Sarnyai, Csaba Máté

Sarnyai, Csaba Máté

Title: PhD
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1968
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: + (36) 1 483 2888

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2001.
Discipline: History
Title of Thesis: The Relation of the Catholic High Clergy to the Emergence of Civil Society (March to December 1848) [The Problematic Realization of Catholic Church Autonomy]
Issuing Institution: University of Pécs [PTE], Hungary

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1993, 1995
Discipline(s): Literature, History and Comparative Literature, Philosophy
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged [JATE], Hungary

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Art Studies and Liberal Arts
Department: General Humanities
Current Position(s): Associate Professor

Previous Employer: Kodolányi János College
Previous Position Held: Associate Professor

Other Previous Employers: University of Szeged, Department of Religious Studies and Department of Modern and Contemporary Hungarian History
Other Previous Positions Held: Research Fellow and regular Lecturer

Areas of Research and Teaching

European and Hungarian ecclesiastic history in the 19th-20th centuries, with special regard to the relation between state and Catholic church in modernity.

Autonomy efforts of denominations and minorities in Hungary and Europe in the 19th-20th centuries.

Modern ideas and ideologies in political science and historic religions.

History of Hungarian religious studies.

Tendencies of globalisation and their effects on the religious phenomena of our era.

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

“The Romanian political settlement and the Catholic autonomy in Transylvania (1921-1932).” Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2008-2013.

Research on the history of Hungarian religious studies—joint project with the Dept. Of Religious Studies, University of Szeged (with Prof. Dr. András Máté-Tóth), from 2007 on .

Project on Hungarian minorities abroad and their majority society (with Tibor Pap, PhD candidate), University of Pécs, Doctoral programme in Political science

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
from 2013 on Editorial member of Közép-Európai Közlemények,
a historiographic periodical 
2013 University handbook: Political ideas and ideologies and
religion in modernity
since 2012 Editorial member of Egyháztörténeti Szemle,
a historiographic periodical
since 2012 OTDK(National Academic Competition for University Students)
committee member; field: Religious Studies
since 2010 Károli University, Faculty of Arts, credit transfer
committee member
since 2009 Károli University, Faculty of Arts, TDK committee member
2008- Religious Studies MA, Specialization in the History of Religions:
Academic Quality Assurance Officer

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Cambridge First Certificate of English  (1992); TOEFL (1993)
Russian Basic level C

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2008-2013.
Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2003-2006.
Békéssy György Post-Doctoral Fellowship Hungarian Ministry of Education 2002-2005.
Bolyai János Research Fellowship Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2002-2005. (had to be forfeited by
law, due to having received the Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship in the same year)
HAS - Sasakawa Fellowship (Japan) Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Sasakawa Foundation 2000-2002.
Principal Researcher Junior Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 1999-2002 (The work done within the scope
of this research was qualified as ‘excellent’ by the competent board of trustees in 2002)
‘National Doctoral Candidate’ Scholarship Soros Foundation 1999.
Scholarship of Faludi Ferenc Academy Faludi Ferenc Academy 1997-1999.
PhD scholarship University of Pécs, PhD School in History 1995-1998.

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian SYLFF Fellows’ Association Vice-President
Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences member
Historiographers’ Society member
Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religions member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2-6 May 2011. KU Leuven Erasmus Guest Lecturer
2000-2002 Sasakawa Foundation &
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Fellow

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Csiky, Balázs,
Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School in Historiography
Serédi Jusztinián’s activity as Prince Primate 2010.


List of Publications


Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Roman Catholic high-clergy and the 1848 revolution from March to December 1848 (Realization problems of the Roman Catholic autonomy)” METEM Books, Budapest, 2002.  

Edited Books and Journals

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth A. “Illustrious authors between 1860 and 1920. Selections from the history of Hungarian religious studies. Vol. 2. (in 2013)

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth A. “Illustrious authors between 1860 and 1920. Selections from the history of Hungarian religious studies. Vol. 1. {Selection, editing, introductory study}” Belvedere, Szeged, 2009.

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Balogh E. “Ferenc Deák and the bourgeois transformation in Hungary” Szeged, 2004.

