Sarnyai, Csaba Máté

Sarnyai, Csaba Máté

Title: PhD
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1968
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: + (36) 1 483 2888

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2001.
Discipline: History
Title of Thesis: The Relation of the Catholic High Clergy to the Emergence of Civil Society (March to December 1848) [The Problematic Realization of Catholic Church Autonomy]
Issuing Institution: University of Pécs [PTE], Hungary

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1993, 1995
Discipline(s): Literature, History and Comparative Literature, Philosophy
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged [JATE], Hungary

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Art Studies and Liberal Arts
Department: General Humanities
Current Position(s): Associate Professor

Previous Employer: Kodolányi János College
Previous Position Held: Associate Professor

Other Previous Employers: University of Szeged, Department of Religious Studies and Department of Modern and Contemporary Hungarian History
Other Previous Positions Held: Research Fellow and regular Lecturer

Areas of Research and Teaching

European and Hungarian ecclesiastic history in the 19th-20th centuries, with special regard to the relation between state and Catholic church in modernity.

Autonomy efforts of denominations and minorities in Hungary and Europe in the 19th-20th centuries.

Modern ideas and ideologies in political science and historic religions.

History of Hungarian religious studies.

Tendencies of globalisation and their effects on the religious phenomena of our era.

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

“The Romanian political settlement and the Catholic autonomy in Transylvania (1921-1932).” Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2008-2013.

Research on the history of Hungarian religious studies—joint project with the Dept. Of Religious Studies, University of Szeged (with Prof. Dr. András Máté-Tóth), from 2007 on .

Project on Hungarian minorities abroad and their majority society (with Tibor Pap, PhD candidate), University of Pécs, Doctoral programme in Political science

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
from 2013 on Editorial member of Közép-Európai Közlemények,
a historiographic periodical 
2013 University handbook: Political ideas and ideologies and
religion in modernity
since 2012 Editorial member of Egyháztörténeti Szemle,
a historiographic periodical
since 2012 OTDK(National Academic Competition for University Students)
committee member; field: Religious Studies
since 2010 Károli University, Faculty of Arts, credit transfer
committee member
since 2009 Károli University, Faculty of Arts, TDK committee member
2008- Religious Studies MA, Specialization in the History of Religions:
Academic Quality Assurance Officer

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Cambridge First Certificate of English  (1992); TOEFL (1993)
Russian Basic level C

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2008-2013.
Principal Researcher, Thematic Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 2003-2006.
Békéssy György Post-Doctoral Fellowship Hungarian Ministry of Education 2002-2005.
Bolyai János Research Fellowship Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2002-2005. (had to be forfeited by
law, due to having received the Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship in the same year)
HAS - Sasakawa Fellowship (Japan) Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Sasakawa Foundation 2000-2002.
Principal Researcher Junior Programme Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 1999-2002 (The work done within the scope
of this research was qualified as ‘excellent’ by the competent board of trustees in 2002)
‘National Doctoral Candidate’ Scholarship Soros Foundation 1999.
Scholarship of Faludi Ferenc Academy Faludi Ferenc Academy 1997-1999.
PhD scholarship University of Pécs, PhD School in History 1995-1998.

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian SYLFF Fellows’ Association Vice-President
Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences member
Historiographers’ Society member
Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religions member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2-6 May 2011. KU Leuven Erasmus Guest Lecturer
2000-2002 Sasakawa Foundation &
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Fellow

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Csiky, Balázs,
Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School in Historiography
Serédi Jusztinián’s activity as Prince Primate 2010.


List of Publications


Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Roman Catholic high-clergy and the 1848 revolution from March to December 1848 (Realization problems of the Roman Catholic autonomy)” METEM Books, Budapest, 2002.  

Edited Books and Journals

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth A. “Illustrious authors between 1860 and 1920. Selections from the history of Hungarian religious studies. Vol. 2. (in 2013)

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth A. “Illustrious authors between 1860 and 1920. Selections from the history of Hungarian religious studies. Vol. 1. {Selection, editing, introductory study}” Belvedere, Szeged, 2009.

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Balogh E. “Ferenc Deák and the bourgeois transformation in Hungary” Szeged, 2004.

Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Lakatos, A. “1848/49 and what came after… Selected documents from the files of 1848-49 of the Archiepiscopal Archives in Kalocsa. Selected, edited and introduced.” Kalocsa, 2001.

Ed.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. “State and church in Hungary in the period of the bourgeois transformation (from 1848 to 1918)” A collection of studies. METEM Books, Budapest, 2001.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The request of Mihály Horváth, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, for the organization of a Catholic congress on autonomy on 20th August 1849 (edition of source materials and introductory essay). In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History) 1997/1-2. pp. 147-150.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Bishop János Scitovszky’s letter to Baron József Eötvös, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, 1848.” (Edition of source materials and introductory essay). In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History), 1996/3-4. pp. 179-187.

Chapters in Books

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T:  The role of dynamic democracy in the formation of Europe-level solidarity and identity. In: The world in economic crises (Ed:. M. Grabowsky-P. Laidler) Jagiellonian University Press Krakow Poland (in Spring 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T: Politico-theoretical aspects of the forming European ’risk society’ In: Facing the EU’s Future (Ed: Małgorzata Michalewska- Pawlak) Wroclaw University Press (in March 2013 )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T: The (trans)formation of minority politics in Serbia and the installation of personal autonomy (national councils) In: Minority representation and minority language rights (Eds.: István Horváth – Márton Tonk) Scientia Publishing House and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities Kolozsvár (Cluj), Románia (in 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Pater István Zadravecz and a possible interpretation of the “Szeged thought” (lecture) In: 800 éves a Ferences Rend. (The Franciscan order is 800 years old) Volume 1. Eds: Medgyesy S. Norbert, Ötvös, I. MTEM - SSZFH. Budapest 2012. pp 398-405.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Ecclesiastic history in a Christian ethical dimension – the universal ecclesiastic history of Kühár Flóris. In: „Örökség és küldetés” Bencések Magyarországon vol 2. (Heritage and mission – Benedictans in Hungary.) Eds. Illés, P. A., Juhász-Laczk, A. METEM. Budapest, 2012. pp. 706-725.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap T.:  Educational strategy of the Hungarian National Council and its regional and minority-political aspects. In: Érték és sors Magyarságtudományi kutatások II. (Value and destiny - Researches in Hungarian studies II.) Ed.: Garaczi Imre: Veszprémi Humán Tudományokért Alapítvány, Veszprém 2012. pp. 397-418.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. The views of Lajos Kossuth, József Eötvös and Ferenc Deák on catholic autonomy. In: Hungary Through the Centuries  East European Monographs /Ed. Richard Mulcahy-János Angi – Tibor Glant/ Columbia University Press, New York  2012.  p.121-144.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T.: The relationship between Hungarian-majority municipalities in Voivodina nad Serbian processes of regionalisation. In: Social Geographical Challenges in Eastern-Central Europe of the 21th Century  Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute Berehovo, Ukraine. Volume II. pp. 68-76

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T.: „Personal autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina” In: Minority Politics Within the Europe of regions, Scientia Publishing House and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities Cluj Napoca, Kolozsvár, Romania 2011. Ed.: István Horváth – Márton Tonk. pp. 251-276

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „Personal-based correctional mechanisms in East-Central Europe for easing horizontal social inequalities” in: Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe  South East European University of Tetovo, Macedonia 2011. 170-184.p.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Integration, Anti-Discrimination, Assimilation? – Aspects of the Sarazzin-case in Minority Politics. (lecture) event: Globalisation, Europeanization and Other Transnational Phenomena: Descriptions, Analyses and Generalizations. Századvég Kiadó – Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola, Ed: Jolán Róka. Budapest, 2011. pp. 320-334 .

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Globalization-culture–autonomy-church/religion” In: Study of Religions in Szeged, Ed.: Porció, T.) pp. 87-97.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Protestant and the Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” (Comparison of the thoughts of Max Weber and Michael Novak) In: Calvin–Hungarians–Europe Eds.: M. Császár, Zs. and Szalai G., Pécs, 2010. pp. 217-226.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Two Franciscan friars on Catholic autonomy. March 1919 and 1920.” (On the basis of the writings of István Páter Zadravecz and an unknown author) In Reconsidered 25 years  Studies on the Horthy-era Eds.: Miklós, P., Belvedere, Szeged, 2010. pp. 181-197

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Religion, magic and sacrifice from the perspective of Károly Marót and Elek Domján” In: The history of Hungarian religious science Eds.: Hoppál, M. and Kovács, Á., L'Harmattan, Budapest, 2009. pp. 181-187

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ottokár Prohászka and the emergence of religious psychology in Hungary” In Studies of Ottokár Prohászka between 2007-2009. Ed.: Mózessy, G., Székesfehérvár, 2009. pp. 133-139.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth, A. “Prologue to a collection of texts about the history of Hungarian religious studies.” In Essays in Religious Studies 1., Budapest, 2009. pp. 87-100.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Piarists and the secondary school reform in 1848.” Eds.: Őze, S. and Koltai, A., Budapest–Piliscsaba, 2009. pp. 308-315

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The role of believers in the Catholic Church and the social questions according to Ottokár Prohászka and Sándor Gisswein.” In: Social questions and movements in Hungary 1919-1945. Ed.: Szilágyi, Cs., Budapest, 2008. pp. 163-178.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Máté-Tóth, A. “Churches in the politically changing Eastern-Central Europe.” In: Denominations, church politics, and identity in Hungary and Slovakia after 1945. Eds.: Balogh, M. and Szarka, L., MTA, Budapest, 2008. [in Hungarian: pp. 355-359, in Slovakian: pp. 360-364.] Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Shaman conceptions in reciprocal gleam.” In: Mircea Eliade in the past and today. Eds.: Básti, Á. and Máté-Tóth, A., Szeged, 2008. pp. 137-142.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ most important duty is to say what my conviction commands...” (“Ferenc Szep’s opinion about the Roman Catholic church in Hungary in 1848).” In: Ferenc Szep Festschrift, Subotica, Serbia, 2007. pp. 149-190.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Globalisation – autonomy – churches in  the 21st century.” In: Scientific mosaic Volume 4. At the cross-roads of science. Ed.: Szűcs, O., Kalocsa, 2007. pp. 139-144.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. After revolutions, ahead of consolidation: catholic autonomy conception from the parish of a Fransiscan friar in the capital from 1920. In: The influence of Fransiscan spirituality on the history and culture of modern Central-Europe, vol 1. Eds. Őze, S. and Medgyesy-Schmikli N., PPKE BTK – METEM, Piliscsaba–Budapest, 2005. p. 375-382.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Lajos Kossuth and the Autonomy Demand of the Catholic Higher Clergy in 1848.” In: Lajos Kossuth and the churches. Ed.: Kertész, B., Budapest, 2005. pp. 62-69.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “An idea that was never realised.” in: Ferenc Deák and the bourgeois transformation in Hungary. Eds.: Balogh, E. and Sarnyai, Cs. M., Szeged, 2004, pp.177-186.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The debate between Esztergom and Kalocsa in the middle of the 19th century (1848-1866).” In Mater et magistra. Eds.: Hegedűs, A. and Csongor, E., Esztergom, 2004. pp. 175-182.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “About the concept of political Catholicism and the political Catholicism in the reform-age.” Notes about the keynote presentation given by Csaba Fazekas at the Social Scientific Workshops of the University of Miskolc. Miskolc, 2002. pp. 20-22.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ottokár Prohászka’s views on Catholic autonomy on the turn of the 19th century.” In: Ottokár Prohászka, apostle and teacher of Hungary (Studies concerning Ottokár Prohászka’s world of ideas). Eds.: Szabó, F. and Mózessy, G., Agapé, Szeged, 2002. pp. 85-96.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A priest’s views on autonomy, March 1919. (István P. Zadravecz, the ‘Kapisztrán’ of the counter–revolution, about the Catholic autonomy).” In: Hungary and Europe from 1919 till 1939. Belvedere Books, Szeged, 2001. pp. 107-122.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The autonomy–idea supported by the episcopacy in 1848.” In: The proceedings of the conference State and Church in the period of bourgeois transformation in Hungary (from 1848 to 1918). Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M., METEM Books, Budapest, 2001, pp. 63-88.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A theoretically possible solution? (Mihály Horváth’s conception of autonomy, 1849.” In: The proceedings of the conference “The war of independence and the churches.” Eds.: Csurgai–Horváth, J. and Mózessy, G., Székesfehérvár, 2000, pp. 213-226.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Confrontation or cooperation? The Catholic bishops’ conference and discussion with President Eötvös from a participant’s point of view (May–July 1848).” In: Hungary in the Great Powers’ field of Influence (Studies for Mária Ormos’ 70th birthday). Ed.: Majoros, I., Pécs, 2000. pp. 535-558.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sources for the episcopal evaluation of the secularization–efforts in 1848.” (Introductory essay and bibliographical reference.) In: Young Church–Historians’ Writings, Eds.: Fazekas, Cs., Miskolc, 1999, pp. 114–148.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The demands of the radical lower clergy and the reactions of the ecclesiastical leadership in 1848.” In: Proceedings of the conference Church and politics in Hungary in the 19th century, ed.: Hegedűs, A. and Bárdos, I., Esztergom, 1999. pp. 57–82.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Efforts to laicize the education and the Catholic higher clergy in 1848.” In Young Church-Historians’ Colloquium. Ed.: Kósa, L., ELTE Faculty of Arts’ Cultural Historical Department’s Publications I., Budapest, 1999. pp. 69–104.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  Issues of autonomy and Hungarian political parties in Voivodina after the change of system in: European and Regional Studies Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Románia (in April 2013 )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  Global challenges, local solutions in public representation in: Pécsi Politikai Tanulmányok IX. kötet (Ed: Gyimesi Péter) (in February 2013. )

