Educational Psychology Group

The Educational Psychology is responsible for teaching developmental psychology for students of psychology, and psychology subjects for students in teacher training. Its leader is Rita F. Földi assistant professor, other theachers are Éva Hadházi assistant professor, Judit Páli és Orsolya Gőbel senior lecturers, and Judit Boda-Ujlaky assistant lecturer. Beside teaching activity there is research activity as well: developmental neuropsychology research team (leader Rita F. Földi senior lecturer), main research profile is the most commonly diagnosed learning disabilities in childhood and adolescence. The complex research of this multi-aethiological sydrome, mainly neuropsychological causes and consequences, disorders in functioning, and, because of this, developmental lags, its symptoms, like movement regulation, information uptake, attentional problems and special cognitive strategies are investigated.

As a result, a therapeutic programme was designed for children with ADHD and learning disabilities, that aims school integration and anhance school performance. Within this research field, a Phare programme support was given to the research team, and it allowed to extend the studies to disadvantaged groups of children. With the help of studying the neuropsychological background of learning abilities we work out such programmes that support the processes of maturation and development from an educational point og view (leader Judit Páli). Judit Páli in her own research deals with the developing-educational aspect of playing. She is investigating the neurological and neuropsychological background functions of this crucial developmental area, her educational games aim effectively the corrective, compensational mechanisms of the developmental disturbances and the prevention of learning disabilities. Functioning examination of organic and anxiety factors behind behavioural disturbances was compared to the results of projective drawing tests. This research is closely realted to other researchers of the team, particularly to the characteristics of early socialisation (parental attitudes: Éva Hadházi, early bonding and attachment: Rita F. Földi). According to our reseach interest, we emphasize the proper education of children with special educational needs for students in teacher training and we are trying to provide them the broadest psychological knowledge. Some teachers, beyond their degree in psychology, also has a teachers’s degree and school experience.

Our current department study is ont he psychological background of obesity – we are investigating the topic from several points of view and work out a new part of the treatment method.

The broad interest and education of our teachers covers many fields of psychology and its border areas, like sport and humor.

Our teachers regularly participate at national and international conferences, educational trainings and hold professional trainings for techers and special education teachers.


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