Aims and objectives

Aims and objectives

In the Faculty of Divinity of Gáspár Károli University is one of the institutions of the Hungarian Reformed Church dedicated to the training of Ministers of Religion and Teachers of Religious Education. The discipline of theology is studied in accordance with Biblical Scriptures and the Reformed tradition, and in this respect the Faculty endeavors to prepare its students to their vocation as Ministers of Religion or Teachers of Religious Education. The students at the Faculty are young people who are willing to pledge themselves to the service of the word of God in the Reformed Church, and who will, through hard work, strive to live up to their calling as ministers and teachers.

The Reformed Theological Academy of Budapest, founded in 1855, has since 1933 been operating as the Faculty of Divinity of Károli Gáspár University. It offers two five-and six year, tertiary-level degree courses: Theologian / Minister of Religion, and Teacher of Religious Education. In the Faculty, a degree in Teacher of Religious Education can also be acquired by means of a two-year supplementary programme building on the basis of the ministerial training.

Education in theology is an integral part of our University’s educational system, and thus the possibility is also open to students to take other degree courses. In order to apply for degrees of Theologian/Minister of Religion and Teacher of Religious Education, interested young people must possess a certificate of confirmation obtained at least two years prior to their application, and they should feel that they have a vocation for church service.


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