Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky


Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky


Title: PhD
Year of Birth: 1974 
Place of Birth (Country):
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +36-1-318-5915

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2006
Discipline: Linguistics
Title of Thesis: Yiyu. The Deciphering of a Sixteenth Century Sino-Mongol Glossary
Issuing Institution: ELTE BTK

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1998
Discipline(s): Mongol studies
Issuing Institution: ELTE BTK

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2002
Discipline(s): Chinese Studies
Issuing Institution: ELTE BTK


Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures
Department: Dept. of Japanology
Current Position(s): Adjunct professor

Previous Employer: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Previous Position Held: research fellow

Areas of Research and Teaching

Sinology, Mongol studies, Diachronic Linguistics, Philology, Oriental studies

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

1998-2006 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dept. of Altaic Studies

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency (CEF)
English  Listening C1 Reading C1 Spoken interaction C1 Spoken production C1 Writing C1
Mandarin Chinese  Listening C1 Reading C1 Spoken interaction C1 Spoken production C1 Writing C1
Khalkha Mongol Listening C2 Reading C1 Spoken interaction C2 Spoken production B2 Writing C1
Classical Chinese Reading C1
Classical Mongolian  Reading C1

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Scholarship of the Republic  MOE 1997 
 Scholarship of the Republic  MOE 1998 
 Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship  MOHR 2013 

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
 public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences member 

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
04-05 2014 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan  research 
Fall semester 2013/14 University of Hawai'i at Mānoa guest lecturer/researher 

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence




Yiyu 譯語 (Beilu yiyu 北虜譯語). An indexed critical edition of a 16th century Sino-Mongolian glossary. Hawai’i University Press-Global Oriental Publishers, Brill USA-UK-Netherlands, 2009. Reviewed by Alice Sárközi in: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Volume 66, No. 2/June 2013.

Kínai nyelv [Chinese language]. Chinese language textbook, teachers' edition (LITE language school). Budapest, 2011

Kínai (túlélő) kalauz. [a Mandarin survival phrasebook] (by Farkas Marianna, Dr. Hidvégi Áron, Dr. Apatóczky Ákos Bertalan). "A betű" Publishing House, Budapest, 2007.

Yiyu. The Deciphering of a Sixteenth Century Sino-Mongol Glossary. PhD dissertation, Budapest, 2006.

Szintaktikai sajátosságok a kínai nyelvben. A ba és bei szerkezetek esete. [Syntactic peculiarities of Mandarin. The case of BA and BEI structures] MA thesis, Budapest, 2002.

Halász szavak a mongol nyelvekben. [Fishermen’s vocabulary in Mongolic languages] MA thesis. Budapest, 1998.

Edited Books and Journals

‘Miért jön a nyárra tél? Mongol eredetmondák és mítoszok’ [Why does winter follow summer? Mongolian legends of origin] (co-authored with Ágnes Birtalan et. al.) Terebess Publishing House, Budapest, 1998.

2000 member of the editorial board at Új Keleti Szemle (‘New Oriental Review’) periodical

1997-1998 member of the editorial board at Selyemút (Silk road) magazine

Chapters in Books

Dialectal Traces in Beilu yiyu. In: The early Mongols: language, culture and history; Studies in honor of Igor de Rachewiltz on the occasion of his 80. birthday. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic series/173, pp. 9-20, 2009.

És a maradék... [The residue. Study on the history of Chinese mathematics] in: Crystal-Splendour: Essays presented in honour of Professor Kara György's 70th birthday. ELTE, Budapest, 2007. 

关于蒙古语之主语标记的问题 [On the question of the subject markers of Mongolian], Wu Xinying 吴新英 and Chen Ganglong 陈岗龙 (ed.): 面向新世纪的蒙古学回顾与展望. Minzu publishing house, Beijing, 2005. pp. 322-343

Létezik-e alanymutató a mongol nyelvben? [Are there subject markers in Mongolian?]: In: Őseink nyomában Belső-Ázsiában III. Birtalan Ágnes ed. Új Mandátum Publishing House. Budapest, 2003. pp. 15-25

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Yiyu (Beilu yiyu 北虜譯語): A Middle Mongolian glossary of the Dengtan Bijiu (登墰必究). In: Mongolica. Vol. 14 (35). pp. 368-374. Ulaanbaatar, 2004.

The Fishnames of the Mongolian Languages. In: Mongol sudlaliin erdem šinjilgeenii bičig. pp. 8-35, Ulaanbaatar, 2003.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

The late Ming Chinese Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略) and the peculiarities of the reconstruction of its “Translation” chapter: Rocznik Orientalistyczny. Warsaw, May 2015.

