Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities

Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities

BA programme hosted by the Department:

General Humanities (Specialization in Religious Studies and in Art History):
In the first stage of their studies, our students get an introduction into the History of Art, Communication Theory, Film Theory and History, and Religious Studies. They also learn about the most important figures and tendencies in Philosophy. From the first semester, they study a freely chosen Biblical language (Latin, Greek or Hebrew). In the next stage, they gain a deeper insight into the Theory of Religion (Sociology of Religion and Philosophy of Religion), Hermeneutics, and specific domains of Philosophy (i.e. Ethics, Aesthetics, Logic or Metaphysics), as well as into the most important chapters of the universal History of Religions. Within the BA programme, our Specialization in Religious Studies offers courses concerning the problematic facets of today’s religiosity, electives in the History and Theory of Religions, among them source-reading seminars in classical languages. As our Department is part of a denominational university, the curriculum of our Specialization emphasizes the History of Ancient Religions, the Theory of Religion and Hermeneutics.
List of BA Courses

MA programmes hosted by the Department:

MA in Religious Studies

This 2-year-long Master, offered in Hungarian language, in full-time and in distance learning modes, includes a strong ancient and modern language module (a choice of Latin, Greek or Hebrew, and English) and a methodological module (essay-writing and methodology of research) in the introductory phase. In the main part of the curriculum, our students carry on with their language courses, study non-Christian world religions, and have numerous courses on religion-related aspects of law, society, gender and art. Among the more specific courses constituting the third part of their curriculum, there figure lectures and seminars concerning cultural studies related to Ancient Christianity, Church History, Greek and Roman religion, Old Egyptian religion, Hinduism and Buddhism, religions of China, Tibet and Japan, as well as a course on the interrelatedness of religion and politics in modern Hungarian history. The last constituent of the programme is a choice of electives specifically offered for this purpose, covering a wide range of subjects within the spectrum of Religious Studies. The composition of a 50-page-long research paper is also a condition of obtaining the degree.
List of MA Courses

MA in Theater Studies
The 2-year long MA programme in Theater Studies was established in 2009. In addition to the regular faculty members, well-known invited guest lecturers also contribute to the courses offered, ensuring high programme standards. Students can take courses such as Culture, Art and Theater; Aesthetics and Art Philosophy; The Role of Technical Media in Cultural Praxis; Ritual Theatrical Forms; Theater and Theater History-related Journalism; Types of Plays; Literature, Theater and Related Art Forms; Hungarian Drama and Theater History I-VIII.; Eurpoean Drama and Theater History I-VIII.; Drama and Performance Analysis I-IV.; Poetics of Drama and Theater; Theater-related Scenography and Visual Design; Theater Management, Operation and Law. From the 2017/18 academic year on, the practice of dramaturgy and to the methodological background of directing have also become focal elements of the programme.   

MA in History of Art
This 2-year-long Masters programme, offered in the Hungarian language, both in full-time and in part-time (correspondence) learning modes, focuses on museum studies and heritage protection. Established in 2016, the programme became well-known quickly, thanks to the dynamic and devoted team of internationally trained professors.
Courses focus on western art from early Christianity to the present day, and they also include historiography, museum studies, conservation and heritage protection. Several classes are offered in cooperation with art museums and galleries, and include on-site visits. A series of elective courses provide a chance to offer instruction in various other topics as well. In addition to the lecture courses and seminars, the completion of a 120-hour museum internship is also required for MA candidates as well as the composition of a 50-page-long thesis and its defence.
The department was established by Dr. Katalin Keserü (professor emeritus).
The current chair of the department is Dr. Zsombor Jékely.

Postal address:
Institute of Art Studies and General Humanities
Faculty of Hiumanities and Social Sciences
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
1088 Budapest, Reviczky u. 4.


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