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Lakatos, A. “1848/49 and what came after… Selected documents from the files of 1848-49 of the Archiepiscopal Archives in Kalocsa. Selected, edited and introduced.” Kalocsa, 2001.

Ed.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. “State and church in Hungary in the period of the bourgeois transformation (from 1848 to 1918)” A collection of studies. METEM Books, Budapest, 2001.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The request of Mihály Horváth, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, for the organization of a Catholic congress on autonomy on 20th August 1849 (edition of source materials and introductory essay). In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History) 1997/1-2. pp. 147-150.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Bishop János Scitovszky’s letter to Baron József Eötvös, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, 1848.” (Edition of source materials and introductory essay). In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History), 1996/3-4. pp. 179-187.

Chapters in Books

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T:  The role of dynamic democracy in the formation of Europe-level solidarity and identity. In: The world in economic crises (Ed:. M. Grabowsky-P. Laidler) Jagiellonian University Press Krakow Poland (in Spring 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T: Politico-theoretical aspects of the forming European ’risk society’ In: Facing the EU’s Future (Ed: Małgorzata Michalewska- Pawlak) Wroclaw University Press (in March 2013 )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T: The (trans)formation of minority politics in Serbia and the installation of personal autonomy (national councils) In: Minority representation and minority language rights (Eds.: István Horváth – Márton Tonk) Scientia Publishing House and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities Kolozsvár (Cluj), Románia (in 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Pater István Zadravecz and a possible interpretation of the “Szeged thought” (lecture) In: 800 éves a Ferences Rend. (The Franciscan order is 800 years old) Volume 1. Eds: Medgyesy S. Norbert, Ötvös, I. MTEM - SSZFH. Budapest 2012. pp 398-405.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Ecclesiastic history in a Christian ethical dimension – the universal ecclesiastic history of Kühár Flóris. In: „Örökség és küldetés” Bencések Magyarországon vol 2. (Heritage and mission – Benedictans in Hungary.) Eds. Illés, P. A., Juhász-Laczk, A. METEM. Budapest, 2012. pp. 706-725.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap T.:  Educational strategy of the Hungarian National Council and its regional and minority-political aspects. In: Érték és sors Magyarságtudományi kutatások II. (Value and destiny - Researches in Hungarian studies II.) Ed.: Garaczi Imre: Veszprémi Humán Tudományokért Alapítvány, Veszprém 2012. pp. 397-418.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. The views of Lajos Kossuth, József Eötvös and Ferenc Deák on catholic autonomy. In: Hungary Through the Centuries  East European Monographs /Ed. Richard Mulcahy-János Angi – Tibor Glant/ Columbia University Press, New York  2012.  p.121-144.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T.: The relationship between Hungarian-majority municipalities in Voivodina nad Serbian processes of regionalisation. In: Social Geographical Challenges in Eastern-Central Europe of the 21th Century  Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute Berehovo, Ukraine. Volume II. pp. 68-76

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T.: „Personal autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina” In: Minority Politics Within the Europe of regions, Scientia Publishing House and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities Cluj Napoca, Kolozsvár, Romania 2011. Ed.: István Horváth – Márton Tonk. pp. 251-276

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „Personal-based correctional mechanisms in East-Central Europe for easing horizontal social inequalities” in: Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe  South East European University of Tetovo, Macedonia 2011. 170-184.p.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Integration, Anti-Discrimination, Assimilation? – Aspects of the Sarazzin-case in Minority Politics. (lecture) event: Globalisation, Europeanization and Other Transnational Phenomena: Descriptions, Analyses and Generalizations. Századvég Kiadó – Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola, Ed: Jolán Róka. Budapest, 2011. pp. 320-334 .