Sarnyai, Cs. M. Aspects of autonomy and religion in the (post)modern environment in: Europolis 2002/4. Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Románia (in Spring 2013

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.  The Difficulties in the Recognition of Small Differences: The Role of Language Politics with Regard to Minority Policy Making in the Serbia of the Early 2000’s. in: International Journal of Business and Social Research Maryland USA (in February 2013)

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „The analysis of the education strategy of the National Council of the Hungarian Ethnic Minor-ity (MNT) in Vojvodina in: Jezikoslovlje Linguistics, Vol. 13. No.2 (2012) Osijek, p. 601-623

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T. “Issues of Hungarian parties and autonomy in Voivodina, Serbia after the change of system.”  In: DE IURISPRUDENTIA ET IURE PUBLICO - HU-ISSN: 1789-0446 issue:  2012/3. pp. 99-117.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Who exercises the rights of the highest feudal lord? Serédi Jusztinián's   archiepiscopal appointment.” In: Rubicon, 2012/9-10. pp. 32-35.
Sarnyai, Cs. M. “State, Catholic Church, Youth.” 1964-86. in: Emlékeztető, 2012/1. p. 39-42.

Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap T. “Hungarian majority municipalities in Voivodina and Serbian regionalisation processes.” In: Virtuális Intézet Közép- Európa Kutatására Közleménye issue 2012./4. pp. 89-100.
Sarnyai, Cs. M., Pap, T. “Do Hungarians in Voivodina elect experts or politicians?” in: Közép-Európai Közlemények 2011/3-4. pp. 240-251.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “A post-Trianon border modification concept. (September 1920)” in: Közép-Európai Közlemények, issue 2011/3-4. pp. 57-67.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Pap, T.: „The formation and transformation of the minority- and regional institutional system in Serbia of the new millennium” In Geographica Timisiensis, 1/2010. pp. 77-87.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Die Meinungen von Ferenc Deák in der Sache der katholischen Autonomie.” In Ungarn-Jahrbuch, Band 29., München, 2008. pp. 111-130.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The relationship between Hellenism, Jewishness and the New Testament according to Zsigmond Varga, Jr. ” In: Orpheus Noster, 2010./1-2. pp. 113-116.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The question of legal status regarding the Roman Catholic Council  in Transylvania in the light of the memorandum of 1932” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2010/2. pp. 58-66.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The influence of the change of empire on  the development denominational affairs in Banovina (Banat) of Serbia” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2010/2. pp. 98-106.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Transylvanian secular Catholics’ evaluation of the situation after the change of empire (1921)” In: Közép-Európai Közlemények (Central-European Studies), 2009/2-3. pp. 135-140.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sources for the history of the acquisition of Međimurje County from the diocese of Zagreb (1848) ” In Periodicle of the Hungarian National Archives, Vol. 79. (2008.) pp. 279-299.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. „…the focus of religious philosophy itself is in fact shifting in religious psychology…”Ottokár Prohászka and religious psychology. In: Essays in Church history, Vol. 2008. Issue 3-4. pp. 85-89.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Ferenc Deák and the difficulties of Catholic autonomy.” In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastical History Review), Miskolc-Sárospatak, 2008/3. pp. 22-45. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ ‘What is good in people disposing of themselves if they are not submitted to God?’ The role of religion in Alexis de Tocqueville’s conception of society.” In Studia Religiosa 2, Szeged, 2008. pp. 168-174.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Political and/or church government conflict? Remarks on the detaching of the region Muraköz in 1848.” In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastic History), 2008/1-2. pp. 385-397.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Balance–wheel or trigger? (The Catholic higher clergy in the process of bourgeois transformation, April to September 1848).” In Belvedere Meridionale, 2008/5-6. pp. 4-14.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Shaman conceptions of Julius Krohn-Géza Róheim and Mircea Eliade.” In Korunk (Our Epoch), Cluj, Romania, July 2007. pp. 84-87.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “ ‘Under all circumstances we will have the consolation that this matter did not depend on us.’ (A comparative study about Prohászka Ottokár’s and Sándor Giesswein’s views on Catholic autonomy).” In Belvedere Meridionale, February–March 2007. pp. 40-53.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Sándor Giesswein’s view on Catholic autonomy on the turn of the 19th century.” In Kút (Well), 2003/3-4. pp. 50-59.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Der Zwang des Kompromisses oder der Kompromiβ des Zwanges?” (“The coercion of compromise or the compromise of coercion?”) In Ungarn–Jahrbuch, Band 25. (Jahrgang 2000-2001), München 2002. pp. 47-54.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Taking a determined stance in a historic moment (The protestation of the Episcopal Ecclesiastical Court of Csanád County against the monarchial manifesto and the military authority of Temesvár loyal to the emperor, October 1848).” In Korunk (Our Epoch), Cluj, Romania, July 2002. pp. 106-111.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Lajos Kossuth and the Autonomy Demand of the Catholic Higher Clergy in 1848.” In Hungarian Studies, Budapest: 2002, Volume 16 (2002/2), pp. 165-172. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The possibilities to approach Catholic autonomy in the second half of the 19th century.” In Századvég (Close of the century), Summer 2001. pp. 85-101. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Remarks on the margin of a source–book in press (Selected documents from the files of 1848/49 of the Archiepiscopal Archives in Kalocsa.” Eds.: Sarnyai, Cs. M. and Lakatos, A., In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastic History Review), 2001/2, pp. 93-102.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Coercion and/or compromise. The clergy’s renouncement of the tithe in 1848.” In Egyháztörténeti Szemle (Ecclesiastical History Review), 2000/2. pp. 119-142. Visit

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The catholic clergy and politics in the spring of 1848.” In Vigília (Vigil) 1998/10. pp. 740-745.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Demand for ecclesiastic reform in 1848.” In Egyházfórum (Church-Forum) 1998/1-2, pp. 72-78.]

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Perspectives and possibilities in the research of ecclesiastical history.” In Magyar Egyháztörténeti Vázlatok (Hungarian Sketches of Ecclesiastical History), 1997/3-4, pp. 225-230.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Manumission compensation and/or proportioning. The episcopal evaluation of the efforts towards secularization at the end of 1848.” The dissertation for a doctor’s degree’s published. In Századok (Centuries) 1998/2. pp. 397–416.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Central Europe concepts and reality. Edvard Benes” In: Central European publications, 2008/2. pp. 116-118.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “Church life in Szeged, the life of the people of Szeged in the church / Miklós, Péter City, Church, Society. Study on the history of Catholicism in Szeged.” In: Essays in Church history,  2007./2.  pp. 224-225.

Sarnyai, Cs. M. “The Holy Alliance’s regime of power. On Paul Schroeder’s Transformation of European politics 1763–1848.” In Klió, 1999/1. pp. 108-111. Visit



Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Participation at conferences (selected)
Between 1998 and 2012, I read papers at 76 scientific conferences.
I have marked the ones held abroad in English.

2012    The (trans)formation of minority politics in Serbia and the installation of personal autonomy (national councils) Minority representation and minority language rights:  Origins, experiences and lessons to be learned Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania Cluj, Romania October  11-14. 2012.

2012    Politico-theoretical aspects of the forming European ’risk community. From   nation   states to Europeanization: ethnically and regionally based reproduction of social inequities and the difficulties of its reduction “Facing the EU’s Future” University of Wrocław, in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wrocław, Poland 27-28 September 2012.

2012    The role of dynamic democracy in the formation of Europe-level solidarity and identity Europe and the World in Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland  7-8 September 2012

2012    Aspects of autonomy and religion in the (post)modern environment “Religion and politics in the era of globalisation”  Babes-Bolyai University Kolozsvár (Cluj) Romania June 22-24, 2012

2012    The relationship between Hungarian-majority municipalities in Voivodina and Serbian processes of regionalisation.“Challenges of Society Geography of Eastern Central Europe” Conference Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute Berehovo, Ukraine, 29-30 March 2012

2011    Multilingualism, minority education and regionality – an attempt to expose an obvious, yet little examined interrelationship through the analysis of the educational strategy of the MNT conference on concepts and consequences of multilingualism in Europe. University of Pécs – University of Osijek, 8-11 June, 2011
2011    The difficulties of validating minor differences The role of language policy in the forming of minority policy in the Serbia of the early 2000s Third Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization University of Greifswald, Germany 30 June 2011 – 02 July

2010     Personal-based correctional mechanisms in East-Central Europe for easing horizontal social inequalities ‘Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe 2.’ Scientific Research Center of the SEE (South East European) University of Tetovo (Macedonia) and the research group 'Babylonian Europe' of the University of Amsterdam, SEE University of Tetovo, Macedonia, 7 to 9 October 2010.

2010    Personal autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina ‘Minority Politics Within the Europe of regions’ ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (ISPMN), Cluj (Kolozsvár), Romania, 17 to 19 June 2010.

2010    The formation and transformation of the minority- and regional institutional system in Serbia of the new millennium ‘Cohesion and Disparities Regional Management, Peripheral Areas and Sustainable Development European Perspectives’
West University of Timişoara (Temesvár), Romania, 13 to 16 May 2010.

