Department of Sociology

Accredited in October 2011, our sociology program aims at a sociology education which has a traditionally higher ethical content and emphasises positive human values. The intent is to provide practice oriented and methodological training.

Apart from teaching basic social history sociological theory, the history of sociology, and special sociological subjects, the sociology major puts an additional focus on methodological skills development. In this framework we stress the teaching of basic information technology, mathematics, mathematical statistics, higher level and deeper methodological knowledge, and subjects with high relevance such as project management skills, negotiating, and preparing proposals. Such subjects are taught in relatively small groups in seminars, which is in line with the educational and scientific values of the Faculty of Humanities. The Christian commitment of the Faculty in its educational and scientific activities providesthe additional advantage of personal relationships between teachers and students cooperation among students, and the additional capacity inherent in scientific groups and workshops.

The quality of education and the proper labour market chances of students are guaranteed  by the teachers who have gained experience at a number of other institutions of higher education and who apply their empirical and theoretic knowledge doing research in a number of problematic fields of Hungarian society. Thus, they can provide opportunities for students to get acquainted with current research projects and a chance to get involved in them.

Labour market success is enhanced not only by- building the necessary professional networks, but also throughsummer practices, which are organically linked to seminars.

Apart from the theoretic knowledge received throughout the training, the methodological and practical subjects facilitate that students prepare their own sociological studies and provide them an opportunity to continue their studies in the same Faculty, to participate in the near future in an MA course in Sociology, or to proceed toward market-and public opinion research or social policy specializations.

Head of Department
Dr. habil. Fruzsina Albert college professor
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Full and part time teachers

Dr. Eszter Balogh associate professor
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Dr. Károly Bozsonyi associate professor
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Dr. János Bocz senior lecturer

Dr. Csaba Dupcsik associate professor
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Drs. Zoltán Kmetty assistant lecturer
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Dr. Éva Kézdy Sztárayné senior lecturer
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dr. Emőke Török senior lecturer
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