Pedagogy Group

The work of pedagogical group’s teachers is based on science, modernity and traditions, furthermore the preservation and enhancement of features, values and Christian character of Reformed Church pedagogy. Our goal is to train teachers, who have widespread theoretical and practical knowledges, skills and abilities on the field of pedagogy, who are prepared for the public educational tasks based on development areas, educational goals in National Core Curriculum, who can transmit the values of education, the contents of intellectualism, who are able to knowledge-building, development and validation of key competencies, who can develop their personality, apply their professional competence, get know the students, and differently manage their curricular and extracurricular activities, who have basic knowledges in family, career, child and youth care, social and educational counseling tasks and who know how they should co-operate with such institutions. They should be responsible, autonomous, co-operative, self-developer, creative persons, who can accept and transmit the general human, European and national values.

Courses managed by the Department:
Basic teacher module BA
Teacher MA
Professional exam for teachers - Preparation for mentor- and leader teacher tasks specialization

Scientific workshops and research groups of the Department:

Group leader:
Dr. habilis Edit Bodonyi
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Full and part-time teachers:
Dr. habilis Edit Bodonyi, docent
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Dr. Zsuzsanna Simonfi, assistant professor
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Dr. Lívia Borosán, docent
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Contractor teachers:
Dr. István Lannert Keresztély
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Attila Varga
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Abigél Treier
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Subjects taught

Dr. habilis Edit Bodonyi The Theoretical Bases of Education, Career Knowledge, Career Orientation, Minority Pedagogy, Reform Pedagogy, Alternative Pedagogy
Dr. Zsuzsanna Simonfi The historical aspects of education – the history of Reformed Church Education, The inner world of the school and the teacher, The teacher's social and Church professional relations, The inner world of Religious Schools, Religious Schools, Families and schools in the changing society
Dr. Lívia Borosán The theory of learning and teaching, The practice of learning and teaching, Reflective Practice, Practice Accompanying Seminar, Directed lesson attendance, School field exercise, Education terminilogy, Portfolio consultation, Pedagogical psychology theories and practices of mentor- and leader teacher role
Dr. István Lannert Keresztély Drama pedagogy
Attila Varga Disadvantaged students in the school



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