Teacher of Religious Education

Teacher of Religious Education

The degree course in Teacher of Religious Education equips students with an appropriate knowledge of theology, pedagogy and psychology, and provides opportunities for practical experience. This then enables graduates to carry out duties as teachers of religious education amongst ten to eighteen year old children in both schools and congregations. A growing demand has arisen following the expansion of religious education in schools for the training and work of various types of professionals in religious education. In addition to the degree course in Teacher of religious Education, our students are also required to take a degree course in Teacher Training in the Faculty of Humanities. In the Faculty of Humanities students learn the subjects of pedagogy, psychology and general education, which are prerequisisites for teacher training. Special subjects and methodology, and internal teaching practice, are taught at the Faculty of Divinity.

The Reformed Church’s secondary schools, Lónyai Secondary School of Budapest and Arany János Reformed Secondary School of Nagykőrös, are the location for external teaching practice, and individual pedagogical practice is carried out in the setting of congregational religious education.
In order to take their degree in Teacher of Religious Education, students must first pass the final examination in their other degree course


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