United States of America

Number and profile of participants:
1 student inbound, 1 academic (STA) inbound, 1 academic (STA) outbound and 1 academic (STT) outbound (ancillary funding)

Description of undertaken activities:
The inbound student (communication studies) completed Hungarian as a foreign language and culture courses. The outbound academic (STT) introduced his institution/programme, had discussions with the International Office of the partner institution, and took part in
cultural activities. The inbound academic (STA) delivered a lecture in American literature, while the outbound academic (STA) delivered a lecture in British and Hungarian culture.



Number and profile of participants:
2 students inbound; 1 academic (STT) inbound and outbound

Description of undertaken activities:
The 2 students (teacher training, psychology) completed courses in Hungarian culture and courses suited to their fields of studies. The outgoing and incoming academics (STT) introduced their institutions, had discussions with colleagues involved in inter-institutional relations, had a tour of the campus and were ingaged in cultural activities.


Number and profile of participants:
5 students inbound, 1 academic (STA) inbound and outbound, 1 academic (STT) inbound and outbound + 1 academic (STT) inbound (ancillary funding)

Description of undertaken activities:
The 5 inbound students enrolled in teacher training completed courses related to their fields of study. The inbound and outbound academics (STA) delivered lectures in English language pedagogy, applied linguistics and English language development. The inbound and outbound academics (STT) introduced their institutions, got acquainted with the administrative background of internationalisation and teacher
training, and shared good practices.


Republic of Korea

Number and profile of participants:
4 students inbound, 2 academics (STA) inbound, 2 academics (STA) outbound and 1 zero grant student outbound.

Description of undertaken activities:
The 4 inbound students (2 psychology, 2 English studies majors) completed studies in their own fields and attended Hungarian language courses; the outbound studet (Oriental languages and cultures) completed courses in Korean as a foreign language and culture.
The 2 inbound academics (STA) offered courses in consulting psychology (HGU), in Korean as a foreign language and
culture and in contrastive linguistics; the outbound academics (STA) offered courses in eco- and behavioural psychology as
well as in English language development.


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