Fábián, Zoltán Imre

Fábián, Zoltán Imre

Title: Dr habil.
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth (Country): Budapest
Email-address(es):This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2001
Discipline: History (Egyptology)
Title of Thesis: Book of the Dead and Opening of the Mouth in the Mortuary Monument of Djehutymes (TT 32)
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1980
Discipline(s): History, English Language and Literature, with Secondary School Teaching Qualification; Egyptology
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Eötvös Loránd University Habilitation 2010

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of History
Department: Department of Ancient History and Auxiliary Historical Sciences
Current Position(s): Associate Professor

Previous Employer: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Art History
Previous Position Held: Senior Lecturer

Other Previous Employers: University of Pécs, Department of Ancient History
Other Previous Positions Held: Research Fellow

Other Previous Employers: Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Department of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities
Other Previous Positions Held: Curator

Areas of Research and Teaching
History, culture and religions of the ancient Near East, especially Egypt
Religious history

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Excavations and other researches in Egypt − 2002−2006 (2003−2006: project manager) − OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

Theban Necropoleis – 2007−2011 − Director of excavations at el-Khokha in the area of TT 184 (Ne-fermenu) − OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

Research in Theban necropoleis – 2012−2016 − Director of excavations at el-Khokha in the area of TT 184 (Nefermenu) − OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2009− member of the Committee of Quality Assurance at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English MA 
Italian proficiency exam certificate (1985)
German intermediate language certificate (1987)

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Committee of Ancient History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences member
Hungarian Society of Ancient Studies member
International Association of Egyptologists member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
EVERLING, JánosUniversity of Pécs Maisons babyloniennes au Ier millénaire avant J.-C. 2004
CSABAI, ZoltánUniversity of Pécs Credit and Interest in Ancient Babylonia int he 1st Millennium B. C. 2010
IRSAY-NAGY, Balázs, ELTE UniversityDie Krönung in Ägypten. Eine Untersu-chung über die Frage der rituellen Ausge-staltung der Thronbesteigung im Alten Ägypten nach den Zeugnissen des Alten Reiches 2012


Publikációs lista


Edited Books and Journals

KÁKOSY L. – BÁCS T. A. – BARTOS Z. – FÁBIÁN Z. I. – GAÁL E., The Mortuary Monument of Djehutymes (TT 32), Vol. 1–2. /Studia Aegyptiaca, Series Maior I/ Szerk. Fábián Z. I., Budapest 2004.

BÁCS T. A. – FÁBIÁN Z. I. – SCHREIBER G. – TÖRÖK L. (szerk.), Hungarian Excavations in the Theban Necropolis. A Celebration of 102 Years of Fieldwork in Egypt. Catalogue for the Temporary Exhibition in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, November 5, 2009 – January 15 2010. Budapest 2009.

SCHREIBER G. – BÁCS T.A. – FÁBIÁN Z.I. – TÖRÖK L. (szerk.), Al-hafair magaríya fi gabbana thíba. (Magyar ásatások a thébai nekropoliszban, arab nyelven. A fentebb idézett katalógus arab nyelvű kiadása.) Budapest 2009.

Chapters in Books

KÁKOSY L. – BÁCS T. A. – BARTOS Z. – FÁBIÁN Z. I. – GAÁL E., The Mortuary Monument of Djehutymes (TT 32), Vol. 1–2. /Studia Aegyptiaca, Series Maior I/ Szerk. Fábián Z. I., Budapest 2004. Vol. 1: 5−8, 41−63, 69−184, 203−260, 265−285, 289−291, 300−337, 347−353 = 249 oldal:

