Fodor, Júlia Réka

Fodor, Júlia Réka

Title: Dr (PhD)
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1974
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: 483 2885

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): PhD, 2010
Discipline: American Studies
Title of Thesis: A History of American Health Care Policy from Theodore Roosevelt to the 2008 Elections
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1999, 2000
Discipline(s): MA in English Language and Literature
MA in Spanish Language and Literature
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
KRE (OKJ) Certificate in Tour guiding (English-Spanish-Hungarian) 2002

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of English Studies
Department: English Literatures and Cultures
Current Position(s): Senior Lecturer

Previous Employer: Eötvös Loránd University
Previous Position Held: Junior and Senior Lecturer

Other Previous Employers: Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College
Other Previous Positions Held: Junior Lecturer

Areas of Research and Teaching

US History, 20th Century US History through Documentaries, Cold War Historiography, Moral Issues in the USA, US Elections

British and Irish Cultural Studies

Irish History, 20th Century Irish History through Films

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
1997-2006 Curriculum Development
2005-6 Textbook writing

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Fluent (Proficiency Level)
Spanish Fluent (Proficiency Level)
Latin Basic Level

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications


Land Rover – A Survey Course about the British Isles and the USA. Júlia Fodor and Károly Pintér. HEFOP, 2006. ISBN 963 9704 42 3

Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

“A Critical Assessment of the 2008 Republican Candidate’s Health Care Platform.” In: Gateways to English. Dr. Frank Tibor és Dr. Károly Krisztina, ed. Eötvös Kiadó, 2010.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

HUSSE Papers: Issues in US Language Policy. Veszprém 2006:696-704. ISBN 963 87056 0 4 “Issues in US Language Policy, English – the  Official Language of the USA?”

Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

“Obamacare vs. the First Amendment Right to Freedom of Religion.” HUSSE Conference, ELTE (Jan. 26, 2013)

“Evaluating the 2012 Elections” (Az amerikai választások kiértékelése) - Mathias Corvinus Collegium (Nov. 12, 2012)

“National Heroes in Mass Graves for How Much Longer? Patrick Pearse v. Imre Nagy. Dilemmas of Reburial in Ireland and in Hungary.” Representations of Ireland Conference. Károli Gáspár University (Aug. 30, 2012)

“Virtual experience, real knowledge.” (Virtuális élmény, valós tudás.) Developing Teacher Trainees’ Competence in Education Informatics. Conference at Károli Gáspár University (May 4, 2012)

“The American Congress and the US Supreme Court on “Obamacare”. (Az Amerikai Kongresszus és a Legfelsőbb Bíróság döntései az egészségügyi reform kapcsán) – INFORÁDIÓ (2009 -)

“Democrats Versus Republicans on Health Policy in 2008.” New Concepts in English and American Studies. ELTE Ph.D. Conference. (Nov. 14, 2008)

“The Plight of 47 Million Uninsured Americans.” Science Day Conference (A Tudomány Napja) Károli Gáspár University. (Nov. 13, 2008)

“Land Rover – A Survey Course about the British Isles and the USA.” Budapest, ELTE, HEFOP Conference. Sept. 27, 2006

“Issues in US Language Policy, English – the Official Language of the USA?” HUSSE Conference, University of Veszprém. (Jan. 29, 2005)

“Classroom Strategies to Promote Cultural Awareness.” HAAS Conference, ELTE. (Nov. 27, 2004.)

“A Cultural Studies Course with Multimedia Support.” HUSSE 6 Conference, University of Debrecen (Jan. 5, 2003)