Discussions with Soongsil University in South Korea

Prof. Dr. Zoltán J. Tóth, Dean of the Faculty of Law, participated in the IVR 2024 Congress in Seoul from 8-12 July 2024. In the framework of the programme, he held talks with Professor Beomsik Jang, Rector of Soongsil University, and Professor Tae Kyun Yoo on 9 July. He also met with Professor Ihm Sahng Hyeog, Head of the Institute of Legal Studies and Head of Korean Law & Society, and with professors at the Institute. During the talks, the two sides discussed possible future professional, research and educational cooperation and shared their experiences.

Megbeszélések a dél-koreai Soongsil Egyetemmel Megbeszélések a dél-koreai Soongsil Egyetemmel