International Conference on the History of Antique Law

On 19-22 May 2022, the 25th anniversary of the Internationales Sommerseminar zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte was organized by University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in Szigliget.

The international conference, which dates back to a quarter of a century, provides an opportunity for students, doctoral students, and researchers of this discipline to discuss their research on Roman law, Greek-Hellenistic, and ancient Eastern legal sources.

Prof. Dr. Éva Jakab, the founding member of the conference, the lecturer of our Faculty, and the head of the Doctoral School, held the presidency of this year's event. Professor Éva Jakab and her student, Máté Giovannini, gave lectures in German and English, respectively.

The participants came from Croatian, German, Austrian, Slovenian, and Hungarian universities. Among the Hungarian law faculties, students of SZTE and KRE took part in the organization and implementation of the program. The Szigliget Creative House, which is the intellectual heritage of the Hungarian art community, hosted a total of seventeen conference presentations divided into eight sections.


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