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Globalization-culture–autonomy-church/religion” In: Study of Religions in Szeged, Ed.: Porció, T.) pp. 87-97.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Protestant and the Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” (Comparison of the thoughts of Max Weber and Michael Novak) In: Calvin–Hungarians–Europe Eds.: M. Császár, Zs. and Szalai G., Pécs, 2010. pp. 217-226.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Two Franciscan friars on Catholic autonomy. March 1919 and 1920.” (On the basis of the writings of István Páter Zadravecz and an unknown author) In Reconsidered 25 years  Studies on the Horthy-era Eds.: Miklós, P., Belvedere, Szeged, 2010. pp. 181-197

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Religion, magic and sacrifice from the perspective of Károly Marót and Elek Domján” In: The history of Hungarian religious science Eds.: Hoppál, M. and Kovács, Á., L'Harmattan, Budapest, 2009. pp. 181-187

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ottokár Prohászka and the emergence of religious psychology in Hungary” In Studies of Ottokár Prohászka between 2007-2009. Ed.: Mózessy, G., Székesfehérvár, 2009. pp. 133-139.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth, A. “Prologue to a collection of texts about the history of Hungarian religious studies.” In Essays in Religious Studies 1., Budapest, 2009. pp. 87-100.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Piarists and the secondary school reform in 1848.” Eds.: Őze, S. and Koltai, A., Budapest–Piliscsaba, 2009. pp. 308-315

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The role of believers in the Catholic Church and the social questions according to Ottokár Prohászka and Sándor Gisswein.” In: Social questions and movements in Hungary 1919-1945. Ed.: Szilágyi, Cs., Budapest, 2008. pp. 163-178.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth, A. “Churches in the politically changing Eastern-Central Europe.” In: Denominations, church politics, and identity in Hungary and Slovakia after 1945. Eds.: Balogh, M. and Szarka, L., MTA, Budapest, 2008. [in Hungarian: pp. 355-359, in Slovakian: pp. 360-364.] Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Shaman conceptions in reciprocal gleam.” In: Mircea Eliade in the past and today. Eds.: Básti, Á. and Máté-Tóth, A., Szeged, 2008. pp. 137-142.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ most important duty is to say what my conviction commands...” (“Ferenc Szep’s opinion about the Roman Catholic church in Hungary in 1848).” In: Ferenc Szep Festschrift, Subotica, Serbia, 2007. pp. 149-190.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Globalisation – autonomy – churches in  the 21st century.” In: Scientific mosaic Volume 4. At the cross-roads of science. Ed.: Szűcs, O., Kalocsa, 2007. pp. 139-144.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. After revolutions, ahead of consolidation: catholic autonomy conception from the parish of a Fransiscan friar in the capital from 1920. In: The influence of Fransiscan spirituality on the history and culture of modern Central-Europe, vol 1. Eds. Őze, S. and Medgyesy-Schmikli N., PPKE BTK – METEM, Piliscsaba–Budapest, 2005. p. 375-382.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Lajos Kossuth and the Autonomy Demand of the Catholic Higher Clergy in 1848.” In: Lajos Kossuth and the churches. Ed.: Kertész, B., Budapest, 2005. pp. 62-69.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “An idea that was never realised.” in: Ferenc Deák and the bourgeois transformation in Hungary. Eds.: Balogh, E. and Sarnyai, Cs. M., Szeged, 2004, pp.177-186.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The debate between Esztergom and Kalocsa in the middle of the 19th century (1848-1866).” In Mater et magistra. Eds.: Hegedűs, A. and Csongor, E., Esztergom, 2004. pp. 175-182.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “About the concept of political Catholicism and the political Catholicism in the reform-age.” Notes about the keynote presentation given by Csaba Fazekas at the Social Scientific Workshops of the University of Miskolc. Miskolc, 2002. pp. 20-22.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ottokár Prohászka’s views on Catholic autonomy on the turn of the 19th century.” In: Ottokár Prohászka, apostle and teacher of Hungary (Studies concerning Ottokár Prohászka’s world of ideas). Eds.: Szabó, F. and Mózessy, G., Agapé, Szeged, 2002. pp. 85-96.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A priest’s views on autonomy, March 1919. (István P. Zadravecz, the ‘Kapisztrán’ of the counter–revolution, about the Catholic autonomy).” In: Hungary and Europe from 1919 till 1939. Belvedere Books, Szeged, 2001. pp. 107-122.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The autonomy–idea supported by the episcopacy in 1848.” In: The proceedings of the conference State and Church in the period of bourgeois transformation in Hungary (from 1848 to 1918). Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M., METEM Books, Budapest, 2001, pp. 63-88.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A theoretically possible solution? (Mihály Horváth’s conception of autonomy, 1849.” In: The proceedings of the conference “The war of independence and the churches.” Eds.: Csurgai–Horváth, J. and Mózessy, G., Székesfehérvár, 2000, pp. 213-226.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Confrontation or cooperation? The Catholic bishops’ conference and discussion with President Eötvös from a participant’s point of view (May–July 1848).” In: Hungary in the Great Powers’ field of Influence (Studies for Mária Ormos’ 70th birthday). Ed.: Majoros, I., Pécs, 2000. pp. 535-558.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sources for the episcopal evaluation of the secularization–efforts in 1848.” (Introductory essay and bibliographical reference.) In: Young Church–Historians’ Writings, Eds.: Fazekas, Cs., Miskolc, 1999, pp. 114–148.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The demands of the radical lower clergy and the reactions of the ecclesiastical leadership in 1848.” In: Proceedings of the conference Church and politics in Hungary in the 19th century, ed.: Hegedűs, A. and Bárdos, I., Esztergom, 1999. pp. 57–82.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Efforts to laicize the education and the Catholic higher clergy in 1848.” In Young Church-Historians’ Colloquium. Ed.: Kósa, L., ELTE Faculty of Arts’ Cultural Historical Department’s Publications I., Budapest, 1999. pp. 69–104.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  Issues of autonomy and Hungarian political parties in Voivodina after the change of system in: European and Regional Studies Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Románia (in April 2013 )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  Global challenges, local solutions in public representation in: Pécsi Politikai Tanulmányok IX. kötet (Ed: Gyimesi Péter) (in February 2013. )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Aspects of autonomy and religion in the (post)modern environment in: Europolis 2002/4. Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Románia (in Spring 2013

