Graduation Ceremonies at Károli Gáspár University

The international students of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary who graduated in the 2022/2023 spring semester at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences received their degrees at the graduation ceremony held on June 30.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is the largest faculty of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the second largest liberal arts faculty in Hungary, and the third most well-known and popular faculty among all the faculties in Hungary.

The graduation ceremony was held in the Károlyi-Csekonics Palace. Beside the 12 international students, alumni, academic and administrative staff, family, and friends of graduates participated in the event which was moderated by Dr. Judit Nagy, Vice-Dean for International Affairs at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

At the event Prof. Dr. Péter Balla Vice Rector for Religion and Spirituality, Prof. Dr. Péter Furkó Vice Rector for Science and Research, Dr. Habil. Géza Horváth, Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Head of the Institute of German Studies, Dr. Miklós Péti Head of the Institute of English Studies, Dr. habil. Zita Dötschné Hollós Director of the Hungarian EMLex Chapter, Dr. Zsuzsanna Mirnics associate professor at the Institute of Psychology, and Dr. Gábor Szalai International Director shared their thoughts with the audience on the festive occasion.

The event concluded with a photo shooting session. After the ceremony, participants were invited to take part in a small reception.

 The Faculty of Law held their graduation ceremony on July 8, in the Reformed Church on Kálvin Square. At the event, international and Hungarian students received their diplomas collectively.

Dr. Miklósné Dr. Andrea Zakar, Head of the Institute of International Studies and Social Sciences gave her farewell speech to the students:

“There were some hard tasks in the course of your studies: preparation for difficult exams and the Vis moot competition – BUT despite all these challenges, you completed this part of journey with great achievements and (we hope) with beautiful memories.”

This year we were able to give 3 students their well-deserved LL.M degree, with this achievement by our students we are proud to say that overall, 34 students has now acquired European and International Business Law degrees from our university.

Even though the Faculty of Law in our university has a smaller number of students, it enables the faculty to excel in a different way. For example, it creates the opportunity to listen to practical classes and seminars in small groups, which helps to learn the course material more effectively, nurture talent and establish a direct teacher-student relationship. Compared to the number of students, the number of special dormitories and optional courses offered is extensive, which provides a sufficiently broad opportunity to satisfy the diverse interests of the students, as well as to present novelties following the changes of the modern world.


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