2010    Global expectations – local solutions: regionalisation efforts and the situation of minorities ‘Local Initiatives to the Global Crisis Conference’
University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, 24 to 26 February 2010.

2008    Alternative globalization and/or autonomy in a global society. Lecture at the conference The Question of Development and Empowerment in the Age of Globalization
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 19 to 20 January 2008.

2007   Globalization – autonomy – church/religion in the 21st century. Lecture at the conference Human Rights and Creative Leadership
Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 24 to 28 June 2007.

2007    What does autonomy mean in globalization?
Lecture at the Human Rights and Human Security Conference
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 to 22 January 2007.

2006    Study trip: Globalization, civilization and diversity
Japan Foundation, Japan, 1 to 15 November 2006.

2005     Sustainable development and the environmental policy of the European Union. Lecture introducing a discussion at the Africa-Europe Regional Forum entitled Tackling the Challenges of Sustainable Development of the sociological Scholarship Foundation conference of Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund
University of Coimbra, Portugal, 20 to 24 July 2005.

2003    Globalization, civilization and diversity. (What are we really talking about? An attempt to interpret some of the key terms of the Forum.) A lecture introducing a discussion in the ‘Globalization and/or clash of civilizations’ section of the Africa-Europe Regional Forum entitled ‘Multiculturalism: Capitalizing on the Wealth of Diversity’ at the sociological Scholarship Foundation conference of Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund
Cairo, Egypt, 21 to 24 June 2003.

2002    Kossuth and the catholic autonomy (1848). Lecture at the conference ‘Lajos Kossuth in Changing Context: History, Freedom and Memory in Modern Hungary, 1848-2001’
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 12 to 14 April 2002.

Vassányi, Miklós

Vassányi, Miklós

Title: PhD
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1966
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +36-1-483-2906

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2007
Discipline: Philosophy
Title of Thesis: Anima mundi. The Rise of the World Soul Theory in German Enlightenment and Early Romanticism, Examined with Respect to the Relation between the Finite and the Infinite. (Promotor: Prof. Dr Martin Moors)
Issuing Institution: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1992
Discipline(s): Hungarian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature
Issuing Institution: ELTE University of Budapest

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) MA in Philosophy 2004

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities
Department: Department of General Humanities
Current Position(s): Associate Professor, Head of Department, Deputy Dean for Research, Erasmus and Sports Affairs

Other Previous Employers: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Other Previous Positions Held: Assistant (2005-2007)

Previous Employer: ELTE University of Budapest
Previous Position Held: Doctoral scholarship holder (1992-1995)

Areas of Research and Teaching

History of Early Modern and Modern Philosophy (esp. Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, Diderot and Schelling)
Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion
Early Byzantine Theology (esp. St Denys the Areopagite and St Maximus the Confessor)
Later Greek Neo-Platonism (esp. Proclus)
Johannes Scottus Eriugena
History of Inca, Aztec and Inuit (Eskimo) Religion

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

OTKA (Hungarian National Fund for Scientific Research) Research Group K 101503 “The Concepts and Traditions of Mysticism in European Thought” (2012-2015), chief researcher

OTKA (Hungarian National Fund for Scientific Research) Research Group K 81278 “Theological Anthropology in Patristics” (April 2010-April 2014), research fellow

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2008 Participation in the preparation of the curriculum of the MA-programme in Religious Studies
2012 Coordination of the preparation of the curriculum of the postgraduate degree programme in Christian Ethics

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English written and oral fluency
French written and oral fluency
Italian written and oral fluency
German conversational level and self-reliant reading skills
Dutch conversational level and self-reliant reading skills
Spanish conversational level and self-reliant reading skills
Latin self-reliant reading skills
Greek self-reliant reading skills

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Society for Religious Studies (MVT)  
Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS)  
Deutsch-Ungarische Gesellschaft für Philosophie  

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
April 2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Higher Institute of Philosophy
Erasmus Guest Instructor
December 2012 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Higher Institute of Philosophy
OTKA (Hungarian National Fund
for Scientific Research) Short
Research Trip

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Gergő Horváth,
ELTE Doctoral
School in
Martin Heidegger és a pszichoanalízis.
A Dasein-analízis fenomenológiai dimenziói

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Noémi Mária Najbauer,
ELTE Doctoral
School in
English Studies
„The Art of Salvation is but the Art of
Memory:” Memory as Art and Devotion
in the Sermons of John Donne
Veronika Szántó,
ELTE Doctoral
School in
Radical Politics, Natural Philosophy, and
Religion in 17th-Century England


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books


Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)


Simonfi, Zsuzsanna

Simonfi, Zsuzsanna

Title: Dr.
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1961
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2010
Discipline: Education/ PhD on Education researches
Title of Thesis: Pedagogical approach of intuition
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1999
Discipline(s): School Psychology Specialisation
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities Pedagogy teacher 2000
Teachers College Budapest School-teacher 1993
Theological Academy of the Reformed Church in Budapest   1986
Teachers College Pécs Hungarian Language and Literature – History course 1981

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Teacher Training Center
Current Position(s): Assistant professor

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Teached subjects in BA courses: history of education, educational theory
Ecology, education
Based on history of education texts
School diversity
Internal world of  church schools

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Intermediate C

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
1st award Új Pedagógiai Szemle’s tender for theses (Evaluation and Classification Issues)  

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

Szakrális mozdulat a reformpedagógiában – Az intuíció megjelenése és értelmezése az Új Iskola pedagógiájában. In: Tanulmánykötet. Gondolat Kiadó Budapest, 2011 (megjelenés alatt)

A humán tudományok paradigmáinak átrendeződése a XIX–XX. század fordulóján. Studia Caroliensia, 2008. 3-4. 183-203.

Az újszülötthöz és a csecsemőhöz való viszony változása az elmúlt évtizedekben a szoptatási gyakorlat átalakulása alapján. In: Csak az igazat, a tiszta igazat. THÉMA Budapest, 2006. 197-209.

Krisztusi szó a nemzedékek párbeszédében. Lelkipásztor, 2003. 6. 208-211.

Párhuzamok Rabelais Gargantua című műve és Freinet pedagógiája között. In: Pedagógusképzés, 2000. 1-2. 41-54.

Az értékelés és az osztályozás problematikája. Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 1994. 7-8. 187-190. 

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Az V. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencián elhangzott „A mai magyar református középiskolák identitása” című előadás társelőadója 

Borosán, Lívia

Borosán, Lívia

Title: Ms /  Dr
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1973
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2005
Discipline: Education
Title of Thesis: Perspectives on personality in the reform pedagogy
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1999
Discipline(s): School Psychology Specialisation
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Departement of Pedagogy Public education leader 2003
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities Secondary school teacher in Pedagogy 1999
College of Light Industry and Technology Leather Engineer 1995

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Teacher Training Center
Current Position(s): Docent

Previous Employer: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education
Previous Position Held: Assistant professor

Other Previous Employers: Varga Márton Horticultural and Land Surveying Vocational Secondary School
Other Previous Positions Held: Dormitory Teacher

Areas of Research and Teaching

Research of personality theories and perspectives on personality
Research of personality of reform pedagogy systems
Research of the motivational basis of andragogy
Guidance researches
Researches related to the operation of the school as an organization

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
09. 2005 –
09. 2007
Cooperation with Bildung des Handels (Germany)
professional group on andragogy, distance learning,
disparity, educational competencies topics
03. 2006. - Cooperation with Andragogy Departement of Hungarian
Educational Society and Szín Közösségi Művelődés journal
editor committee
01. 2005 - Advanced studies for teachers, organised by Human
European Union (Zalaegerszeg, Hungary), known as
Humanitas Zala, and Association for Zala

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Intermediate C
German Intermediate C

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Educational Society, Zala county section Chairman
Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Departement of Pedagogy
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities,
Doctoral Studies in Education

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
1999 Grundtvig Foundation Study tour to Finland scholar
1997 Takács Etel Foundation Research scholar

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications


Borosán Lívia – Busi Etelka – Molnárné Jákó Mária (2005): Családi védelemben. Könyv a kábítószerről szülőknek, családoknak. Philos Alapítvány, Budapest

Borosán Lívia – Busi Etelka – Molnárné Jákó Mária (2005): Drogprevenció és drogkezelés a közoktatási intézményekben. Philos Alapítvány, Budapest

Edited Books and Journals

Bábosik István – Borosán Lívia – Hunyady Györgyné – M. Nádasi Mária – Schaffhauser Franz (szerk.): Pedagógia az iskolában ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Budapest, 2011

Chapters in Books

Borosán Lívia (2011): Pályaorientáció In.: Bábosik I. – Borosán L. – Hunyady Gy-né – M. Nádasi M. – Schaffhauser F. (szerk,) (2011): Pedagógia az iskolában ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Budapest, 92-106.p.

Borosán Lívia (2011): A szabadidő, mint pedagógiai lehetőség In.: Bábosik I. – Borosán L. – Hunyady Gy-né – M. Nádasi M. – Schaffhauser F. (szerk,) (2011): Pedagógia az iskolában ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Budapest, 144-152.p.

Borosán Lívia (2011): A pedagógus segítőtársai In.: Bábosik I. – Borosán L. – Hunyady Gy-né – M. Nádasi M. – Schaffhauser F. (szerk,) (2011): Pedagógia az iskolában ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Budapest, 193-205.p.

Borosán Lívia - Hornyák Zoltán (2008): A hetedik évfolyamos tanulók szociális kompetenciájának vizsgálata Bács-Kiskun megyében In.: A pedagógusmesterség új tartalmai, Bács-Kiskun Megyei Önkormányzat Pedagógiai Intézete, Kecskemét 88-105. p.

Borosán Lívia (2007): Személyiségértelmezések a reformpedagógiákban In.: Bábosik István (szerk.): Pedagógia és személyiség, Okker Kiadó, Budapest, 546-612.p.

Borosán Lívia (2001): Reformpedagógiák, alternatív iskolák hazánkban In.: Borosán Gyula – Bálint László (szerk.): Zalai közoktatási vezető. Válogatott tanulmányok a közoktatási vezető szakos hallgatók munkáiból. MMIK, Zalaegerszeg, 16-21. p.

Borosán Lívia (1998): Egy személyiségfejlesztő felzárkóztató program modellje In.: Bábosik István – Széchy Éva (szerk.): Új pedagógiai közlemények. Új tehetségek a hazai neveléstudományban, ELTE BTK Neveléstudományi Tanszék, Pro Educatione Gentis Hungarie Alapítvány, Budapest

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Borosán Lívia (2010): Személyiségértelmezés a reformpedagógiákban In.: Szín – Közösségi Művelődés 15/6. szám 18-22. p.

Borosán Lívia (2010): Pályaorientáció In.: Szín – Közösségi Művelődés 15/6. szám 23-31. p.

Borosán Lívia – Hornyák Zoltán (2009): A 7. évfolyamos tanulók szociális kompetenciájának vizsgálata Bács-Kiskun megyében In.: Szín Közösségi Művelődés 14/3. szám 16-38.p.

Borosán Lívia (2006): Az egész életen át tartó tanulás, kulcskompetenciák, a közművelődés és a munkaerőpiac igényei. In.: Szín Közösségi Művelődés 4. szám 1-3. p.