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  The Difficulties in the Recognition of Small Differences: The Role of Language Politics with Regard to Minority Policy Making in the Serbia of the Early 2000’s. in: International Journal of Business and Social Research Maryland USA (in February 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „The analysis of the education strategy of the National Council of the Hungarian Ethnic Minor-ity (MNT) in Vojvodina in: Jezikoslovlje Linguistics, Vol. 13. No.2 (2012) Osijek, p. 601-623

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T. “Issues of Hungarian parties and autonomy in Voivodina, Serbia after the change of system.”  In: DE IURISPRUDENTIA ET IURE PUBLICO - HU-ISSN: 1789-0446 issue:  2012/3. pp. 99-117.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Who exercises the rights of the highest feudal lord? Serédi Jusztinián's   archiepiscopal appointment.” In: Rubicon, 2012/9-10. pp. 32-35.
Sarnyai, Cs. M. “State, Catholic Church, Youth.” 1964-86. in: Emlékeztető, 2012/1. p. 39-42.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap T. “Hungarian majority municipalities in Voivodina and Serbian regionalisation processes.” In: Virtuális Intézet Közép- Európa Kutatására Közleménye issue 2012./4. pp. 89-100.
Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T. “Do Hungarians in Voivodina elect experts or politicians?” in: Közép-Európai Közlemények 2011/3-4. pp. 240-251.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A post-Trianon border modification concept. (September 1920)” in: Közép-Európai Közlemények, issue 2011/3-4. pp. 57-67.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „The formation and transformation of the minority- and regional institutional system in Serbia of the new millennium” In Geographica Timisiensis, 1/2010. pp. 77-87.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Die Meinungen von Ferenc Deák in der Sache der katholischen Autonomie.” In Ungarn-Jahrbuch, Band 29., München, 2008. pp. 111-130.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The relationship between Hellenism, Jewishness and the New Testament according to Zsigmond Varga, Jr. ” In: Orpheus Noster, 2010./1-2. pp. 113-116.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The question of legal status regarding the Roman Catholic Council  in Transylvania in the light of the memorandum of 1932” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2010/2. pp. 58-66.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The influence of the change of empire on  the development denominational affairs in Banovina (Banat) of Serbia” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2010/2. pp. 98-106.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Transylvanian secular Catholics’ evaluation of the situation after the change of empire (1921)” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2009/2-3. pp. 135-140.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sources for the history of the acquisition of Međimurje County from the diocese of Zagreb (1848) ” In Periodicle of the Hungarian National Archives, Vol. 79. (2008.) pp. 279-299.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. „…the focus of religious philosophy itself is in fact shifting in religious psychology…”Ottokár Prohászka and religious psychology. In: Essays in Church history, Vol. 2008. Issue 3-4. pp. 85-89.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ferenc Deák and the difficulties of Catholic autonomy.” In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastical History Review), Miskolc-Sárospatak, 2008/3. pp. 22-45. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ ‘What is good in people disposing of themselves if they are not submitted to God?’ The role of religion in Alexis de Tocqueville’s conception of society.” In Studia Religiosa 2, Szeged, 2008. pp. 168-174.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Political and/or church government conflict? Remarks on the detaching of the region Muraköz in 1848.” In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastic History), 2008/1-2. pp. 385-397.