-    Editorial Remarks. Vol. 1: 5−8.
-    The Rock-Cut Rooms – Summary Description. Vol. 1: 41−63.
-    The Decoration in the Pillared Transverse Hall. Vol. 1: 69−70.
-    Djehutymes’s Passage through the Gates of the Netherworld to Osiris: BD 145. Vol. 1: 70−71.
-    The Schematic Gate Text of BD 145 and Djehutymes’s Version. Vol. 1: 71−72.
-    Contents of the Units of the Gate-Series (BD 145). Vol. 1: 73.
-    Front Wall, East (“N”) Half – Upper Register. Vol. 1: 73−78.
-    East (“N”) Short Wall of the Front Aisle – Upper Register. Vol. 1: 78.
-    Front Wall, West (“S”) Half – Upper Register. Vol. 1: 78−82.
-    Rear Wall East (“N”) Half – Upper Register. Vol. 1: 82−85.
-    Rear Wall, West (“S”) – Upper Register. Vol. 1: 85−87.
-    Preparation for the Cult of Djehutymes: the Opening of the Mouth Ritual. Vol. 1: 89−92.
-    Front Wall, West (“S”) Half – Middle Register. Vol. 1: 92−105.
-    West (“S”) Short Wall – Front Aisle – “Middle” Register. Vol. 1: 105−107.
-    Front Wall, East (“N”) Half – Middle Register. Vol. 1: 107−115.
-    Rear Wall, West (“S”) Half – Middle Register. Vol. 1: 115−121.
-    Rear Wall, East (“N”) Half – Middle Register. Vol. 1: 121−128.
-    Participants of the Opening of the Mouth Ritual of the Djehutymes Version. Vol. 1: 128−129.
-    Cult and Offerings to Djehutymes in the Transverse Hall. Vol. 1: 131.
-    “Offering Scenes” in the Lower Registers. Vol. 1: 131−133.
-    Front Wall, East (“N”) – Lower Register. Vol. 1: 133−135.
-    East (“N”) Short Wall – Front Aisle – Lower Register. Vol. 1: 135.
-    Front Wall, West (“S”) Half – Lower Register. Vol. 1: 136−139.
-    West (“S”) Short Wall – Front Aisle – Lower Register. Vol. 1: 140.
-    KÁKOSY Lászlóval: Rear Wall, East (“N”) Half – Lower Register: Harper’s song. Vol. 1: 141−145.
-    Rear Wall, West (“S”) Half – Lower Register. Vol. 1: 146−149.
-    Bandeau Inscriptions on the Front Wall and the West (“S”) Short Wall. Vol. 1: 149.
-    Bandeau on the West (“S”) Half of the Front Wall. Vol. 1: 149−150.
-    Bandeau on the East (“N”) Half of the Front Wall. Vol. 1: 150.
-    KÁKOSY Lászlóval: Bandeau on the West (“S”) Short Wall of the Front Aisle. Vol. 1: 150.
-    Half Statues in Shrines. Vol. 1: 150−160.
-    Double False Doors and Annexed Elements. Vol. 1: 161−169.
-    Divine Cults in the Transverse Hall. Vol. 1: 171.
-    Pillar B. Vol. 1: 172.
-    Pillar C. Vol. 1: 172−180.
-    Pilaster D. Vol. 1: 180−184.
-    Intercolumnium. Panel on the Ceiling between Pillars B and C: BD 136.A. Vol. 1: 203−206.
-    Ceiling in the Rear Aisle. Vol. 1: 206−207.
-    Panel on the Vaulted Ceiling West (“S”) of the Centre: BD 71. Vol. 1: 207−212.
-    Inscriptions in or around the Carpet Patterns in the Inner Aisle of the Transverse Hall. Vol. 1: 212−214.
-    Frieze in the Front Aisle. Vol. 1: 214−220.
-    Architrave Inscriptions in the Transverse Hall. Vol. 1: 221.
-    Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 223.
-    Façade and Entrance. Vol. 1: 223−224.
-    Passage to the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 224.
-    Djehutymes’s Route to the Netherworld in the Axial Hall, Front Wall of the Axial Hall with BD 149−151. Vol. 1: 227−233.
-    East (“N”) sidewall of the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 233−234.
-    Upper Register of the East (“N”) Wall of the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 234−249.
-    Lower Register of the East (“N”) Wall of the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 250−260.
-    West (“S”) Sidewall of the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 265.
-    Upper Register of the West (“S”) Wall in the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 265−274.
-    Lower Register of the West (“S”) Wall in the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 274−285.
-    “Sky and Ceiling” in the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 289.
-    Front Wall. Vol. 1: 289−291.
-    Ceiling in the Axial Hall. Vol. 1: 300−303.
-    Offering Room and Niche. Vol. 1: 305−318.
-    West Side Chamber. Vol. 1: 319−327.
-    Graffiti in the Sloping Passage. Vol. 1: 329−337.
-    Concluding Remarks. Book of the Dead, Opening of the Mouth and Others in TT 32. Vol. 1: 347−353.

BÁCS T.A. – FÁBIÁN Z.I. – SCHREIBER G. – TÖRÖK L. (szerk.), Hungarian Excavations in the Theban Necropolis. A Celebration of 102 Years of Fieldwork in Egypt. Catalogue for the Temporary Exhibition in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, November 5, 2009 – Jan-uary 15 2010. Budapest 2009.

