Students’ Union and Doctoral Student Association
University-level representation of students is implemented by the Students’ Union (Hungarian abbreviation: HÖK) and the Doctoral Student Association (Hungarian abbreviation: DÖK). The goal of the Students’ Union is, among others, to represent the interests of students enrolled at the University in all university, regional and national bodies in all higher education issues that concern them.
The Students’ Union is also responsible for assisting students in university-related matters; coordinating and maintaining contact with the faculty student representations; establishing contacts and cooperation with domestic – especially with the National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK) – and international student organisations, and, if the necessary financial conditions are met, establishing and managing cultural, sports and social divisions.
Its highest decision-making body is the Delegate Assembly which holds its ordinary meetings at least once a semester. The Delegate Assembly consists of 15 members (3-3 members from each faculty). The operational tasks are performed by the president and by the vice-president. The Students’ Union currently delegates 7 students (President, Vice-President, and the five presidents of the student representations at faculty level) to the University’s main decision-making body, the Senate, and takes part in the work of the university committees as laid down in Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education.
In addition to supporting the activities of the faculty representations, the University Students’ Union contributes to the enrichment of the university life by organising several community events. The Students’ Union is involved in the Sports Day event which is part of the Training Week, but it also participates and provides assistance to the faculty students’ unions.
The most direct level of student advocacy is provided by the student representations at faculty level. The representatives of the faculties regularly participate in faculty-level decision-making (Faculty Council, Study Committee, Credit Transfer Committee), and organise a number of community building events, and provide support to the students in all kinds of issues that may arise during their studies at the University.
President of the University Students’ Union: Benedek Szalai, President
E-mail: szalai.benedek@kre.hu