Borosán Lívia (2004): A személyiségfejlesztés kognitív és szociális fejlesztési feladatai a 21. században In.: Tudás Menedzsment V. évf. 2. sz. 104-110. p.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Kovács Sándor – Borosán Lívia – Sótonyi Sándor (2010): Az iskolaműködés szakmai elszámolhatósága alulnézetből In.: Varga Lajos (szerk): Közoktatás – vezetési kutatások 2008-2010 Tanulmányok, Közoktatási Vezetők Képzésért Alapítvány, Miskolc

Borosán Lívia (2006): Felnőttnevelés – nevelési stílus. In.: LEPTAK, Socrates Grundtvig Tanulási kapcsolatok c. kiadvány, ZMPI, Zalaegerszeg

Borosán Lívia (2006): Erwachsenen erziehung – erziehungsstil. In.: LEPTAK, Socrates Grundtvig Tanulási kapcsolatok c. kiadvány, ZMPI, Zalaegerszeg

Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)

Borosán Lívia – Busi Etelka (2004): Pedagógiai személyiségértelmezések.



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Ars poetica és/vagy arculat? Tanári MA-ra jelentkező hallgatók motivációs leveleinek elemzése XI. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia, 2001.11.04.

A 7. évfolyamos tanulók szociális kompetenciájának mérése Bács-Kiskun megyében a 2006. évben – Országos Értékelési Konferencia, PÉK, Szeged, 2007.04.04.

Felnőttképzés és munkaerő-piaci igények – „Tanuló Zala” konferencia, Zalaegerszeg, 2006.06.16.

Az egész életen át tartó tanulás, kulcskompetenciák, közművelődés és a munkaerőpiac igényei – Felnőttképzés és Közművelődés Országos Szakmai Konferencia, Budapest, 2006.03.22.

Felnőtt nevelés - nevelési stílus – angol nyelvű előadás - Grundtvig Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Nemzetközi Találkozó, Hévíz, 2006.02.13.

Személyiségfejlesztés és kompetenciaalapú nevelés és oktatás – A „Tudásalapú társadalom fejlesztése” konferencia, Zalaegerszeg, 2006.03.24.

Bodonyi, Edit

Bodonyi, Edit

Title: Dr. habil.
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth (Country): Slovakia
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: 00 36-30 632 0635

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2009
Discipline: Education
Title of Thesis: Alternative schools in Hungary and abroad
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology

Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 1997
Discipline: Education
Title of Thesis: Minority schools in Hungary from 1945 to today
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities, Doctoral studies in Education

Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 1985
Discipline: Education
Title of Thesis: The comparative analysis of J.G.Tajovsky and A.P. Csehov
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree:
Issuing Institution:

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities Pedagogy 1990
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities Slovakian - Russian comparative literature 1983
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Social Psychology 1976

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Teacher Training Center
Current Position(s): General director

Previous Employer: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education
Previous Position Held: Docent

Other Previous Employers: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education
Other Previous Positions Held: Assistant professor

Other Previous Employers: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty Of Humanities, Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Studies
Other Previous Positions Held: Lecturer

Other Previous Employers: Teacher’s College Esztergom, Hungary
Other Previous Positions Held: College docent

Areas of Research and Teaching

Minority education
Multicultural Education
Reform and the alternative pedagogy
Practices of contemporary alternative schools in Hungary and Central Europe
Teacher training in Hungary and Central Europe
Trainings for teacher’s and pedagogy course students of the following subjects:
Education theory (teacher, pedagogy MA, special pedagogy BA)
Preparation for education (teacher course)
Educational experiences and thesis (teacher course)
Alternative schools (teacher, pedagogy BA, teacher trainings, doctoral trainings)
Sociology of minorities (pedagogy MA, teacher training)
Multicultural education (teacher, pedagogy BA, pedagogy MA, teacher trainings)
Minority education (teacher, pedagogy BA)
Assistant solutions in pedagogy (teacher trainings)

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Zmena project (Changes in education) Nitra PF UKF, 1999 – member
Ethnography in minoroty schools, KÁOKSZI, 2004-2006 – member
Cooperative school – cooperative society, 2008-2010
Relationship of family and institutional education TÁMOP 4.1.2./B / KMR, 2009-2011 – editing literature
Contents and concepts of training mentor teachers TÁMOP 4.1.2.-08/2/B KMR, 3.2.  2009-2011 - editing literature
Complex review of teacher training system, its solutions TÁMOP 3.1.5/12-2012-001 2012- present

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
  Teacher training – major leader
  Several pulications and textbooks

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
Slovakian Superlative C exam
Russian Superlative C exam
Czech Intermediate C exam

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Educational Society Memeber
Association of Teacher Educators Memeber
Orava Association for Democratic Education Memeber
Pedagogy Committee of Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Memeber
Association of Language Teachers Memeber
ORIGO National Examination Council Memeber

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2000 - Charles University in Prague,
Czech Republic
Erasmus, researches and publications
1997 - Comenius University,
Bratislava, Slovakia
Researches and publications

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Tünde Papp,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Aesthetic education in reform pedagogy 2013
Gabriella Pataky,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Creating subjects in visual education of 6-12
year-old students, based on a diagnostic
Károly Makk,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Teaching foreign languages in West-Pannon
and Burgenland regions
Olga Simon,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Russian language teaching in Hungary in
aspects of education policy and historical
Miklósné Pásztor,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Pedagogic problems of rover teenager’s

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Judit Kovács,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Bilingualism 2012
Katalin Petneki,
ELTE Doctoral
Studies in
Solutions of intercultural language learning 2010
Györgyné Krivács,
ZMNE Doctoral
Studies in
Military Science
Teaching the Russian military language in
Reform Era


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Bodonyi Edit: Modern alternatív iskolák. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2012. 121 p.

Bodonyi Edit: Nemzetiségi oktatásügy Magyarországon 1945-napjainkig, Új Pedagógiai Közlemények, ELTE BTK Neveléstudományi Tanszék, Budapest, 1999. 101 p.

Fazekas Sándorné-Bodonyi Edit (szerk.): Cítanka pre nizsí stupen základnych skol. Mikszáth Kiadó, Salgótarján,  1991

Bodonyi Edit: Nemzetiségismeret. Főiskolai jegyzet. VJTF, Esztergom, 1991. 79 p.

Bodonyi Edit (szerk.): Szlovák irodalmi antológia. Főiskolai jegyzet. VJTF, Esztergom, 1990. 170 p.

Bodonyi Edit: Szlovák irodalomtörténet. Főiskolai jegyzet. VJTF, Esztergom, 1990. 103 p.

Bodonyi Edit-Farkas Éva-Fazekas Sándorné (szerk.): Szlovák-magyar, magyar-szlovák szakszótár nemzetiségi iskolák számára. ETF, Esztergom, 1987. 43 p.

Bodonyi Edit: Szlovák nyelvművelés kezdők számára. Főiskolai jegyzet. ETF, Esztergom, 1987. 112 p.

Chapters in Books

Bodonyi Edit: Jelenkori modern alternatív iskolák, In: Németh András (szerk.):A Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola programjai – tudományos arculat, kutatási eredmények. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2012. pp. 49-65.

Bodonyi Edit: Tanárképzés Csehországban, In: M. Nádasi Mária (szerk.): A mentorképzés nemzetközi áttekintése I., 2010. pp. 109-118.

Bodonyi Edit: Tanárképzés és tanártovábbképzés Szlovákiában, In: M. Nádasi Mária (szerk.) A mentorképzés nemzetközi áttekintése I., 2010. pp. 95-108.

Bodonyi Edit: A nemzetiségi oktatásügyünk, In: Bábosik István (szerk.): Pedagógia és személyiségfejlesztés. OKKER, Budapest, 2007. pp. 227-239.

Bodonyi Edit: A gyakorlati pedagógia néhány alapkérdése: család, gyermek, társadalom. c. kötet részfejezetei. BA tananyagfejlesztés, HEFOP, Budapest, 2006

Bodonyi Edit et al.: Család, gyermek, társadalom, ELTE PPK, Budapest, 2006. 68 p.

Vámos Ágnes - Bodonyi Edit: A kisebbségi népismeret oktatása, OKI - ELTE Szláv Filológiai Tanszék, Budapest, 2004. 65 p.

Bodonyi Edit: Madarske vzdĕlani a Europa. Ped., Fak., Praha, 2003. 34 p

Bodonyi Edit: Jelenkori modern alternatív iskolák, In: Németh András (szerk.):A Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola programjai – tudományos arculat, kutatási eredmények. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2012. pp. 49-65.

Bodonyi Edit: A nemzetiségi oktatásügyünk, In: Bábosik István (szerk.): Pedagógia és személyiségfejlesztés. OKKER, Budapest, 2007. pp. 227-239.

Vámos Ágnes - Bodonyi Edit: A kisebbségi népismeret oktatása, OKI - ELTE Szláv Filológiai Tanszék, Budapest, 2004. 65 p.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Bodonyi  - Koncz -  Potocárová : Aspekty aktívnej spolupráce medzi rodinou a skolou. In: Deliberationes, 2012. V.évf.,. pp. 39-51.

Bodonyi Edit: Je slovenčina potrebna v zakladnej skole? Ľudove Noviny 2007. 5. 3. 5 p.

Bodonyi Edit: Közös európai referenciakeretek, szintezési skálák. ELTE ITK, Budapest, 2005. 17 p.

Vámos Ágnes - Bodonyi Edit - Kovács Anna - Müller Rodica: Kisebbségi népismeret oktatása a nemzetiségi iskolákban 1., Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 2004. 9. sz., pp. 23-34.

Vámos Ágnes - Bodonyi Edit - Kovács Anna - Müller Rodica: Kisebbségi népismeret oktatása a nemzetiségi iskolákban 2., Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 2004. 10. sz., pp. 41-50.

Edita Bodonyi: Alternatívne školy v Madărsku, Pedagogická Revue, 2002. 1. sz., pp. 17-22.

Bodonyi Edit: Hlavne smery usili o zmĕnu vzdelavani v Madărsku. Ucitelske Listy, 2000/3.

Bodonyi Edit: Nemzetiségi pedagógusképzés. Beszámoló az MKM részére. OKI, Budapest, 2000.

Bodonyi Edit: Interkulturna vychova v podmienkach Madărskej republiky. Pedagogicka Revue, 1999. 10. sz. pp. 26-31.

Bodonyi Edit: Szlovák nemzetiségi oktatás. In: Pedagógiai Lexikon III. kötet. Keraban K. 1997. 

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Bodonyi Edit: Stav vyuĉby menšinovej vzdelanosti v narodnostnych školach v Madarsku. In: Maria Zilakova (szerk.): Aktualne problemy slovakistiky. ELTE BTK Szláv Filológiai Tanszék, Budapest, 2007. pp. 188-199.

Bodonyi Edit: Strategia reformnych zmien. In: Koncepcia vychovy a vzdelavania. Milenium, Prešov, 2005. pp. 74-91.

Edita Bodonyi: Fenomén túlania sa detí v období puberty., In: O kriminalite mládeže. IUVENTA, Bratislava, 2002. pp. 277-286. 

Book Reviews

Edita Bodonyi:  Kudlácová, B. (ed.): Európské pedagogické myslenie (od antiky po modernu). Trnava, Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2010. 317  p. .2.évf. 2011.1. 


Nevetni, felfedezni, csodálkozni. Alternatív program nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségi nevelést folyatót óvodák számára. Kiss Árpád OKSZI, Budapest, 2002. 74 p.

Szlovák nemzetiségi óvodák nevelési programjának szaklektorálása és fordítása. OKI Tanügyi adatbank, Budapest, 1999. 105 p.

Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)


Gergely, András

Gergely, András

Title: Professor, DSc
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1946
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: 4832875

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): DSc 1996
Discipline: history
Title of Thesis: The Revolutions in Central-Europa in 1848
Issuing Institution: Hungarian Academy of Siences

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1969
Discipline(s): history and philosophy
Issuing Institution: Eötvös-Loránd-University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Eötvös-József-Collegium teacher 1969

Jelenlegi munkaadó: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Institute: Institut for History
Department: Chair for modern and contemporain Hungarian History
Current Position(s): Professor

Previous Employer: Eötvös-Loránd-University
Previous Position Held: Professor

Other Previous Employers: Andrássy Gyula Deutschsprachige Universität
Other Previous Positions Held: Professor

Areas of Research and Teaching

19th century Hungarian and Central-European political and ideological History
Ideas about the history
Methods of historical sciences

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

OTKA (The country’s research fond), member of board
PhD School of the Károli-Gáspár-University

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2003 textbook writing
2011 preparation of the cursus of the doctoral schools in history
2003-2010 accreditation processes on different universities

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
english medium state degree
german high state degree
russian high state degree
dutch medium state degree

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Ránki-György prize Soros Foundation 1991
Gold merit cross order Republic of Hungary 1991

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign Institutions

Period Institution Activities
1990 University of Hamburg visiting Professor
2009, 2013
Humboldt Universität scholarship of the Humboldt Foundation
1971 Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Mainz) scholarship of the Institut

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Tibor Csík,
The agrarian lobby in Hungary before 1918 2002
Tamás Dobszay,
Reformideas about the municipalities 2002
Ferenc Velkey,
Széchenyi in the last years before 1848 1999

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
  about 15 PhD, CSc, DSc opponentship 1990-2012


List of Publications


The Awakening of István Széchenyi’ Reform-ideas. Bp. 1972.

After the Ausgleich of 1867. (Together with Zoltán Szász) Bp. 1978.

An Alternativ Economic Policy before 1848: the Railroad to the Adria. Bp. 1982.

One Nation for the Mankind. Studies on the Vormärz and on the Revolution of 1848. Bp. 1987.

The Mystery about the last Palatin, Archiduc Stephen. Bp. 1979.

What about the Revolution of 1848 in Hungary? Studies on the History of Hungary and Central Europe in 1848. Bp. 2001.

István Széchenyi (1791-1860). Pozsony, 2006.

The Birth of a Nation. Hungary between 1790-1848. Bp. 2009.

[Hungary in the Age of] Reform and Revolution 1830-1849. New York, 2011.

Edited Books and Journals

The Questions of the Modernisation of Hungary (Together with G. Pajkossy & I. Z. Dénes) Bp. 1984.

The selected Works of István Széchenyi. Bp. 1991.

The Hungarian State. Thousend Years in Europe. (Together with Gábor Máthé) Bp. 2000.

A History of Hungary 1790-1918. Bp. 2003.

Chapters in Books

The Beginning of the Reform Years in Hungary 1830-1840. In: A History of Hungary 1790-1848. (Ed. by Gyula Mérei) Bp. 1980., 19832.

Hungary in the Revolution of 1848-1849; The Foreign Policy of the Habsburg Monarchy 1867-1918. In. A History of Hungary 1790-1918. (Ed. by - - ) Bp. 2003.

Rise of the Modern Hungarian State 1740-1867. In: The Hungarian State. Thousend Years in Europe. (Ed. by - - & G. Máthé) Bp. 2000.

The History of the Political Press in Hungary 1867-1892. (Together with János Veliky) In: A History of the Hungarian Political Press II/2. 1867-1892. (Ed. by D. Kosáry & G. B. Németh) Bp. 1985.

The State System of Hungary in 1848. In: The State Systems of Hungary 1848-1945. (Ed. by F. Pölöskei & Gy. Ránki) Bp. 1981.

The Liberalisation of Hungarian Political Life 1830-1848. In: Études historiques hongroises (Ed. by F. Glatz & E. Pamlényi) Bp. 1985.

Ungarns staatsrechtliche Stellung in den Aprilgesetzen von 1848. In: Gesellschaft und Politik in der Habsburgermonarchie 1830-1918. (Ed. by F. Glatz & R. Melville) Bp. 1987.

Der ungarische Adel und der Liberalismus im Vormärz. In: Liberalismus im 19. Jahrhundert. (Ed. by D. Langewiesche) Göttingen, 1988.

Das ungarische Komitat im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Études Historiques Hongroises 1990. Settlement and Society in Hungary (Ed. by F. Glatz) Bp. 1990.

Liberal Ideas and Reality. Central Europa in 1848-49. In: Perspectives on Ideas and Reality. (Ed. by J. C. Nyíri) Bp. 1990.

Das Bündnis zwischen Frankfurt und Pest-Buda und die österreichische Frage. In:1848/1849. Revolutionen in Ostmitteleuropa (Ed. by R. Jaworski & R. Luft) München, 1996.

The Hungarian Nationalities Act of 1849. In: Geopolitics in the Danube Region. Hungarian Reconciliation Efforts 1848-1998. (Ed. by I. Romsics & B. K. Király) Bp. 1998.

Britischer Parlamentarismus oder Grundgesetz aus Belgien? Ungarns Aprilgesetze aus dem Jahre 1848. In: Verfassungswandel um 1848 im europäischen Vergleich. (Ed. by M. Kirsch & W. Schiera) Berlin, 2001.

Kossuth’s Nationality Policy 1847-1853. In: Lajos Kossuth sent word. (Ed. by L. Péter, M. Rády) London, 2003.

How did I having been a Historien? (Answers for an inquiry) Korall, 2005.

[Verfassungsgeschichte im Vormärz in] Ungarn. In: Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Band 2: 1815-1847. (Ed. by W. Daum) Bonn, 2012.

Kulturpolitik und Nationsbildung in Ungarn unter besonderen Berücksichtigung der Theater. In: Kulturpolitik und Theater. Die kontinentalen Imperien in Europa im Vergleich. (Ed. by Ph. Ther) Wien-Köln-Weimar, 2012.

[Verfassungsgeschichte zwischen 1848-1870 in] Ungarn. (Together with A. Cieger) In: Handbuch der europäischien Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im Gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Band 3: 1848-1870. Bonn, 2013.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)


Semsey, Viktória

Semsey, Viktória

Title: Dr habil.
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2003
Discipline: Sciences of universal contemporary History
Title of Thesis: Liberal Transformation in the 19th Century Spain 1808-1868
Issuing Institution: University Eötvös Loránd (ELTE BTK)

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1985
Discipline(s): History and  Spanish Literature and Language
Issuing Institution: University Eötvös Loránd (ELTE BTK)

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
University of Pécs Doctor in habilitation 2011

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of History
Department: Modern and Contemporary World History
Current Position(s): Associate professor

Previous Employer: University of Pécs Faculty of Arts
Previous Position Held: Temporary invited Professor

Other Previous Employers: University of Pázmány Faculty of Arts
Other Previous Positions Held: Temporary invited Professor

Areas of Research and Teaching

Contemporary History of Spain (19th century)
Contemporary History of Portugal (19th century)
Contemporary and modern History of Latin-America

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2006-2013 Responsible for Erasmus issues in History Institute of KRE Faculty of Arts
2009/2010 Elaborater and director of Erasmus IP, (Empires, Nations, Churches)
2011-2013 Cooperator and coordinator in textbook: Latin-America: from colonialism to freedom
2008 Author of textbook: Short History of Spain and Latin-America in 19-20th Centuries

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
spanish Upper (university degree)
portuguese Average (National Language Centre)
english Basic (high school)

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Historical Society Member
Academic Foundation of Religion and
Ecclesiastical History
Member of management

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

University Complutense,
Madrid (Spain)
University Complutense,
ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal
University Selye János, Slovakia
University Partium, Rumania
Guest (TEMPUS)

Guest (Erasmus)
Guest  (Erasmus)
Guest (Erasmus)
Guest (Erasmus)

Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia, Spain
Ministerio de Asuntos
Exteriores, Spain

Fundacão para a Ciéncia e a
Tecnologia, Portugal

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications


A polgári átalakulás Spanyolországban, 1808-1868. (Civil Transition in Spain, 1808-1868). L'Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest. 2005.

Spanyolország és Latin-Amerika 19-20. századi rövid története. (Spanish and Latin American History in the 19th and 20th Centuries). Zsigmond Király College Press - L'Harmattan Kiadó. 2008.

Edited Books and Journals

Latin America, 1750-1840. From the Desolution of the Colonial System until the Formation of the Independent States. L’Harmattan-Károli, Budapest, 2013.

Chapters in Books

1. Interntaional and National Context of the Independent Wars. 2. Chile, Peru, Bolivia. In.: Latin America, 1750-1840. From the Desolution of the Colonial System until the Formation of the Independent States. L’Harmattan, Budapest, 2013.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Carta de Lajos Kossuth a José María de Orense, 1868." Trienio. Issue 6, 1985.

Translation and presentation of 2 chapters of Trienio Liberal by Alberto Gil Novales. Világtörténet. 1986.

Polgári átalakulás a 19. századi Spanyolországban." (Civil Transition in 19th Century Spain). Századok. Year 121, Issue 6, p. 1176-1190, 1987.

Abstract on the Importance of the Scientific Work of Catalan Historian Jaimes Vicens Vives. Sic Itur Ad Astra. Issues 1-3. 1991.

Transición política en Hungría, 1989-1990." Centro de Estudios Constitucionales. Issue 78. 1992.

Review of Hungarian Political Transition in 1989 by Carmen González-Enriquez. Papeles de FIM. 1995.

Perspectivas históricas de la transición en Hungría, 1989-1990." Universidad Autónoma Madrid. 1995.

Review of Crisis y cambio en Europa del Este. La transición húngara a la democracia by Carmen González-Enriquez. Papeles de FIM. 1996.

A mérsékelt liberálisok aranykora Spanyolországban." (The Golden Age of Moderate Liberals in Spain). Review of the monography of José Luis Comillas. AETAS. Issues 1-2. 2000. 

Kossuth, primeiro cidadao europeo, 1848-1855." História. October issue. Published in Lisbon, 2002.

Egy ismeretlen ostromrajz Buda visszafoglalásáról." (Site and Expugnation of Buda). AETAS. Issue 1, p. 131-136. 2002.

Los inicios del socialismo-cristiano en Hungría, 1891-1895: Reflexiones clericales y láicas ante la Rerum Novarum." Estudios Eclesiásticos (Universidad Comillas, Madrid). Vol. 78. No. 305. p. 333-359. 2003.

Review of The Hungarian Question: Reports of the Spanish Ambassador in Vienna, 1848-1868 edited by Ádám Anderle. Századok. June Issue, 2003.

Review of Rebels and Passive Resistants: People's Resistance To Liberalism, 1834-1868, monography by Maria de Fátima Sá. Klió Történelmi Szemléző. November Issue, 2004.

"Macau's role in Spanish-Portuguese Relations Between the Two Opium Wars". Paper for the European Expansion Individual Program: Empires and Colonies, Eötvös Loránd University. 2004.

"A portugál sajtó az 1848-1849-es magyarországi eseményekről." (Portuguese Press on Hungarian Events in 1848-1849). Századok. Year 139. Issue 3. p. 659-682. 2005.

"Az ibérizmus Portugáliában. Uniós és konföderációs tervek az Ibériai-félszigeten 1848-1874 között." (Iberism in Portugal. Union and Confederacy Plans on the Iberian Peninsula between 1848-1874). Studia Caroliensia. Issue 4. p. 113-124. 2005.