-    TT 184 in the Third Necropolis Street and Excavations in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Necropolis Streets of el-Khokha. 33−35.
-    The Middle Kingdom on el−Khokha: Saff-tombs. 55−56.
-    Fábián, Z. I. – Schreiber, G., The Early Ramesside Period on el-Khokha. 65−69.
-    Fábián, Z. I. – Schreiber, G., The Late Period on el-Khokha. 99−100.
-    Shabti of Nefermenu (?). 43.
-    Wooden model figures. 57.
-    Pottery vessels. 58−59.
-    Two clay offering trays. 60.
-    Two dummy canopic jars (Hapy and Duamutef). 101−102.

SCHREIBER G. – BÁCS T.A. – FÁBIÁN Z.I. – TÖRÖK L. (szerk.), Al-hafair magaríya fi gabbana thíba. (Magyar ásatások a thébai nekropoliszban, arab nyelven. A fentebb idé-zett katalógus arabnyelvű kiadása.) Budapest 2009.

-    [... …] 28−30.
-    [… …] 33−35.
-    Fábián, Z. I. – Schreiber, G., [… …] 41−46.
-    Bács, T. A. – Fábián, Z. I. – Schreiber, G., [… …] 52−57.
-    Fábián, Z. I. – Schreiber, G., [… …] 58−60.


-    [… …] (Nefermenu agyag usebti szobra). 79.
-    [… …] (Fa modell figurák). 86.
-    [… …] (Agyag edények). 87.
-    [… …] (Agyag áldozati tálca). 88.
-    [… …] (Két pseudo-canopus edény: Hapi és Duamutef). 101.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Az orákulumok jogi és vallási jelentősége az Újbirodalom korában. Antik Tanulmányok 1981/2, 231–239.

A Rylands IX. démotikus papirusz Amon-himnuszai. In: LUFT U. – VANEK ZS. (szerk.) Studia Iuvenum I, Budapest 1984, 37–52.

Bringing About BD 25. Attempts of Text-Critical Analyses of CT 410 and 412. In: VANEK ZS. (szerk.) Studia in Honorem L. Fóti, /Studia Aegyptiaca XII/ Budapest 1989, 29–50.

Graffiti in TT 32. In: U. LUFT (szerk.): The Intellectual Heritage of Egypt, /Studia Aegyptiaca XIV/ Budapest 1992, 137–156.

(KÁKOSY Lászlóval:) Hárfásdal Dzsehutimes sírjában. Antik Tanulmányok 37/1−2 (1993) 178–187.

Harper’s Song in the Tomb of Djehutimes (TT 32). Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (Hamburg) 22 (1995) 211–225.

Notes on the Opening of the Mouth in Theban Tomb 32. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae  47 (1995) 11–22.

Preliminary Report on the First Two Seasons in Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu). Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur (Hamburg) 24 (1997) 81–102.

The Artist of TT 32: sš qd Pay? Revue Roumaine d’Égyptologie 1 (1997) 39–50.

Some Unusual or So-Called Late or Cryptic Hieroglyphs in Djehutimes’ Tomb-Chapel (TT 32). Revue Roumaine d’Égyptologie 2 (1998−99) 29–34.

Did They Say ‘Yes’ in the 19th Dynasty Version of Book of the Dead 145? Specimina Nova Dissertationum ex Instituto Historico Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis (De Iano Pannonio Nominatae) XV (1999) 13–25.

Harper’s Song Scene in the Tomb of Nefermenu (TT 184). Specimina Nova Dissertationum ex Instituto Historico Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis XVI (2000/2002) 1–13.

Stripes in Dados for Dating New Kingdom Theban Tombs? In: BÁCS T. (ed.), A Tribute to Excellence, Studies Offered in Honor of Ernő Gaál, Ulrich Luft, László Török. /Studia Aegyptiaca XVII/ Budapest 2002, 217–224.

Nefermenu (TT 184), April 2003. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte (Kairó) 79 (2005) 41–59.

Friezes in Post-Amarna Tombs of Thebes. Specimina Nova Dissertationum ex Instituto Historico Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis XIX (2005) 31–46.

Nefermenu kormányzó sziklasírja a Khokha-domb déli lejtőjén. Ókor  IV/4, (2005/4) 60–67.

Another Pyramid of El-Khokha. Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae  46 (2006) 39–58.

Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the Upper Section of the South Slope of El-Khokha Hillock – 2005. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae  58 (2007) 1–42.

The Opening of the Mouth Ritual in the Theban Tomb of Nefermenu (TT 184) and Oth-er Post-Amarna Monuments (The “El-Khokha Tomb-Group”). In: SZABÓ, Á. – VARGYAS, P. (eds.) Cultus Deorum. Studia religionum ad historiam. De Oriente Antiquo et Regione Danuvii praehistorica. In Memoriam István Tóth. Vol. 1. Budapest 2008, 29−96.

A Halottak Könyve a thébai nekropolisz újbirodalmi sírjaiban. Ókor 7/1–2 (2008) 14–28.

Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the Upper Section of the South Slope of El-Khokha – 2008. (Hungarian Archaeological Mission)

A thébai el-Hoha domb déli lejtőjének feltárása Nefermenu TT 184 számú sziklasírjának körzetében – 2009. Orpheus Noster 1 (2009) 5–32.

Paintings of a Mud Brick Chapel from the 18th Dynasty in the Theban Necropolis. In: CZEGLÉDY, A. – HORVÁTH, L. et al. (szerk.), Pietas non sola Romana. Studia memoriae Stephani Borzsák dedicata. Budapest 2010, 473–500. = Paintings of a Mud Brick Chapel from the 18th Dynasty in the Theban Necropolis. Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae (Budapest) 50 (2010) 1–26.

Egyetlen barátok az óbirodalmi Thébában. Az el-Hoha domb déli lejtőjének feltárása Nefermenu TT 184 számú sziklasírjának körzetében – 2010. Ókor 11/2 (2011) 43–63.

News from Old Kingdom Thebes. In: BECHTOLD, E. – GULYÁS, A. – HASZNOS, A. (eds.), From Illahun to Djeme. Papers Presented in Honour of Ulrich Luft. /British Ar-chaeological Reports/ Oxford 2011, 43−53.

A 18. dinasztia idején épült thébai vályogtégla szentély rekonstrukciós kísérletei. Orpheus Noster IV/4 (2012) 17−47.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Il Libro dei Morti del Museo Archeologico di Napoli. In: GIGANTE, M. (szerk.), Atti del XVII. Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Napoli 1984, 707–718.

Heart Chapters in the Context of the Book of the Dead. In: SCHOSKE, S. (szerk.) Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses, München 1985. Hamburg 1989, 249−259.

Epigraphy in TT 184 (Nefermenu). In: ZAHI HAWASS – BÁCS, T.A. – SCHREIBER, G. (szerk.), Proceedings of the Colloquium on Theban Archaeology at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, November 5, 2009. Cairo 2011, 43–55.

Book Reviews



Az egyiptomi Halottak Könyve szövegrészek fordítása. In: KEMP, B.: Az Egyiptomi Halottak Könyve. Bevezetés. Corvina, Budapest 2007. passim.

A Halottak Könyve 78, 136.A és 153.A fejezeteinek fordítása magyarra. Ókor 7/1–2 (2008) 15–24.

A Krall-papirusz elbeszélése az Iret-Hor-eru (Inarosz) herceg vértjéért vívott küzdelem-ről. Orpheus Noster IV/1 (2012) 71−94.

Creative Writing

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences

Colloquium on Theban Archaeology at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, November 5, 2009. (Bács Tamással, Schreiber Gáborral és Török Lászlóval közösen)

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)


Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the Upper Section of the South Slope of El-Khokha – 2008. (Hungarian Archaeological Mission)

Excavations at the southern slope of el-Khokha in the area of Theban Tomb 184 (Ne-fermenu) - 2010: A corner of Qurna. vagy: http://tt184.blogspot.hu

Feltárás az El-Hoha domb déli oldalán a TT 184 számú sír (Nefermenu) körzetében – 2012. vagy: http://tt184.blogspot.hu/

Feltárás az El-Hoha domb déli oldalán a TT 184 számú sír (Nefermenu) körzetében – 2013. http://tt184.blogspot.hu/ vagy:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7pgRv_AmSzYQTNiZDRrV0ZYLUU/edit +
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7pgRv_AmSzYZ29rRjJPUWVHTFE/edit +
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7pgRv_AmSzYLTdpVUoxRC00MDg/edit +
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7pgRv_AmSzYeGhOdkVEZlpXLVk/edit +
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7pgRv_AmSzYaGVTMzItWnZiWFU/edit +