is possible to travel with CEEPUS support to accredited higher education institutions in Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The Makovecz programme offers opportunities to travel to partner institutions of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary in the Carpathian Basin.

Further information and current calls for applications:



Contact details for international coordinators:
Rector’s Office, Directorate of International Relations
1091 Budapest, Kálvin tér 9.
Phone: + 36 1 455 9061
Eszter Ivanov, institutional Erasmus coordinator
Virág Zombory, international officer (CEEPUS, Makovecz programmes)

Faculty ERASMUS coordinators:

Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies
Attila Endre Simay
1042 Budapest, Viola utca 3.
Phone: +36 574 5172

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Judit Nagy, vice-dean for international affairs
1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4.
Phone: +36 1 483 2906
Dóra Tóth
1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4.
Phone: +36 1 483-2861

Faculty of Law
Sándor Orovecz, programme coordinator
1042 Budapest, Viola utca 2-4.
Phone: +36 1 370 8601/110 extension

Faculty of Pedagogy
Attila Mócza
2750 Nagykőrös, Hősök tere 5.
Phone: +36 53 350 885

Faculty of Theology
Dr. Miklós Kocsev, Dean
Address: 1022 Budapest, Csopaki utca 6.