Historical Reference List for Versos Nuevos - Últimos Barcos. A Collection of Poems by Endre Ady translated into Spanish. La Poesía Señor Hidalgo, Barcelona. 2008.

"Fuentes húngaras sobre la guerra de España, 1808-1814". In: El Comienzo de la Guerra de la Independencia. Congreso Internacional del Bicentenario. ed. by Emilio de Diego, Actas. Madrid. p. 89-111. 2009.

"Floridától a Monroe-elvig" (From Florida to the Monroe Doctrine). In: Két világ kutatója. ed. by Háda B., Majoros I., Maruzsa Z., Petneházi M., Booklet published for the 80th birthday of Aladár Urbán. Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Eötvös Loránd University. p. 357-367. 2009.

"A félszigeti háború nemzetközi összefüggései, 1807-1814." (The Interconnections of the Peninsular War, 1807-1814). Pannon University Press, Veszprém. 2009.

"A Nemzeti Újság illusztrációi a spanyol polgárháborúról." (Illustrations in the newspaper Nemzeti Újság of the Spanish Civil War). Századok. 2010.

Donoso Cortés on the Bible. Conference Booklet for the Year of the Bible, Károli Gáspár Calvinist University. 2010.

"A Guerra Peninsular na imprensa periódica húngara e na cartografía militar austriaca, 1807-1814." Under publication in Lisbon.

"La prensa contemporánea húngara en 1810-1826 sobre América Latina." Lecture at the conference: 1810-2010: Europa, Hungría y América Latina, Centro Iberoamericano, University of Pécs. Under publication. 2010.

"Képzelet és valóság: az inkvizícióról Goya képei alapján" (Imagination and reality: on the inquisition based on Goya's images). Lecture at the conference: Bűn, bűnhődés, büntetés (Crime, Punishment, Expiation), Hungarian Historical Society, History of Religion Branch, Budapest. Under publication. 2010.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)


Makkai, Béla

Makkai, Béla

Title: CSc
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1961
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: + 36 1 483-28-75

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 1995
Discipline: History
Title of Thesis: The Slavonian Action and Hungarians in Croatia 1904-1920
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1985
Discipline(s): History – Pedagogy
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of History
Department: Modern and Contemporary World History
Current Position(s): Head of Department

Previous Employer: National Széchényi Library
Previous Position Held: Scientific Advisor

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Interethnic Relations in the Carpathian Basin
19th century World History
Eastern Europe and the Balkans in Modern Age

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

IP program, Erasmus 2010 – Lecturer
2006-2007 Associate of Eastern Mediterranean and Balkan Studies Center, Pécs
1995 Deputy Leader for the Hungarology Program of the National Széchényi Library

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2010 Head of the Interethnic Relations in the Carpathian Basin and the Balkans MA History Program

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
Serbo-Croatian Intermediate
English Intermediate

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Keresztury-jutalom National Széchényi Library 1996
Pro Meliore emlékérem Mathias Corvinus Collegium 2006

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Hungarian-Croatian History Committee (1997) Member
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Member of the General Assembly (1998-)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
15-18 October 2012 Selye János Egyetem, Komárno, Slovakia Guest Lecturer
29 March – 7 April 2012 Babes-Bolyai Univeristy, Cluj, Romania Guest Lecturer
30 October – 6
November 2011
Biblioteca Academiei Române,
Bukarest, Romania
October 2000 Arhiv Rijeka, Croatia Archival Research (Klebelsberg Kuno Scholarship)
August 1996 Haus- Hof- und
Staatsarchiv, Vienna
Archival Research (Collegium Hungaricum Scholarship)
October –
December 1995
Arhiv Hrvatske, Zagreb,
Archival Research (Hungarian State’s Eötvös Scholarship)
November 1991 – January 1992 Arhiv Hrvatske, Zagreb,
Archival Research (Peregrinatio II – Eötvös University Foundation)
October – December 1989 National and University
Library, Zagreb ,Croatia
Archival Research (International Exchange Program)

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications


A "Slavoniai actio" és a horvátországi magyarság (1904-1920). (The Slavonian Action and the Hungarians in Croatia, 1904-1920). Doctoral dissertation. Budapest, 1994. Manuscript.

Végvár, vagy hídfő? „Az idegenben élő magyarság nemzeti gondozása” Horvátországban és Bosznia-Hercegovinában, 1904-1920. (Border Castle or Bridge-Head? “The National Policy on Hungarians Living Abroad” in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina). Lucidus: Budapest, 2003.

Idegenben: tanulmányok a magyar-magyar kapcsolatok korai történetéből. (Abroad: Studies in the History of Hungarian-Hungarian Relations). Károli University: Budapest, 2004.

Híja-haza: cikkek, esszék, tanulmányok. (Híja-haza: Articles, Essays, Studies). Magyar Nyugat: Budapest, 2012.

Kisebbségi magyar sajtó – Trianon előtt. (The Press of Hungarians in Minority before Trianon).  Manuscript.  

Edited Books and Journals

Hungarika Információ: összefoglaló tárgyszó index, 1986-1989. (Hungarica Information: Index). Eds. Gál Julianna, Kovács Ilona, Makkai Bélaand Rácz Aranka. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár: Budapest, 1987-1992.

Chapters in Books

A középiskolák működésének szabályozása. (The regulation of Secondary Schools, 1883-1948). In: Iskola és önállóság. Ed. Ördögh Erzsébet. Oktatáskutató Intézet: Budapest. 1987.v p. 41-84.

Református iskola és szeretetház – Vukovár. (Calvinist Hungarian School and Hospice in Vukovar, 1904-1919). In: Fejezetek a horvátországi magyarok történetéből: tanulmányok. Ed. Arday Lajos. Teleki László Alapítvány - Közép-Európa Intézet: Budapest, 1994. p. 73-84.

and Várkonyi Ildikó. A "Szlavóniai Magyar Újság" és a horvátországi magyarság. (The Hungarian Journal in Slavonia and the Hungarians in Croatia, 1908-1918). Ed. Arday Lajos. . Teleki László Alapítvány - Közép-Európa Intézet_ Budapest, 1994. p. 73-84., 85-108.

Caring for Hungarians in Bukovina.  In Minorities Research: A Collection of Studies by Hungarian Authors, vol 3. Ed. Cholnoky Győző. Lucidus: Budapest, 2001. p. 20-41.

A magyar-horvát viszony a szétválás előtt: a magyarság szlavóniai térfoglalásának tükrében = Mađarsko-hrvatsko odnosi prije raspada Monarhije : iz aspekta naseljenja Mađara u Slavoniju]. (Hungarian-Croatian Relations in view of Slavonian Hungarians before the Fall of the Habsburg Empire). In: Croato-Hungarica: uz 900 godina hrvatsko-mađarskih povijesnih veza. Eds Milka Jauk Pinhak, Kiss Gy. Csaba, Nyomárkay István. Katedra za hungarologiju Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – Matica hrvatska: Zagreb, 2002. p. 107-118.

Magyarsággondozás Galaţin (1901-1920). (Hungarian National Policy in Galaţin, 1901-1920). In: Hagyomány, közösség, művelődés: tanulmányok a hatvanéves Kósa László tiszteletére. Eds. Ablonczy Balázs et al. Books in Print: Budapest, 2002. p. 492-504.

Fiume szerepe a magyar-horvát kapcsolatok alakulásában (múlt és jelen). (The Role of Rijeka in Hungarian-Croatian Relations). In: Kárpát-medencei keresztkötődések: egy konferenciasorozat tükrében / Ed.  Székely András Bertalan. – Kráter Műhely Egyesület: Budapest, 2004. p. 345-353., 353-362. Republishment.

A magyarság szlavóniai térfoglalásának horvát reakciói a századelőn. (Croatian Reaction to the Slavonian Hungarian Insinuation). In: Kárpát-medencei keresztkötődések: egy konferenciasorozat tükrében / Ed.  Székely András Bertalan. – Kráter Műhely Egyesület: Budapest, 2004. p. 353-362. Republishment.

A fiumei protestáns egyház. (Protestant Church in Rijeka) In: Fiume és a magyar kultúra: művelődéstörténeti tanulmányok. Ed. Kiss Gy. Csaba. Eötvös University – Kortárs: Budapest, 2004. p. 97-117.

Pályakép szürkéből, színekkel. (Grey Career Image with Colors). In: A 150 éves Sümegi Kisfaludy Sándor Gimnázium: jubileumi évkönyv. Ed. Kovács Attiláné. Anzsu: Sopron, 2007. p. 97-101.

Száz éve indult a Szlavóniai akció. (The Beginning of the Slavonian Action a Hundred Years Ago) In: Üzenet a végekről, vol 3. Ed. Gubcsi Lajos. Gubacsi: Budapest, 2007. p. 66-67.

Léha pásztor – tikkadt nyáj. (Lazy Shephard, Your Herd is Declining). In: A magyar szép: párbeszéd a magyar jövőről. Eds. Mészáros László and Szőcs Géza. Kecskeméti Lapok: Kecskemét, 2009. p. 95-96. 

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

A "Slavoniai actio" református egyházi ága. (The Calvinist Line of the Slavonian Action). In Protestáns Szemle, vol 4, no 1 (January-March 1995). p. 7-26.

Magyar szórványgondozás Bosznia-Hercegovinában. (Hungarian National Policy in the Hungarian Diaspora in Bosnia and Herzegovina). In Regio : kisebbségi szemle, vol. 6, no 3. (1995). p. 65-88.

A magyar kormányzat "Bosniai actio"-ja (1909-1919). (The Bosnian Action of the Hungarian Government, 1909-1919). In Századok, vol 130, no 2 (1996). p. 341-381.

"Az idegenben élő magyarság nemzeti gondozásá"-nak horvátországi programja. (“The National Policy for the Hungarians Living Abroad” in Croatia). In Magyar Szemle, vol 5, no  7-8 (July-August 1996). p. 747-756.

Kormányakció a horvátországi magyarságért. (Government Action for Hungarians Lliving in Croatia). In Valóság, vol 39, no 10 (October 1996). p. 28-34.

Magyarság-gondozás Bukovinában. (Hungarian National Policy for Hungarians in Bukovina). In Kisebbségkutatás, vol 9, no 3 (2000). p. 446-477.

A Fiumei Egyesült Protestáns Misszióegyház (1911-1942). (The Rijeka Unified Protestant Missionary Church, 1911-1942). In Protestáns Szemle, vol 9, no 3 (2000). p. 182-201.

Református segélyakció a bukovinai Andrásfalván. (Calvinist Charity Program in Adrásfalva, Bukovina). In Protestáns Szemle, vol 11, no 1 (2002). p. 1-15.

A kivándorolt magyarság anyaországi támogatása a múlt század elején – Ploieşti példáján. (Governmental Support for Communities of Emigrant Hungarians at the Beginning of the 20th Century Based on the Example of Ploiesti). In Századok, vol 136, no 1 (2002). p. 3-30.

Önvédelem, vagy expanzió?  Magyar „nemzetgondozási” program a délszláv régióban a 20. század elején. (Self-Defense or Expansion? Hungarian National Policy Programs in Southern Slav Regions in the beginning of the 20th century). In Századok, vol 137, no 1 (2003). p. 101-122.

Az első magyar nyelvű lap Ó-Romániában. (The First Hungarian Papers in Old Romania). In Pro Minoritate, Spring 2004. p. 19-36.

Mađarsko-Hrvatski odnosi početkom 20. stoljeća na slavonskom području. (Hungarian-Croatian Relations in view of Slavonia in the beginning of the 20th century) = Časopis za suvremenu povijest, vol 36, no 2 (2004). p. 569-579.

