Library and IT Services
University Library Association

The Library Association of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary was founded in 1999 by the following libraries: Library of the Faculty of Law, Bod Péter Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Török Pál Library of the Faculty of Theology, the Library of the Faculty of Teacher Training and the member libraries of the Institute of Studies for Central and Eastern European Missions.
Following the traditions of the famous Reformed colleges of Sárospatak, Pápa, Debrecen, Nagyenyed and Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) the University Library Association aims at developing its collection in order to support – in addition to pastor training – the education and research of other disciplines.
Scientific online databases:
Academic Search Complete:
The multidisciplinary database provides full-text access to scientific articles from more than 6,300 peer-reviewed journals, often including the most recent issues. Other sources are also available on the interface.
Academic Search Ultimate:
Academic Search Ultimate is a complementary database to Academic Search Complete, with more than 9200 full-text journals available. In addition to journal articles, thousands of other electronic resources are also available.
Hundreds of journals, bulletins, academic publications, annals, weekly and daily newspapers, lexicons and manuals can be found in the full-text database providing Hungarian contents. ADT is one of the greatest online collection of Hungaricum of the 19th-20th century: an important source of the cultural, social and economic history of Hungary. The collection contains publications mainly from the 20th century, but you can find plenty of texts from the 19th century and some from the 21st century.
Akadémiai Kiadó Journal Package:
The complete texts of 8 Hungarian and 46 English language journals are available in the database covering several disciplines.
Akadémiai Kiadó MeRSZ:
The most important Hungarian handbooks and manuals can be read in full text in the multidisciplinary database containing hundreds of volumes.
Akadémiai Kiadó Dictionaries:
In addition to English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish dictionaries the database contains entries of several mono- and multilingual dictionaries, as well. The interface allows searching in several dictionaries simultaneously.
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials Plus:
A complete database of religious studies providing full-text access to 500,000 studies of 310 journals. The extended ATLA Plus database contains hundreds of journals.
Brill – Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online:
Combining many related disciplines, including Judaism, ancient history and philosophy, the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC) focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors and ideas. The BEEC aims both to provide critical overview of the methods used in early Christian studies and to update the history of the discipline.
Brill – Brill’s Medieval Reference Library Online:
With more than 4,200 signed entries and over 200 illustrations, this is an indispensable online source for anyone interested in premodern European history and culture.
Cambridge journal package:
Cambridge University Press is the academic publisher of one of the world’s leading universities. Its database of full-text multidisciplinary journals is outstanding, primarily in humanities and social sciences, but natural and technical sciences are also represented.
De Gruyter – HSS Package:
A collection of e-journals from the academic publisher Walter de Gruyter, containing almost 300 academic journals in the humanities and social sciences.
De Gruyter – Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Online:
The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, from ancient and late antiquity to medieval and modern Latin texts. In total, some 13 million word are available electronically.
De Gruyter - Encyclopaedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online:
The Encyclopaedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR) is the first and only comprehensive reference work devoted to the Bible and its reception.
De Gruyter – Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online:
The new, edited reference source Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online (LME) provides comprehensive documentation on Europe’s indigenous and immigrant linguistic minorities.
De Gruyter – Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Online:
Thesaurus linguae Latinae is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first to cover all Latin texts from the classical period to about 600 AD.
JSTOR Essential Collection:
The JSTOR full-text database contains, among other principles, many social science journal articles. The database mainly provides archive content, the latest editions are not available. JSTOR content available in 2022: Asia, Essential Collection, Health & General Sciences, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Jewish Studies, Religion & Theory.
JSTOR Hebrew Studies:
An academic journal devoted to the Hebrew language, linguistics, literature and culture of all periods.
JSTOR Jewish Studies:
Jewish Studies publishes studies on all aspects of Jewish history and culture. Focusing on the full spectrum of Jewish life and thought, JSQ aims to contribute to a better understanding of Judaism. Articles include both specialized and more general or interdisciplinary studies.
JSTOR Religion and Theology Collection:
The JSTOR Religion & Theology Collection covers the history and philosophy of religious thought through traditions, periods and critical approaches. The collection contains over 80 titles exclusively from the existing JSTORS Art & Sciences collections. It supports research in religious studies and scholarship in archaeology, literature and philosophy.
Kossuth Kiadó:
The database contains around 250 reference books published by Kossuth Publishing Group. Most of the books cover the fields of history, political science, philosophy, psychology and social psychology.
L'Harmattan Digital Database :
L’Harmattan Publisher’s complex digital database. The digital database contains more than 1400 publications and textbooks in humanities and social sciences organised into 20 fields of studies, mainly in Hungarian language.
Legal Source:
The EBSCO legal database provides access to the full text of hundreds of journals.
Oxford Humanities Collection:
The Oxford Journals - Humanities collection contains 65 full-text electronic journals in the social sciences from Oxford University Press. The subscription has provided access to current journals and archives since 1996.
Oxford Law Collection:
Oxford University Press is a leading publisher of international law – a reputation for excellence reflected in the high quality of the titles offered in the collection. Areas of law include: comparative, foreign investment, commercial, competition, environmental, refugee and economic law, as well as legal studies, case-law, settlement of disputes, criminal and transitional justice.
ProQuest Central:
The largest available source of journals, bringing together complete databases in all major subject areas, including business, health and medicine, social sciences, education, technology and humanities.
ProQuest Literature Online:
Literature Online is the leading online resource for the study and teaching of English-language literature, combining the texts of more than 355,000 literary works with a vast library of critical and reference resources.
The American Psychological Association database provides full-text access to 153,000 articles from 119 psychology journals.
ScienceDirect – Freedom Collection:
Elsevier's full-text multidisciplinary database provides access to the texts of the most respected scientific journals. The content excels mainly in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and medicine, but social sciences and other disciplines are also represented. The database contains nearly 2200 peer-reviewed journals.
USC SOÁ Visual History Archive:
The USC SOÁ Foundation's Visual History Archive contains more than 55,000 video interviews with genocide survivors and witnesses. The interviews were recorded in 41 languages in 62 countries. The database contains 1,335 Hungarian-language interviews and thousands more Hungarian-related interviews in other languages about the Holocaust. It also includes special material on the Rwandan, Guatemalan and Armenian genocides and the Nanking massacre in China.