Methodology Group

The faculty coordinator of teaching practice is responsible for timing the team teaching and the individual teaching practice of our trainees.

Team teaching at teaching practice in each subject

The faculty coordinator of teaching practice agrees with the heads of majors and the tutors in Methodology on the number of trainee teams. Passing the exams in Methodology is the prerequisite of teaching practice. They also decide on the mentors doing the mentorship for the teams.

Major relevant teaching practice is done in teams consisting of 2-4 student trainees; preferably in the third semester in their major and in the fourth one in the minor of the Master course. This order can change according to the mentors’ workload. The teaching practice is planned for all the academic year.

Individual teaching practice

Only having met all the requirements in academic courses can they start their individual teaching practice. Student trainees have to do their individual teaching practice simultaneously in their both subjects.

It is the coordinator’s duty to organise this individual teaching practice with the representatives of practice schools. Both parties have to agree on the number of trainees doing their individual teaching practice according to the capacity of the school mentors.

The planning of the teaching practice is scheduled for the whole school year, the majority of which in case of the five-semester training is to be done in the autumn semester except for individual requests (etc Erasmus scholarship).

The major aims and functions of the group are the following:

• harmonizing the methodological requirements among the different departments on the basis of the common pedagogical-psychological contents
• organizing and harmonize teaching practice running parallel with the university courses
• working out and improving the administrative surfaces connected to students’majors and teaching practice
• strengthening the implicit and explicit appearance of ITK contents in teacher education as well as developing these at the departments
• conducting joint research in the field of methodology
• organizing conferences
• preparing joint applications for grants
• providing information on the changes relating to pre-service teacher training and teaching practice on a regular basis
• providing information on current methodological trends, materials

Head of the Methodology Group is Dringó-Horváth Ida
The members of the methodology group includes the instructors who teach methodology courses at various departments and who are responsible for organizing teaching practice.


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