Bánhegyi, Mátyás

Bánhegyi, Mátyás

Title: PhD
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1973
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +36-1-483-2885

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD): 2009
Discipline: Linguistics (Translation Studies)
Title of Thesis: The Effects of Politics and Ideology on the Translation of Argumentative Political
Newspaper Articles

Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1999
Discipline(s): English Language and Literature with ESL qualification
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of English Studies
Department: Department of English Linguistics
Current Position(s): senior lecturer

Other Previous Employers: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Other Previous Positions Held: teacher trainer

Other Previous Employers: Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University
Other Previous Positions Held: teaching assistant

Previous Employer: Szent László Secondary School
Previous Position Held: teacher of EFL, international exchange programme coordinator

Other Previous Employers: Hang Language School
Other Previous Positions Held: teacher of EFL
member of the local Pitman examination board

Other Previous Employers: Budapesti TIT
Other Previous Positions Held: author and developer of e-ktv competition materials (Internet-based competition for secondary school students)

Other Previous Employers: Szent László Education Centre
Other Previous Positions Held: teacher of EFL

Other Previous Employers: Pitman Qualifications
Other Previous Positions Held: coordinator and assessor for Károli University

Other Previous Employers: Canadian Embassy, Budapest
Other Previous Positions Held: Acting Educational and Cultural Officer; later education expert and Study in Canada! coordinator

Other Previous Employers: Intercontact Budapest Kft.
Other Previous Positions Held: translator, proofreader and editor

Other Previous Employers: Moravia IT Hungary Kft.
Other Previous Positions Held: translator, translation quality assessor

Other Previous Employers: Impact Language Solutions Kft.
Other Previous Positions Held: translator, proofreader and editor

Areas of Research and Teaching

Translation Studies (translation of political texts, communication and translation, literary translation)
Applied Linguistics (methodology, discourse analysis, teaching material development)
Canadian Studies
language development

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Canada in the English Classroom Research Group, member (Judit Nagy, Mátyás Bánhegyi, Dóra Bernhardt and Albert Rau (University of Bonn and University of Cologne)

“INFORMÁCIÓ - TUDÁS – ÉRVÉNYESÜLÉS” Developing IT and Digital Competence for Complex Innovation, member

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
continuous preparation and development of teaching and course materials for BA and MA-level courses
continuous author of preparatory books for BA and MA level language exams
continuous preparation and development of BA and MA-level programmes
continuous Head of Language Practice Section
continuous quality assurance and coordination of the BA-level basic exam
2000 development and preparation of BA-level programme and the related accreditation materials

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
German B2 (written skills)
Danish B1 (written and oral skills)

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
ICCS distinction for “Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader”: one of the four most innovative projects of 2011 ICCS 2011

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
IATEFL Hungary member
CEACS member
MulTiFola, EquiTiFola member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

1. Bánhegyi M. (ed.) 2003. Five Years of Basic Exam at Károli University. Károli University Press. Budapest


2. Bánhegyi M. (ed.) 2004. Six Years of Basic Exam at Károli University. Károli University Press. Budapest.


3. Bánhegyi M. (ed.) 2006. Practice Tests for the Basic Exam. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church and Ráday Könyvesház. Budapest.


4. Bánhegyi M. (ed.) 2011. Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader. (Co-editors: Nagy J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.) Comenius Kiadó. Pomáz.

5. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. (Co-editors: Nagy J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.). Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Budapest.

6. Bánhegyi M. (szerk.). 2013. Practice Tests for BA-level Basic Examinations. Károli Jegyzetek sorozat. Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem és Patrocinium Kiadó. Budapest.

Chapters in Books

1. Bánhegyi M. 2011. Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader. Chapters: 14 and 12. (Co-editors: Nagy J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.). Károli Gáspár University of the Comenius Kiadó. Pomáz.  

2. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. Chapter: 35. (Co-editors: Nagy J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.). Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Budapest.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

1. Bánhegyi M. 2006. A kanadai politikai diskurzus vizsgálata fordítástudományi szempontból. Fordítástudomány Vol. VIII. No. 2. 21–38.


2. Bánhegyi M. 2008. A Translation Studies Oriented Integrative Approach to Canadian Political Discourse. Across Languages and Cultures. Vol. 9. No. 1. 77–107.


3. Bánhegyi M. 2009. Imaginative Spaces in Canadian Political Discourse - An Integrative Approach to the Translation of Political Texts. In: Molnár J. (ed.) Canada in the European Mind. Imaginative Spaces: Canada in the European Mind, Europe in the Canadian Mind. Brno: Masaryk University. 17–30.


4. Bánhegyi M. 2009. The Translator's Ideology and the Reproduction of Superstructure. Working Papers in Language Pedagogy. Vol. 3. 28–56.


5. Bánhegyi M. 2009. Translation Studies, Power and Ideology: Text Linguistic Trends in the Analysis of Political Discourse. Modern Filológia Szemle. 


6. Nagy J., Bánhegyi M and Kiricsi Á. 2010. Materials for Sustainable Development through CLIL. www.clil-magyarország.5mp.eu.


7. Bánhegyi M. 2010. Politikai szövegek és fordítástudomány 1. rész: A kritikai diskurzuselemzand gyökerei és legfontosabb iskolái. Fordítástudomány Vol. 12. No 1. 16–30.


8. Bánhegyi M. 2011. Politikai szövegek and fordítástudomány 2. rész: Szövegnyelvészeti trendek a politikai diskurzuselemzés fordítástudományi megközelítése terén. Fordítástudomány Vol. 12. No 2. 24–41.


9. Bánhegyi M. 2011. Politikai szövegek és fordítástudomány 3. rész: Van Dijk kritikai diskurzuselemzés modellje és a fordításközpontú diskurzus-társadalom  hatásmodell. Fordítástudomány Vol. 13. No 1. 22–39.


10. Bánhegyi M. 2011. Transatlantic Intercultural Encounters: The Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader Project. Global Management Journal Vol. 3. No 1. 2 /2011. 30–36. Co-author: Nagy, J.


11. Bánhegyi M. 2011. The Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader: A Tricultural Empoverment. MeltingPot Vol. 15. No. 12. 6–12. Co-author: Nagy, J.


12. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Canadian Studies for the High School: The Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader. Preface to Freeside Europe – Canadiana Special Issue of 2012. Co-author: Nagy, J.


13. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A politikai manipuláció fordítástudományi kutatása európai kontextusban: a fordításközpontú politikai tömegkommunikációs modell. Studia Caroliensia 2011. 177–192.


14. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Screening Political Bias and Reality in Media Translations. Translation Journal. Online: http://translationjournal.net/journal/61bias.htm.


15. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A fordításközpontú diskurzus-társadalom hatásmodell gyakorlati alkalmazása 1. rész. Fordítástudomány Vol. 13. No 2. 37–55.


16. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A fordításközpontú diskurzus-társadalom hatásmodell gyakorlati alkalmazása 2. rész. Fordítástudomány Vol. 14. No 1. 69–81.


17. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Translation Shifts and Translator Strategies in the Hungarian Translation of Alice Munro’s “Boys and Girls”. Central European  Journal of Canadian Studies. Vol. 8. 89–102.


18. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Néhány gondolat a fordítói és lektori munkáról a magyar vonatkozó névmások használatának jelenkori változása és a nyelvhelyesség tükrében. In: Pintér, T., Pődör D. and P. Márkus Katalin. (eds.) Szavak pásztora (Írások Magay Tamás tiszteletére). 287–293.


19. Bánhegyi M. 2013. Politikai manipuláció és/vagy fordítástudomány. A fordításközpontú politikai tömegkommunikációs modell elméleti alapjai. In: Klaudy Kinga. (szerk.) Fordítás és tolmácsolás. 77–93.


