Complex Training System

The ICT Research Centre provides university teachers and administrative staff with ready-made as well as tailor-made courses for different digital competence levels and pedagogical and research needs.

The ICT Research Centre has developed and is operating its continuing professional development system in accordance with the current Institutional Development Plan (2021-2027) and building on a detailed survey of the needs and competences of university staff. The first such survey was carried out in 2020 and is followed up annually with a new one to develop the training system, which consists of the following elements:

Complex traning system: A - needs assessment (assesst of development and training needs, individually, using an online questionnaire and collectively, through the mentoring network), B - Development - top down (central offered traning courses f2f blended, online meeting and self-paced courses, info-materials, tutorials, videos), C - Development - Bottom up(using our mentoring network, visiting departments, institutes for tailor made training individual consultations), D - Reflection and motivation (written reflection after each training session, analisis every 6 month, awards for best-practices connected to our development) 

Systematic development is achieved through training courses in ICT skills and general methodology. These courses are typically offered to all KRE employees on a recommended basis, in various training modes (face-to-face, online or blended), and with the conclusion of a course evaluation form to ensure appropriate feed-back and feed-forward. Participants receive a certificate of attendance, and the ICT Research Centre produces an annual report for the University and Faculty Management.

The Centre also submitted a proposal for the establishment of a network of collegiate mentors, which was accepted in 2023. The purpose of this network is to provide local community support for knowledge and experience sharing between colleagues, and to facilitate a two-way communication between staff and the ICT Research Centre. One colleague from each Institute is invited to participate in the mentoring network and, with the approval of the Head of the Institute, is involved in the following activities:

  • collects, represents and communicates the needs, requirements and problems of teachers to the Centre;
  • as part of a community of experts in ICT, regularly participates in meetings, exchanges experiences, helps in the preparation of information materials;
  • teaches upon request and when invited, and participates in joint proposals, research and publications.

In addition to the use of the latest edtech tools, training courses include a methodological element based on the European Framework of Reference for Teachers (DigiCompEdu).

This framework is also the basis for the Teacher's Handbook, which backs our teaching strategy and course selection.

Self-paced Moodle courses are created for each chapter of the Handbook, so that lecturers can learn the most important skills in a modular way, chapter by chapter, asynchronously.



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