Department of Personality and Health Psychology
The primary educational function of the department is to provide basic knowledge in the field of personality and health psychology. Our teaching activities in the BA programme focus on the main theories of personality psychology and therapeutic background. In our personality assessment studios, students are introduced to questionnaire-based personality testing methods for measuring healthy personality. In the MA programme, our courses cover health promotion, education and prevention related to the core subjects of health psychology, preparing students for preventive work with healthy individuals. In our specialised colleges, students can learn about a range of psychological methods used in practice; they can gain first-hand experience of techniques such as art therapy, relaxation, schema therapy, family therapy, among others.
The department also runs the six-and-a-half-year Career Socialization course group (coordinator: Erika Nyitrai, PhD), which aims to deepen professional self-awareness, outline career motivations, clarify career orientation and develop the role of psychologists.
The research areas of the department focus on the relational aspects of health psychology, including the health psychological relationships of personality traits, family-related variables, spirituality and other positive psychological variables, and the major issues of personality change. In the last two academic years, two successful proposals have been supervised with financial support from our Faculty; most of our staff are involved in the Personality and Health Psychology Research Workshop.
Department of Personality and Health Psychology
(Acting) Head of Department
Sándor Rózsa PhD
Andrea Ferenczi, PhD assistant professor
Anett Szabó-Bartha, PhD assistant professor
Anna Mersdorf assistant lecturer
Enikő Csilla Kiss, PhD professor
Erika Nyitrai, PhD associate professor
Ilona Szili, PhD associate professor
Orsolya Heincz assistant lecturer
Sándor Rózsa, PhD associate professor
Valéria Ferenc assistant lecturer
Zsuzsanna Mirnics, PhD associate professor
Zsuzsanna Tanyi, PhD assistant professor
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