Department of General Psychology and Methodology

Department of General Psychology and Methodology


Head of Department: Zoltán Vass, PhD

The department covers most of the foundation subjects that students encounter at the start of their studies. It also has a role in shaping the approach: it teaches first-year students the methodology of psychological experimentation, how to design experiments, how to evaluate data and how to communicate results.

In addition to General Psychology (three semesters of lectures, exercises, workshops), our faculty members teach Anatomy, Biological Foundations of Neurology and Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System, and the statistical courses essential to empirical psychology. The basic methodological skills are imparted to students in courses as Psychometrics, measurement theory and methods, and methodology of psychological research.

After the foundation courses, students are offered more specialised courses such as Ecological psychology, Environmental psychology, Cognitive psychology at master level, Altered states of consciousness, relaxation methods and pain research.

The teaching of projective tests is one of the distinctive features of the Department of Psychology at Károli University and is closely related to the research of the department. Students can participate in classes on psychometric research related to the Rorschach test, psychometrics of projective tests, application of projective procedures in research and drawing analysis, which will enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge.

In addition to teaching, the department has significant international links, research achievements and publications.


Department of General Psychology and Methodology

Head of Department

Zoltán Vass, Professor

András Vargha, PhD                 Professor Emeritus

Áron Horváth                           assistant lecturer

Bence Gergely                         assistant lecturer

Dóra Kovács, PhD                   assistant professor

Edit Jakubovits, PhD                assistant professor

Ferenc Köteles, PhD                 professor

István Radnóti, PhD                 assistant professor

János György Horváth, PhD      professor

Judit Kárász                             assistant lecturer

Máté Smohai, PhD                   assistant professor

Olivér Nagybányai-Nagy, PhD  assistant professor

Renáta Szemerszky, PhD          associate professor

Szabolcs Takács, PhD              associate professor

Veronika Mészáros, PhD          assistant professor




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