A kínai írásos középmongol nyelvemlékek magyarországi kutatása [Hungarian research of Middle Mongol sources in Chinese script]: Ligeti Lajos emlékülés. Budapest, 2012.

Subject markers in Mongolian. Myth or truth? In: Proceedings of the 45 th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaic Conference, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara, 2007. pp. 27-37

《譯語》(北虜譯語)16世紀的華蒙詞典之分析 (A linguistic analysis of the Yiyu, A Chinese-Mongolian glossary of the Ming dynasty) 4th International Junior Scholars’ Conference on Sinology, National Dong Hwa University, Institute of Development for Indigenous Peoples-Harvard University, Hualian, Taiwan R.O.C. 2005. november 18-21.

On the question of the subject markers of Mongolian. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mongol studies, Beijing, October 2004.

关于蒙古语之主语标记的问题:Wu Xinying 吴新英;Chen Ganglong 陈岗龙 (eds.) 面向新世纪的蒙古学回顾与展望: The mongolian studies in the new century: Review and prospect. Peking University Press, 2004. pp. 322-343. 

Yiyu. A Middle Mongolian glossary of the Dengtan Bijiu. In: Altaica Budapestinensia MMII:
Proceedings of the 45 th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Ed. by A. Sárközi and A. Rákos. Budapest, 2003. pp. 8-12. PIAC, Budapest, 2002.

Yiyu – A Dengtan Bijiu középmongol szójegyzékének forrásai [the sources of the Middle Mongol glossary if the Dengtan Bijiu]: Orientalista nap II., MTA Orientalisztikai Bizottság; ELTE Orientalisztikai Intézet, 2002. pp. 18-24.

Yiyu. A Middle Mongolian glossary of the Dengtan Bijiu. In: IAMS VII. Ulaanbaatar, 2002.

The Fishnames Of The Mongolian Languages: Б.В. Базаров et.al.: Проблемы традиционной культуры народов Байкальского региона: материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (2-3 июля 1999 г.) / UNESCO, Правительство Республики Бурятия, Всебурят. ассоц. развития культуры; Ин-т монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН;  – БНЦ СО РАН, p. 155. Ulan Ude,1999.


Sicut oves in medio luporum 1-7. Hungarian translation of the study ‘关于狼图腾的讲座与对话’ [Lecture and conversation about the Wolf totem] by Jiang Rong in: csk.blog.hu, 2009-2012

O. Sambuudorj: A mongol nyelv személyes névmásainak tárgyeseti zéró allomorfjaival kapcsolatos kérdésekről. [On the question of the accusative zero allomorphs of the personal pronouns in the Mongol language]: Birtalan Ágnes ed.: Őseink nyomában Belső-Ázsiában III. Budapest, 2003.

Creative Writing

Schönbrunn kínai szobái [The Chinese rooms of Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna] in: csk.blog.hu (website for popularised articles on oriental studies), 2012/12

Zsoldos Imre 1931-2009 (Obituary) in: csk.blog.hu, 2009

Mit mondott Mao? [What did Mao say?] (Historical essay) in: csk.blog.hu, 2009

A fehér ló nem tea [White pony is not a white peony-tea] in: csk.blog.hu, 2009

Randalírozás Mongóliában - Az ital rossz tanácsadó [Turmoil in Mongolia. Political analysis] : Magyar Narancs, 2008/28

Lin Piao zuhanása. [The fall of Lin Biao. Historical essay] In: Népszabadság (leading daily newspaper of Hungary), October 2 2001. 

Merre megy Tajvan? [Where does Taiwan go?]: 168 óra, 2000. május 25.

Újkori mongoljárás [A new Mongol invasion]: Új Keleti Szemle, 1998/1

A pogány magyarság sámánhite és kapcsolatai [The shamanic beliefs of the pagan Hungarians and its connections]: Selyemút, 1997. december

Illatos kikötő [The fragrant port. Political essay]: Selyemút, August 1997.

Éhes tigris [Hungry tiger. Political essay]: Selyemút, May 1997.

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)

2010 A Hunok titkos története [The secret History of the Huns. Documentary]. by Dr. György Daubner. Translation and proofreading of the Chinese material

2005 translation of the Taiwanese movie ‘A One and a Two’ (一一) for Mafilm Audio Ltd

2003 translation of the Hong Kongese movie ’So close’(夕阳天使) for Warner Bros

2003 professional proofreading of the translation of the Chinese movie ‘The hero’ (英雄) for Warner Bros

Organisation of Conferences

2013 Budapest China Mart China Smart Expo

2009 „Közel sem Távol-Kelet!” Conference at Budapest Corvinus University


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

2008- expert interviews on national media (available electronically at http://azsiaport.hu/media)


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Social media