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Balance–wheel or trigger? (The Catholic higher clergy in the process of bourgeois transformation, April to September 1848).” In Belvedere Meridionale, 2008/5-6. pp. 4-14.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Shaman conceptions of Julius Krohn-Géza Róheim and Mircea Eliade.” In Korunk (Our Epoch), Cluj, Romania, July 2007. pp. 84-87.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ ‘Under all circumstances we will have the consolation that this matter did not depend on us.’ (A comparative study about Prohászka Ottokár’s and Sándor Giesswein’s views on Catholic autonomy).” In Belvedere Meridionale, February–March 2007. pp. 40-53.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sándor Giesswein’s view on Catholic autonomy on the turn of the 19th century.” In Kút (Well), 2003/3-4. pp. 50-59.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Der Zwang des Kompromisses oder der Kompromiβ des Zwanges?” (“The coercion of compromise or the compromise of coercion?”) In Ungarn–Jahrbuch, Band 25. (Jahrgang 2000-2001), München 2002. pp. 47-54.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Taking a determined stance in a historic moment (The protestation of the Episcopal Ecclesiastical Court of Csanád County against the monarchial manifesto and the military authority of Temesvár loyal to the emperor, October 1848).” In Korunk (Our Epoch), Cluj, Romania, July 2002. pp. 106-111.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Lajos Kossuth and the Autonomy Demand of the Catholic Higher Clergy in 1848.” In Hungarian Studies, Budapest: 2002, Volume 16 (2002/2), pp. 165-172. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The possibilities to approach Catholic autonomy in the second half of the 19th century.” In Századvég (Close of the century), Summer 2001. pp. 85-101. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Remarks on the margin of a source–book in press (Selected documents from the files of 1848/49 of the Archiepiscopal Archives in Kalocsa.” Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Lakatos, A., In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastic History Review), 2001/2, pp. 93-102.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Coercion and/or compromise. The clergy’s renouncement of the tithe in 1848.” In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastical History Review), 2000/2. pp. 119-142. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The catholic clergy and politics in the spring of 1848.” In Vigília (Vigil) 1998/10. pp. 740-745.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Demand for ecclesiastic reform in 1848.” In Egyházfórum (Church-Forum) 1998/1-2, pp. 72-78.]

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Perspectives and possibilities in the research of ecclesiastical history.” In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History), 1997/3-4, pp. 225-230.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Manumission compensation and/or proportioning. The episcopal evaluation of the efforts towards secularization at the end of 1848.” The dissertation for a doctor’s degree’s published. In Századok (Centuries) 1998/2. pp. 397–416.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Central Europe concepts and reality. Edvard Benes” In: Central European publications, 2008/2. pp. 116-118.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Church life in Szeged, the life of the people of Szeged in the church / Miklós, Péter City, Church, Society. Study on the history of Catholicism in Szeged.” In: Essays in Church history,  2007./2.  pp. 224-225.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Holy Alliance’s regime of power. On Paul Schroeder’s Transformation of European politics 1763–1848.” In Klió, 1999/1. pp. 108-111. Visit



Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Participation at conferences (selected)
Between 1998 and 2012, I read papers at 76 scientific conferences.
I have marked the ones held abroad in English.