Száz éve indult a Szlavóniai akció. (The Beginning of the Slavonian Action a Hundred Years Ago). In Horvátországi Magyarság, no 7 (2004). Republisment.

Egy kisebbségi hetilap – a Bucureşti Híradó (1876-1882). (A Minority Weekly: the Bucureşti Híradó, 1876-1882). In Magyar Kisebbség: nemzetpolitikai szemle, vol 9, no 3 (2004). p. 257-282.

A református magyarság Ó-Romániában. (Hungarian Calvinists in Old Romania). In Pro Minoritate, Spring 2005. p. 69-81.

A regáti magyarság szócsöve – a Romániai Hírlap (1907-1910). (The Romániai Hírlap: The Mouthpiece of Hungarians in Old Romania, 1907-1910). In Pro Minoritate, Fall 2005. p. 88-111.

A sajtó szerepe a magyar kormány ó-romániai nemzetgondozási programjában. (The Role of the Press in the Hungarian Government’s National Minority Policy in Old Romania). In Századok, vol 140, no 1 (2006). p. 3-24.

Református külmisszió a magyar etnikum peremvidékein. (Calvinist Mission among Minority Hungarians Abroad) In Confessio, no 4 (2007). p. 98-104.

Száván innen, Dráván túl: elfeledett magyarok nyomában. (To Sava, Opposite Drava: Forgotten Hungarians). In  Horvátországi Magyarság, no 7 (2007).

Egy kisebbségi hetilap – a Bucuresti Híradó (1876-1882). (A Minority Weekly: the Bucureşti Híradó, 1876-1882). In Pro Minoritate, Fall-Winter 2007. p. 118-141.

Egyes szlavóniai uradalmak szerepe a bevándorolt magyarság kulturális (nemzeti) gondozásában a XIX-XX. század fordulóján. (The Role of Some Slavonian Manors in the Cultural Preservation of Immigrant Hungarians in the Turn of the Century). In Agrártörténeti Szemle, vol. 50, no 1-4 (2009). p. 71-83.

A magyar-román szomszédságkép alakulása Ó-Romániában a 19-20. század fordulóján. (The Hungarian-Romanian Image on Each Other in Old Romania in the Turn of the Century). In Magyar Kisebbség, vol 14, no 3-4 (2009). p. 213-235.

Horvát „Vihar” után: Gotovina tábornok esete történelmi háttérrel. (After the Croatian “Storm”: The Case of General Gotovina in a Historical Frame). In Kommentár, no 3 (2011). p. 105-108.

Magyar nemzetpolitikai törekvések Szlavóniában a 19-20. század fordulóján. (Hungarian National Policy and Aspirations in Slavonia in the Turn of the Century). In Rovátkák, no 1 (2011). p. 63-72.

Migracija iz Južne Mađarske preko Drave i Save krajem XIX. stoljeća. (Migration from Southern Hungary to the Drava and Sava Region in the end of the 19th century). In Podravina, vol 10, no 19 (2011). p. 66-76.

„Samoobrana ili ekspanzija”? [Pogranična tvrđava ili mostobran?] Nacionalna skrb o Mađarima u tuđini, u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini (1904-1920). (Self-Defense or Expansion? Hungarian National Policy Programs in the Periphery, In Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1904-1920). In Podravina, scheduled to be published.  

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Kovács Ilona and N. Rácz Aranka. Hungarika Információ és hungarológiai kutatás. (Hungarika Information and Hungarological Research). III. Nemzetközi Hungarológiai Kongresszus, Szeged, 1991. In: Régi és új peregrináció: magyarok külföldön, külföldiek Magyarországon. Scriptum: Budapest- Szeged, 1993. p. 1567-1572.

A magyarság szlavóniai térfoglalásának horvát reakciói. (Croatian Reaction to the Slavonian Hungarian Insinuation). In Polisz, no 51 (January-February 2000). p. 26-31. [Kárpát-medencei keresztkötődések konferencia - Miskolci Egyetem, 4 Nov. 1999]

Fiume szerepe a magyar-horvát kapcsolatok alakulásában: múlt és jelen. (The Role of Rijeka in Hungarian-Croatian Relations). In Polisz, no 57 (February-March 2001). p. 19-24.  [Kárpát-medencei keresztkötődések II. konferencia - Leányfalu, 23-24 Nov. 2000.]

Kontredikcije aktivne zaštite manjina u krugu Slavonskih Mađara početkom 20. st. (Contradictions in the active minority protection of Slavonian Hungarians in the beginning of the 20th century).  In: Hrvatsko-mađarski odnosi, 1102-1918: zbornik radova. Ed. Kruhek, Milan. Hrvatski institut za povijest: Zagreb, 2004. p. 319-327. [International Scientific Conference, Zagreb, Biograd, Zadar, 15-18 Oct. 2002]

1948, mint korszakhatár a délvidéki magyarság történetében. (1948 the Dividing Line and the Beginning of a new Period in the History of Hungarians in Vojvodina). [„1948 – a fordulat éve – a magyar nemzet és egyházak történetében”, tudományos konferencia, Budapest, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 14 Oct. 2008]. In Confessio, no 4 (2008). p. 50-55.

A bukaresti magyar sajtó románság- és Balkán-képe, 1860-1918. (The  Perception of Hungarian Press in Bukarest on Romanians and the Balkans). VI. Magyar Politikai Földrajzi Konferencia, Magyarország és a Balkán – Pécs a Balkán kapuja? Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia, Pécs, 16-17 Oct. 2008. In: Magyarország és a Balkán. Ed. M. Császár Zsuzsa. University of Pécs: Pécs, 2009. p. 175-314.

The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy – the "Prison of  Folks"? = „Empires, Nations, Churches” Nemzetközi tudományos szeminárium, Budapest, Károli University, 10 March 2010. Scheduled to be published.

Többségben és kisebbségben – a Kárpát-medence magyarsága. (In Majority and Minority: Hungarians in the Carphatian Basin). [Kisebbségek Európáért – Európa a kisebbségekért: Nemzetközi nemzetiségi vitafórum, Pécs, 4-5 March 2011] Scheduled to be published.

Erőpróbák és helytállás a horvátországi magyar református szórvány életében. (Showdowns and Self-maintainment in the Life of Calvinist Hungarians in Croatia). [Üldöztetünk, de el nem hagyatunk; tiportatunk, de el nem veszünk]. Budapest, 3 May 2011. Scheduled to be published.

Klebelsberg nemzetkoncepciója a dualista korszakban. (Klebersberg’s National Conception in the Dualist Period). [Klebelsberg Confernecea, Budapest, 9 May 2012.]. In Rubicon, no 9-10 (2012), p. 10-13.

Székely és csángó kivándorlók, bukovinai székely idénymunkások a román munkaerőpiacon a 19–20. század fordulóján. (Székély and Csángó immigrants, Bukovinian Székely Temporary Workers in the Romanian Labor-Power Market in the Turn of the Century). [Piacok a társadalomban és a történelemben. A Hajnal István Kör konferenciája, Debrecen, 23-25 Aug. 2012]. Scheduled to be published.

Horvátország és Fiume a magyar nemzetpolitikában a XIX-XX. század fordulóján. (Croatia and Rijeka in the Hungarian National Policy in the Turn of the Century). [5th Conference on Regional History: History of Croatia and Rijeka from the Middle Ages until Present Day, Szeged, 7 Dec. 2012]. Scheduled to be published.  

Book Reviews

Külön test” – közös lelkiség: hajdanvolt Fiume. (Corpus Separatum, Shared Spirit, in the Days of Long-ago Rijeka). In Magyar Nemzet, 2 Feb. 2002.

A horvátok históriai magyarságképe. (Croatian Historical Image on Hungarians). In Pro Minoritate, Fall-Winter 2004. p. 255-264.

Hosszú válás: magyarságkép – horvát tükörben. (Prolonged Separation: Hungarian Image in Light of Croatian Assessment). In Magyar Nemzet, 8 Jan 2005.

Világos után: magyar-délszláv [kapcsolatok és] konfliktusok. (Hungarian-Yugoslav Relations and Conflicts after the Surrender at Világos). In Magyar Nemzet, 1 Oct 2005.  



Creative Writing

Mi, büszke magyarok... : képek a Kőrösi-kabinetről. In Egyetemi Lapok, vol 29, no 18.  (18 Dec. 1987)

A magyar nők kétes balkáni hírneve. In Magyar Nemzet, 12 May 2001.

A Ghostenberg-galaxis. In Heti Válasz, 9 Jan 2004. p. 58.

Száz éve indult a Szlavóniai akció. In Magyar Nemzet, 19 July 2004.

Fogadjisten s Istensegíts: száz éve kezdődött a bukovinai szigetmagyarság nemzeti gondozása. In Magyar Nemzet, 27 Aug. 2005.

„Egymás terhét hordozzátok…” Halmozott hátrányok és pedagógiai felzárkóztatás. In Zuglói Lapok, 2 May 2006.

„Balmagyar” kiegyezés komédia. In Magyar Hírlap, 16 July 2007.

A szociális érzékenység bűnébe esve. In Magyar Nemzet, 22 Aug. 2007.

Nincsen Rúzsa tövis nélkül. In Magyar Hírlap, 11 Sept. 2007.

Pillantás a félmúltra. In Magyar Hírlap, 24 Sept, 2007.

Száván innen, Dráván túl : elfeledett magyarok nyomában. In Magyar Hírlap, 15 Oct. 2007.

Vagyunk-e jó, befogadó nemzet? In Magyar Hírlap, 14 Nov. 2007.

Haza és haladás. In Magyar Hírlap, 17 Dec. 2007.

Rémes farsang. In Magyar Hírlap, 21 Jan. 2008.

Agyelszívás és agymosás. In Magyar Hírlap, 6 March 2008.

Nemzetiszín (trékolór). In Magyar Hírlap, 14 April 2008.

Csak azért is bunkofon. In Magyar Hírlap, 13 May 2008.

A verve várt jövő. In Magyar Hírlap, 19 May 2008.

Béke-tűrés. In Magyar Hírlap, 28 May 2008.

Légies határok, láthatatlan falak. In Magyar Nemzet, 1 July 2008.

Ami jár. In Magyar Hírlap, 10 Oct 2008.

Magyar Katyn. In Magyar Hírlap, 18 Nov. 2008, in Russian: Венгерская Катынь, 25 November 2008.

Juss és jövő. In Magyar Hírlap, 19 Nov. 2008.

Színjáték, katarzis nélkül. In Magyar Hírlap, 24 March 2009.

Gulyás és sztrapacska : Létezhetetlen Kárpát-medence? In Magyar Nemzet, 28 March 2009.

Léha pásztor – tikkadt nyáj. In Magyar Hírlap, 10 July 2009.

Jó barátok : Magyarsággondozás a Száván túl: száz éve kezdődött a Boszniai akció. In Magyar Nemzet, 1 Aug 2009.

Álomvasút és vészfék. In Magyar Hírlap, 6 Aug 2009.

Tabuk és nemzeti érdekek. In Magyar Hírlap, 19 Sept 2009.

Jót, s jól… In Magyar Hírlap, 12 Oct. 2009.

Etetésre tálalva In Magyar Hírlap, 5 Dec. 2009. dec. 5. (Republished in Gondolat Canadai Magyar Hírlap).

„Forrás”-hiány. In Magyar Hírlap, 13 Jan 2010.

