Women’s Beach Volleyball Team wins National Championship

The National Beach Volleyball Championship of Hungarian Universities and Colleges (MEFOB) took place at EFOTT Festival, Velence July 10-15, 2019.

 The Women’s Team of Károli Gáspár University won against ELTE in the final shootout thanks to the brilliant defensive play of Luca Vajda (final score 2:1).

 Based on the result table of the Budapest Teams of MEFOB; our university team is not only National Champions, but now officially holds the Budapest Champion of Beach Volleyball in 2019 also. 

The team: Laura Bálint, Vivien Dobos, Dóra Huszár, Bettina Sági, Fanni Szűcs, Zsófi Tallér, Luca Vajda.


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