Department of Clinical Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology


The Department's primary teaching task is to impart knowledge in clinical psychology. Its aim is to introduce students to psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic work, preparing and equipping them to continue their work as psychologists after graduation or to study for a degree in clinical psychology. The subjects taught cover all modern trends in clinical psychology. Students will be introduced to psychoanalytic, cognitive and behavioural, person-centred, interpersonal, relaxation, symbolic, group and systems psychotherapy methods. In addition to theoretical training, students will receive practical training and will learn about the application of clinical psychology in various clinical settings. Colleagues in the department are practising psychologists themselves, who will share their clinical experience with the students.



Department of Clinical Psychology


Head of Department

Péter Lajos, PhD


Emese Molnár, PhD                           assistant professor

Emőke Bagdy, PhD                           Professor Emerita

Gergely Szabó, PhD                           assistant professor

Márta Csabai, PhD                             professor

Pálma Fehér, PhD                              assistant professor

Péter Lajos, PhD                                college professor