Department of Communication and Media Studies

Department of Communication and Media Studies


Bachelor’s (BA) Programme in Communication and Media Studies

Our graduates said about us:

Duration of the programme: 6 semesters

Tuition Fee: 270,000 HUF/ semester


The Department of Communication and Media Studies, which is responsible for the Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies, accredited in June 2000, aims to provide professional education in Communication with a high ethical content and an emphasis on positive human values. Building on state-of-the-art scientific findings in the field of Communication, the programme provides a new type of expertise and skill set as well as transmits the approaches and psychosocial techniques best suited to the needs of the chosen specialization. This is supported by a 160-hour summer internship.

Students have to choose one of the following 3 specializations:

- International Communication

- PR and Marketing

- Journalism (print, radio, television, online)

Surveys conducted in recent years show that our graduates have been able to find employment in their field of specialization. Our students gain directly applicable knowledge during their studies, which is why employers welcome our graduates. In 2009, one of our students won the PR Thesis of the Year Award, announced by the Hungarian PR Association. In addition to transferring practical skills, our aim is to enable students to analyse, understand and teach the phenomena and processes of communication as well as its institutional and socio-cultural background, and to develop the communication skills of others. It is equally important for our students to be able to approach communication problems in a scientific way. The training is supported by high quality and well-equipped video, radio and media studios, where students learn all the steps as well as editorial and technical aspects of programme production - from the first takes through editing to the delivery of the material ready for broadcasting.

In the first year, a tutor, Dr. Marcellina Spannraft, Associate Professor is assigned to help students integrate into the programme.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please do not hesitate to contact her with questions regarding your studies.

The curriculum is available here.

Master’s (MA) Programme in Communication and Media Studies

Our graduates said about us:

Duration of the programme: 4 semesters

Tuition Fee (full-time and part-time education): 400,000 HUF/ semester

The MA programme in Communication and Media Studies at Károli Gáspár Reformed University expects applications primarily from students with a BA or a minor in Communication and Media Studies; however, it also welcomes students with diplomas in other fields. The course is offered on a full-time and part-time (continuing education) basis. The duration of the programme is 4 semesters, and 120 credits are required to obtain the degree. During the summer internship following the first year, students can put their studies into practice and gain work experience to help them in their future employment. The department will assist students in the selection of summer internships if necessary. Students graduating from the programme will become communication and media professionals with confident knowledge, understanding, practical skills and competences in the communication and media determinants of subsystems that operate society. There are two specializations to choose from in the full-time programme. One of them will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms and tools of online communication and effective content marketing, in addition to classical communication solutions and advertising channels. The programme is supported by a high quality and well-equipped studio and a media studio, with strong emphasis on the development of practical skills (hands-on learning) as well as on the acquisition of experience and knowledge. The second specialisation introduces students to different areas of creative content development. In the part-time education section of the programme, only the specialization in digital communication management is available.

The curricula of both programmes are available here.

Current Specializations

Creative Media Content Development (full-time only)

The altered media environment and the rapidly evolving and increasingly widespread use of technology place demands on media professionals working in late-modernity that can be met by providing practice-oriented education in the basics of content development and in the specificities of developing content in different media. The programme is aimed at students who wish to work as content development professionals in this altered media environment. The specialization provides students with the opportunity to learn how to develop interactive, specialized creative content in a controlled environment with the help of competent instructors and experts in the field.



Introduction to Publication Design

Creative writing

Radio content production

Film and video programming with nonlinear post-production

Web-publication website design

Blog and video journalism, news coverage and blogging


Digital Communication Management (full-time, correspondence education)

The aim of this specialization is to equip students with a communication approach that enables them to deal with communication challenges and tools in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors with adequate competence and creativity. Students will become familiar with the main concepts and issues related to the functioning of traditional and social media, with a particular focus on their digital aspects. The course is aimed at students who would like to work in the fields of public relations, marketing and media, and who wish to gain a comprehensive overview of digital communication as well as communication management, in addition to classical marketing communication, and also who wish to update their knowledge with up-to-date, practical skills. The course provides participants with the opportunity to learn about the mechanisms and tools of online communication, including effective content marketing, in addition to classical communication strategies and tools.


Managing online communication campaigns

Use of web analytics in campaigns/search engine optimization

Marketing management

Corporate communications

Digital content management


Thesis Topics Communication BA and MA from 2nd semester of 2023/24

Thesis Requirements Communication BA from 2nd semester of 2023/24

Thesis Requirements Communication MA from 2nd semester of 2022/23


Head of Department

Dr. László Németh, Head of Department, Associate Professor

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Full-time and Part-time Lecturers

Dr. Péter Berkes, Associate Professor

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Viktória Katalin Dömötör-Orosz, University Lecturer

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Dr. Edit Noémi Jakab, Associate Professor

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Dr. Tünde Komáromi, Associate Professor

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Dr. Dániel Körösényi, Assistant Professor

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Dr. Krisztina Kovács, Associate Professor

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Gergely Kutai, University Lecturer

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Prof. Dr. Imre Lázár, Professor

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Dr. Kristóf Legéndy, Assistant Professor

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Dr. László Németh, Associate Professor

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Dr. Sára Simon, Assistant Professor

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Dr. Marcellina Spannraft, Associate Professor

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Dr. Péter Sütheő, Associate Professor

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Dr. Ferenc Váradi, College Professor

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Dr. Csaba Zsebők, College Professor

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Lecturerss from Other Programmes

Dr. István Béres, Associate Professor

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Dr. Adrián Lips, Assistant Professor

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Dr. Irén Lovász, Associate Professor

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Dr. Vera Prontvai, Assistant Professor

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Dr. Lénárd Gergely Sándor, Associate Professor

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Dr. Gergely Szabó, Assistant Professor

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Dr. habil. István Pásztori-Kupán, Associate Professor

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Prof. Dr. Gábor Péli, Professor

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Prof. Dr. László Pólos, Professor 

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Training Studio

Dr. Dániel Körösényi, Head of Studio

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Gergely Kutai, University Lecturer

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Kristóf Szabó, Studio Assistant

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János Zoltán Ferenczi, Studio Technician

György Rácz, Studio Engineer




Krisztina Kocsis

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4 Reviczky Street, 2nd floor, Room 220

1088 Budapest

The Training Studio of Károli University operates the following radio channel:

kultX (webpage:


Student Films

Film about the Renewal of the Training Studio