20. Bánhegyi M. 2013. Exposing Political Manipulation and Bias in Mediatised Translations. The Translation-centred Political Mass Communication Model. Intralinea Vol. 15.

21. Bánhegyi M. and Nagy J. 2013. Teaching Material Development in ELT: Creating a Canada-related Cultural Reader Series. Conference Proceedings of English Linguistics: Past, Present and Future. 511-514.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

1. Bánhegyi M. 2011. The Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader Project. Lingua 2011: Szaknyelvoktatás és multikulturalitás. 242–247. Co-author: Nagy, J.

Book Reviews

1. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Mona Baker: Translation and Conflict. Across Languages and Cultures. Vol. 7. No. 2. 269–286.


2. Bánhegyi M. 2007. Ch. Schaffner and H. K. Holmes (eds.): Discourse and Ideologies Fordítástudomány Vol. IX. No. 1. 125–130.


3. Bánhegyi M. 2007. Myriam Salama-Carr (ed.): Translating and Interpreting Conflict. Across Languages and Cultures. Vol. 8. No. 2. 274–280.


4. Bánhegyi M. 2010. Lynne Bowker: Computer Aided Translation Technology. Modern Filológia Szemle: filologia.hu.

5. Bánhegyi M. 2010. Federico Zanettin: Comics in Translation. Across Languages and Cultures. Vol. 11. No. 2. 273–281.



Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)


1. Nagy J. and Bánhegyi M. 2007. Teach Canada! 2.0 Resource CD for Secondary School Teachers of EFL. Embassy of Canada, Hungary. Budapest.

Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

1. Bánhegyi M. 1999. Using Newspapers in Teaching English. At: 6th MacMillan Conference. MacMillan UK. Budapest. 24/04/1999.

2. Bánhegyi M. 1999. Slang in the Classroom. At: 1st Longman Conference. Longman UK. Budapest. 19/09/1999. 

3. Bánhegyi M. 1999. How to Prepare Students Successfully for the Diverse Tasks of Reading Comprehension Papers. At: Language Learning - A European Perspective. NYESZE. Budapest. 24/11/1999.

4. Bánhegyi M. 2000. Idioms for the Teacher in the Street. At: 7th MacMillan Methodolgy Conference. MacMillan UK. Budapest. 15/04/2000.

5. Bánhegyi M. 2000. Reading Comprehension Tasks at Various English Language Exams. At: 1. Hang Módszertani Konferencia. Hang Nyelviskola. Budapest 23/09/2000.

6. Bánhegyi M. 2001. Phrasal Verbs – Fable Works. At: 8th MacMillan Methodology Conference. MacMillan UK. Budapest. 06/04/ 2001.

7. Bánhegyi M. 2001. Az EU által támogatott Comenius 1. projektek nyelvi módszertana. At: Language Learning – A European Perspective. NYESZE. Budapest. 23/04/2001.

8. Bánhegyi M. 2002. Project Work: A Useful and Efficient Method in Teaching Vocabulary. At: Words, Words, Words. Oxford University Press UK. Budapest. 16/04/2002.

9. Bánhegyi M. 2005. Christmas in Canada. At: Oxford University Press Conference. Oxford University Press UK. Budapest. 180/12/2005. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

10. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Creating Your New Headway Intermediate: Supplementing the Coursebook. At: Oxford University Press Conference. Oxford University Press UK. Budapest. 18/03/2006. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

11. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Canadian Political Discourse. At: Canada in the European Mind - Europe in the Canadian Mind. International Congress of CEACS. University of Debrecen, Debrecen. 26-28/10/2006.

12. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Canadian Festivals and Holidays. At: Oxford University Press Conference. Oxford University Press UK. Budapest. 19/11/2006. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

13. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Teaching Canadian Culture at High School Level. At: Canada Day. University of Miskolc, Miskolc. 23/11/2006. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

14. Bánhegyi M. 2006. Canadian Culture in Hungarian Schools. Baranya Megyei Pedagógia Szakszolgáltatók Központja. Pécs. 27/11/2006. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

15. Bánhegyi M. 2007. Canada in the Classroom. At: 28th Annual Conference of GKS. Grainau, Germany. 17-19/02/2007. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

16. Bánhegyi M. 2007. ICT in Language Teaching: Canada on the Internet - CLIL Methodology through Canadian Sources. At: Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium IKT Konferencia. Budapest. 07/03/2007. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

17. Bánhegyi M. 2007. Teaching Canadian Culture at Various Levels. At: Canada Day. Veszprémi Egyetem BTK. Veszprém. 26/04/2007. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

18. Bánhegyi M. 2007. Culture Canada. At: MacMillan Methodology Conference. MacMillan UK. Budapest. 27/04/2007. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

19. Bánhegyi M. 2008. Teaching Material Development - Canada on the Web. At: Sprachen erleben - Europa verstehen. Pädagogische Hochschule Wien. Wien. 1-2/02/2008. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

20. Bánhegyi M. 2008. Canadian Holidays and Festivals - A Topic for the Classroom. At: Sprachen erleben - Europa verstehen. Pädagogische Hochschule Wien. Wien. 1-2/02/2008. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

21. Bánhegyi M. 2008. Bilingual Canada. At: MacMillan Methodology Conference. MacMillan UK. Budapest. 12/04/2008. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

22. Bánhegyi M. 2009. Preparing Students for Intercultural and Cross-curricular Communication. At: IATEFL 2009 Conference. Budapest. 3/10/2009. Co-presenter: Sárosdy, J.

23. Bánhegyi M. 2009. Getting Students to Speak. At: MacMillan Methodology Conference. Budapest. 15/04/2009. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

24. Bánhegyi M. 2010. Sustainable Development and CLIL Methodology Developing health and environment consciousness (with a special focus on Ambroisa Artemisiifolia) with the method of Content and Langauge Integrated Learning. At: CLIL Konferencia. Budapest. 26/02/2010. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

25. Bánhegyi M. 2011. Introducing the Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader. At: Idegennyelvi Könyvtár Tanártovábbképző Konferencia. Budapest. 04/03/2011. Co-presenters: Nagy, J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.

26. Bánhegyi M. 2011. A Tricultural Empowerment: The Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader. At: IATEFL 2011. Budapest. 09/10/2011. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

27. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Materials on Canadian Natives for the Upper Primary and Secondary English Classroom. At: Indigenous Perspectives of North America. Budapest. 09/03/2012. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

28. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Introducing The A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. At: Indigenous Perspectives of North America. Budapest. 09/03/2012. Co-presenters: Nagy, J., Bernhardt D., Albert R.

29. Bánhegyi M. 2012. Inspired by Aboriginals: A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. At: IATEFL 2012. Eger. 05/10/2012. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

30. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A Central European Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. At: 6th Triennial International Conference of CEACS. Bratislava. 13/10/2012. 

31. Bánhegyi M. 2012. A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives –A Project on Culture-related Teaching Material Development. At: SZOKOE 12th International Conference. Budapest. 23/11/2012. Co-presenter: Nagy, J.

32. Bánhegyi M. 2013. Teaching Material Development in ELT: Creating a Canada-related Cultural Reader Series. Elhangzott: English Linguistics: Past, Present and Future. Szöul (Korea) 2013. július 6. Társelőadó: Nagy Judit.

33. Bánhegyi M. 2013. A Trans(l)atlantic Transfer of Cultural Values: Constructing a Canada-related Cultural Reader Series for the Secondary English Classroom in Central Europe. Elhangzott: Oceans Apart: In Search of New Wor(l)ds. 6th World Congress of the International American Studies Association. Szczecin 2013. augusztus 5.


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