The leadership of the University puts special emphasis on providing general information to its employees and students on the common flu and coronavirus developments.
The prevention of the disease is our common interest; therefore, we ask our students and colleagues to pursue the following preventive actions.
The initial symptoms of the disease do not differ from those of upper respiratory viral infections such as influenza. The disease usually exhibits mild, moderate or severe symptoms of the upper and lower respiratory tract and the intestinal tract, similar to those of the common cold, and can result in pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and in extreme cases in death.
Frequent hand washing and compliance with hygiene rules are primarily means to be protected against the coronavirus at the moment. The usage of disposable tissues for sneezing and coughing is highly recommended, along with washing your hands and face with plenty of warm, soapy water upon entering educational or any accommodating establishment after travelling by public transport.
It is important to emphasize that there is currently no known patient or suspected case of the virus now known as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV in Hungary.
The University advises that persons may be at risk if they have:
• Travelled to or has been to Wuhan, China or its vicinity (Hubei Province) and are experiencing flu-like symptoms (cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever) within 14 days prior to their illness onset, OR
• Come into contact with someone who has or is suspected of having infection with coronavirus from Wuhan, China, OR
• Worked or have been to the Chinese live animal market in Wuhan, China within 14 days prior to their illness onset, OR
• Worked or have visited a medical facility where they have been exposed to the coronavirus 2019-nCoV from Wuhan, China within 14 days prior to their illness onset.
If any of the above applies to you and you feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical care and inform the health authorities right away.
Recommendations of the National Center for Public Health can be found here:
The National Public Health Center (NNK) has created two toll-free telephone numbers to respond quickly and professionally to public inquiries about the coronavirus 06-80-277-455 and 06-80-277-456 . The hotlines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In addition, international students and colleagues may visit the official website of World Health Organization for further information on the coronavirus :