Dr Ágnes Czine to continue as acting rector

Upon the proposal and request of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the Senate of Károli Gáspár University at its session on 22 February 2021 endorsed unanimously that vice rector for educational affairs Dr Ágnes Czine shall continue her service as acting rector.


At the beginning of the session of the Senate, acting rector Dr Czine expressed the gratitude of the university to professor István Szabó whose six-year-long term as the presiding bishop of the Reformed Church in Hungary ended in December 2020.  Dr Czine also thanked the service of the outgoing lay chairperson of the Synod, Dr Pál Huszár and greeted the newly elected leaders of our church: presiding bishop Zoltán Balog and lay chairperson János Molnár. 


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