
Number and type/profile of participants
4 inbound students (1 University of Belgrade; 3 University of Novi Sad – BA level); 1 outbound student (University of Belgrade – BA level); 2 inbound academics (1 University of Belgrade, 1 University of Novi Sad) and 2 outbound academics (1 University of Belgrade, 1 University of Novi Sad)

Description of undertaken activities;
The 4 inbound students took courses in their major (English and American Studies (3); Hungarian as a Foreign Language(1)). The outbound student also took courses in English Studies. Moreover, she volunteered to help students who were studying Hungarian at UB.
The 2 inbound academics delivered sessions in American Studies and in Hungarian as a Foreign Language, respectively. In addition, 1 inbound academic participated in the KRE Training Week and 1 in the Károli North America Days International Conference at KRE. The 2 outbound academics delivered sessions in American Studies and English Studies, respectively.

United States of America

Number and type/profile of participants;
1 inbound and 1 outbound student mobility to and from Calvin College.

Description of undertaken activities;
The 1 inbound student took courses in the field economics and courses in area studies as well (Central-European Studies). The outbound student completed courses in economics, as well.


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