Kampánykép. In Magyar Hírlap, 27 Feb. 2010. (Republished in Kecskeméti Lapok, 27. Feb. 2010.).

Huszárvir(t)us. In Magyar Hírlap, 18 March 2010.

Lesz-e per-újrafelvétel? Magyarok és nemzetiségek a „boldog békeidőkben” In Magyar Hírlap (Történelem), 7 May 2010.

Megkerült nemzedék. In Magyar Hírlap, 26 May 2010.

Hidak és gátak. In Magyar Hírlap, 15 June 2010. (Republished in Felvidék Ma, 2010. és L’udové Noviny)

Futballdiplomácia. In Magyar Hírlap, 20 July 2010.

Forgandó filmvilág. In Magyar Hírlap, 18 Oct 2010.

Egy kiállítás kép(telenség)ei. In Magyar Hírlap (Történelem), 11 Dec. 2010. (Republished in Erdély Ma, 2 Feb. 2011).

Dalból születik a nemzet. In Magyar Hírlap, 18 Dec. 2010.

Nofertiti (h)arca. In Magyar Hírlap, 5 Feb. 2011.

,,Nem sírbolt!” (S ha az is?). In Magyar Hírlap, 18 June 2011.

Hellének és pannonok. In Magyar Hírlap (Hullám-Tér), 23 July 2011.

Időhinta. In Magyar Hírlap, 26 Aug. 2011.

Magyarságmentés a Kárpátokon túl. In Magyar Hírlap (Történelem), 13 Jan. 2012.

Rebellis harcaink. In Magyar Hírlap, 26 Jan. 2012.

Szoborsorsok. In Magyar Hírlap, 30 June 2012.

Hazahívó. In Magyar Hírlap, 31 Aug. 2012..

Egy nép hazát teremt. In Reformátusok Lapja, 23-30 Dec. 2012.  

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences

1948 – a fordulat éve – a magyar nemzet és egyházak történetében” Conference (1948, the Turning-Point in the History of the Hungarian Nation and Churches). Budapest, Károli University. 14 Oct. 2008. Co-organizer.

“Üldöztetünk, de el nem hagyatunk; tiportatunk, de el nem veszünk” Conference. Budapest, 3 May 2011. Co-organizer. 

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Klebelsberg, mint nemzetpolitikus. (Klebelsberg as National Politician). Klebelsberg Kuno Emléknap, Pécska, Romania, 17 Nov. 2012.  An Interview for the Aradi Rádió. Aradi Hírek, 18 Nov. 2012.

Székely kivándorlás, regáti diaszpórák és magyar támogatáspolitika. (Székely Immigration, Diaspora in Old Romania and the Hungarian Support Policy). EMI-tábor, Borzont, 11 Aug. 2012.

„Migráció, akkulturáció, asszimiláció a XIX-XX. századi magyar-délszláv interetnikus kapcsolatokban címmel tartott előadást március 21-én Kolozsváron Makkai Béla, a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem tanszékvezető egyetemi docense.” Newsletter of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. MTA Hírlevél, vol 2, no 4 (15 April 2012).  p. 7.

Public appearance as the invited Kosovo expert in Duna TV’s program Agora. Oct. 2006.

On the Occipation and Annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Public appearance in ECHO TV. April 2011.

Cservenka Judit’s report on the Slavonian Hungarians for MR1 Kossuth Rádió’s Vasárnapi Újság. 1 May 2011.

On the Sarajevo Assassination and the Outbreak of the First World War. ECHO TV. 5 May 2011.

Faculty of Humanities

Dear Incoming Students!

Welcome on the Erasmus webpage of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary!

Here you can find the list of all Erasmus courses of the Faculty of Humanities. Please make sure to check the semester (I. or II.) in which the course you would like to take is taught. This is indicated in column 9 of the chart. Please also have a look at what language the course you have chosen is given in – English, German, Dutch or Spanish. The usual language is, however, English.
Please note that some of the courses offered on this list might be not launched in the forthcoming academic year, if there are not enough applicants. Therefore, we suggest that you consult with the respective teacher before your arrival! You can find the teacher’s email address and the course’s detailed description by clicking on the title of the course.
For any changes in the list of subjects you wish to learn at KRE, please refer to the „During mobility” section of the Learning Agreement.


Erasmus Course Offers – Autumn 2016/17/1


English Studies

19th and 20th Century Hungarian History

19th and 20th Century Hungarian History

Advanced Language Practice 1

American and Canadian Society through Films

American Literature (17-19. centuries) seminar

Analysing texts

British and American History 2 British History from 1815 until 1990 eminar

Central European Film

Christianity in America

European Theatre History - Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Irish Drama

Genres of English Literature

Hungarian Art and Cultural History

Hungarian History, Literature and Culture

Introduction to English Linguistics

Introduction to English Literary Studies

Introduction to English Studies (Reading Literary Texts)

Introduction to English Studies 1.2 Civilisation in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Language Practice

Language Practice

Linguistic Theories


Oral Presentation Skills

Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar

Present-Day English 3 Origins and Development

Research Seminar in Literature and Culture

Selected Topics in American Literature Responses to the Holocaust in American Literature

Selected Topics in British and American Culture and History

Selected Topics in Modern British Literature

Semantics and Pragmatics

Specialised Language Practice

Survey of English and American Literature 2_0

Survey of English and American Literature 2_1

The English Language from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Topics in American Literature

Translation Practice 2

Varieties of English

History and Culture

Communication in Folk music

Erasmus Course Description M. Frazer-Imregh

Erasmus Course Description - Semsey

Hungarian History in the middle ages - Hidan Csaba

History, Religion and Art in the Balkans

Introduction to Theatre Studies

Irish Drama


Philospohy, Theology, Religion

Sociology, psychology, communication

Adulthood and Aging

Affective aspects

Bridging Sport Psy Research and Practice

Crisis Communication Szondi

Cultural anthropology - Visual Communication Tari János

Cultural Anthroplogy - Lázár Imre

Introduction to applied sport psychology

Personality Psychology Seminar


Public Relations Szondi

Script writing Dragovoja I.

Social Psychology 1. practice

Social Psychology 3. practice

Vargha Delaney Sigmund Freud Debates

Hungarian Studies for Foreigners

Advanced Hungarian

Hungarian language for absolute beginners

German Studies

Angewandte Linguistik I.

Entwicklungstendenzen In Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache

Geschichte Der Deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910


Interpretationsmethoden Literarischer Texte

Interpretationsmethoden Literarischer Texte


Kultur Und Medialität 1.

Kulturgeschichte Seminar

Kulturgeschichte Vorlesung

Linguistische Analysen Im Deutsch-Ungarischen Sprachkontrast

Morphosyntax Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache Ii.

Textlinguistik Und Pragmatik

Übersetzung Fachsprache I. Wirtschaftstexte



EU terminologie

Mystieke literatuur

Nederlandse debatclub

Stromingen en methodes in de taalkunde van de 20ste eeuw

Zakelijke Communicatie


EMLex  courses

Computational Lexicography

Dictionary Planning and Dictionary Production

Fachwörterbücher, Lexika, Enzyklopädien

Geschichte der Lexikographie


Lexicography and Lexicology


The dictionary and its use

Wörterbücher bei der Übersetzung_Dictionaries in translation

Faculty of Theology


The mission of the Faculty of Theology of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is to train pastors and theologians who would – through their teachings and personal examples – serve both society and the Reformed Church in Hungary.

The Faculty offers an opportunity to study the Old and New Testament in ancient languages, such as Hebrew and Ancient Greek, to learn about theological and ethical thinking in depth, to explore church history in a wider context and to obtain pastoral practice. The theology that is studied and researched at the Faculty today is rooted in the Christian religious reform, which developed from the renaissance and humanist culture of the 16th century.

The forerunner of the Faculty of Theology is the Reformed Theological Academy in Budapest, which was founded in 1855. The Academy (the Faculty of Theology of Károli University since 1993) has been issuing theological doctoral degrees since the end of World War II. The Doctoral School of Theology and the Doctoral Council, which are recognised by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee as well, were established in 1992. For a long period of time the Doctoral School of Theology was the only doctoral school of the University. Besides the Ph.D in Theology  titles, the Doctoral Council regularly awards Hungarian and international personalities with the title of doctor honris causa as well.

The strong points of the Faculty:

  • a balanced combination of theoretical and practical knowledge
  • highly qualified academic staff
  • international recognition and reputation of the Doctoral School of Theology

Courses offered at the Faculty:

First cycle (BA) programmes

  • Teacher of Reformed Religious Education

Single-cycle programmes

  • Theology with Pastor Specialisation
  • Theology
  • Protestant Theology

Single-cycle teacher training programmes

  • Teacher of Religious Education

Second cycle (MA) teacher training programme

  • Teacher of Religious Education

Doctoral studies

  • Doctor of Theology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

With 4542 students, 204 full-time and 49 part-time faculty members, the Faculty of Humanities is the biggest faculty of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. The faculty is known for academic excellence, the personalised attention paid to students and its friendly yet vibrant atmosphere.
The Faculty of Humanities ranked 17th among all faculties nationwide (HVG Rankings 2020). The quality of education is ensured by dedicated faculty members, out of whom 92% hold a PhD degree. Talent development is an important mission of the faculty, which is well reflected in the 39 awards its students won at the 34th National Scholarly Competition held in 2019, in the third place for the total number of applicants and in the sixth place for student excellence among faculties in Hungary, and in the 94% employer satisfaction rate for its graduates.
To help students respond to the challenges they may face during their studies and in life, the faculty operates a Career Office, a Student Counselling Center, a Sport Office and an international buddy system.
The Faculty of Humanities offers first-cycle (BA) programmes in English and American Studies, German Studies, Dutch Studies, East Asian Studies, Communication and Media Studies, Hungarian Studies, Psychology, Sociology, General Humanities and History, and second-cycle (MA) programmes in English Studies, German Studies, Dutch Studies, Japanese Studies, Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies, Communication and Media Studies, Art History, Theater Studies, Psychology, Social Behaviour Analysis, History and Religious Studies as well as one-cycle and short-cycle Teacher Training Programmes in various subject areas.
History is also offered at doctoral level, and a second, multidisciplinary doctoral programme focusing on Psychology, Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies has been submitted to the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for accreditation.

49 active research groups conduct research at the faculty both at national and at international level. Established in 2015, Benda Kálmán College of Excellence runs a boarding-school type talent nurturing programme emphasising community and Christian values, providing opportunities for the most talented students to participate in its eight workshops: Linguistics Literature and Culture Psychology, History, Philosophy and Religions, Arts, Media and Art Pedagogy, Teacher Training and Social Sciences.   

The Faculty of Humanities has four programmes that have been designed to host international students: a two-year MA program in English Studies,a two-year MA programme in German Language, Literature and Culture, a three-year BA programme in Psychology and a three-year BA programme in English and American Studies. In addition, the faculty also offers a two-year specialist postgraduate programme in Kodály Culture in Hungary and a joint degree programme in lexicography (EMLex) in German and English, with the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg as the coordinator institution of the consortium. Erasmus and overseas exchange students can choose from approximately 100-120 courses offered in a foreign language every semester.

Our students can take language courses in thirteen foreign languages at the Foreign Language Center: English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish.

The faculty has on-going Erasmus + KA103, KA107, KA203 and CEEPUS projects, it is a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and Scholarship for Christian Young People Programme participant, just as it offers its own Károli Christian Scholarship Programme.

For more information on the individual institutes, you can click on the details below.


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