International Colloquium on Saint Maximus the Confessor’s Ambiguum 10.

The Department of Liberal Arts of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, in collaboration with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, have the pleasure to invite you to the International Colloquium on Maximus the Confessor's Ambiguum 10.

The programme:

Wednesday 3 February

10:00 Dionisios Skliris (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
The notion of divinization in Maximus the Confessor's Tenth Ambiguum.
10:15 István Perczel (Central European University)
The place of Saint Maximus' defence of the temporal creation of the world in the doctrinal history of Christian Platonism.
10:30 Aleksandar Djakovac, (University of Belgrade)
Maximus the Confessor and the Corpus Hermeticum: possible connections.
10:45 Endre Hamvas, (ELKH Humanities Research Centre)
The metaphor of the soul's journey - a Platonic motif in Ambuguum 10.
11:00 Vladimir Cvetkovic (University of Belgrade)
Natural Contemplation: Ambiguum 10.19.
11:15 Torstein Tollefsen (University of Oslo)
Understanding Ambiguum 10.37.
11:30 Miklós Vassányi, (Károli Gáspár University)
Ambiguum 10, Chapter 41: The Infinity of God.

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thursday 4 February

10:00 Lectura Maximi: Ambiguum 10:37-41 (chaired by Vladimir Cvetkovic)

The text can be downloaded here:

11:30 Reports of PhD research in progress
11:30 Bernadett Guth (ELTE), Maximus' notion of apatheia and its philosophical background.
11:45 Daniel Heide (McGill) The World as Sacrament: The Eucharistic Ontology of Maximos the Confessor.
12:00 St. Maximus Chatroom: current work and projects; plans for the future colloquium.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 839 1750 6242
Passcode: 973806

This colloquium is the second in a series of annual colloquia organized by the University of Belgrade and Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary, alternately in Belgrade and Budapest. The focus of the series is the legacy of the great philosopher and theologian Saint Maximus the Confessor (580–662). This year's Colloquium is dedicated to Ambiguum 10 - an important text, which had not received concentrated scholarly attention so far. Given the current COVID situation the Colloquium will be held online. The new format required several adjustments, setting the accent on communication. Thus, instead of full-fledged papers the participants were asked to present the gist of their work and to profit by the feed-back of the colleagues world-wide. The full papers will be called in later for publication: it is hoped that they will profit by the discussion during the Colloquium.


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