2012    The (trans)formation of minority politics in Serbia and the installation of personal autonomy (national councils) Minority representation and minority language rights:  Origins, experiences and lessons to be learned Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania Cluj, Romania October  11-14. 2012.

2012    Politico-theoretical aspects of the forming European ’risk community. From   nation   states to Europeanization: ethnically and regionally based reproduction of social inequities and the difficulties of its reduction “Facing the EU’s Future” University of Wrocław, in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wrocław, Poland 27-28 September 2012.

2012    The role of dynamic democracy in the formation of Europe-level solidarity and identity Europe and the World in Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland  7-8 September 2012

2012    Aspects of autonomy and religion in the (post)modern environment “Religion and politics in the era of globalisation”  Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Romania June 22-24, 2012

2012    The relationship between Hungarian-majority municipalities in Voivodina and Serbian processes of regionalisation.“Challenges of Society Geography of Eastern Central Europe” Conference Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute Berehovo, Ukraine, 29-30 March 2012

2011    Multilingualism, minority education and regionality – an attempt to expose an obvious, yet little examined interrelationship through the analysis of the educational strategy of the MNT conference on concepts and consequences of multilingualism in Europe. University of Pécs – University of Osijek, 8-11 June, 2011
2011    The difficulties of validating minor differences The role of language policy in the forming of minority policy in the Serbia of the early 2000s Third Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization University of Greifswald, Germany 30 June 2011 – 02 July

2010     Personal-based correctional mechanisms in East-Central Europe for easing horizontal social inequalities ‘Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe 2.’ Scientific Research Center of the SEE (South East European) University of Tetovo (Macedonia) and the research group 'Babylonian Europe' of the University of Amsterdam, SEE University of Tetovo, Macedonia, 7 to 9 October 2010.

2010    Personal autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina ‘Minority Politics Within the Europe of regions’ ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (ISPMN), Cluj (Kolozsvár), Romania, 17 to 19 June 2010.

2010    The formation and transformation of the minority- and regional institutional system in Serbia of the new millennium ‘Cohesion and Disparities Regional Management, Peripheral Areas and Sustainable Development European Perspectives’
West University of Timişoara (Temesvár), Romania, 13 to 16 May 2010.

2010    Global expectations – local solutions: regionalisation efforts and the situation of minorities ‘Local Initiatives to the Global Crisis Conference’
University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, 24 to 26 February 2010.

2008    Alternative globalization and/or autonomy in a global society. Lecture at the conference The Question of Development and Empowerment in the Age of Globalization
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 19 to 20 January 2008.

2007   Globalization – autonomy – church/religion in the 21st century. Lecture at the conference Human Rights and Creative Leadership
Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 24 to 28 June 2007.

2007    What does autonomy mean in globalization?
Lecture at the Human Rights and Human Security Conference
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 to 22 January 2007.

2006    Study trip: Globalization, civilization and diversity
Japan Foundation, Japan, 1 to 15 November 2006.

2005     Sustainable development and the environmental policy of the European Union. Lecture introducing a discussion at the Africa-Europe Regional Forum entitled Tackling the Challenges of Sustainable Development of the sociological Scholarship Foundation conference of Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund
University of Coimbra, Portugal, 20 to 24 July 2005.

2003    Globalization, civilization and diversity. (What are we really talking about? An attempt to interpret some of the key terms of the Forum.) A lecture introducing a discussion in the ‘Globalization and/or clash of civilizations’ section of the Africa-Europe Regional Forum entitled ‘Multiculturalism: Capitalizing on the Wealth of Diversity’ at the sociological Scholarship Foundation conference of Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund
Cairo, Egypt, 21 to 24 June 2003.

2002    Kossuth and the catholic autonomy (1848). Lecture at the conference ‘Lajos Kossuth in Changing Context: History, Freedom and Memory in Modern Hungary, 1848-2001’
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 12 to 14 April 2002.


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