Juhász, Tamás

Juhász, Tamás

Title: Dr
Year of Birth:
Place of Birth (Country):
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2006
Discipline: Modern English Literature
Title of Thesis:
Issuing Institution: ELTE

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1994
Discipline(s): English, Hungarian
Issuing Institution:

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of English Studies
Department: Department of Literatures in English
Current Position(s): Senior Lecturer

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

20-21st century British fiction, American literature, modernism, gender, post-colonialism, film studies, critical theory, academic writing

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications


Conradian Contracts: Exchange and Identity in the Immigrant Imagination. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield/Lexington Books, 2011. Print.

Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

Teaching Long Fiction: Doubts and Strategies. In: The Reality of Ruminations. Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Eötvös Lorand University, 2010. 381–91. Print.

The End of Potlatch: An Anthropological Approach to Nostromo. Choice in Economic Contexts: Ethnographic and Theoretical Enquiries. Ed. Donald Wood. Oxford and San Diego: Elsevier, 2007. 285–98. Print.

“They Pass and Make a Sign.” Conrad’s Passage on Semiotics. Focus. Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies at JPU. Ed. Mária Kurdi. University Press Pécs, 1998. 23–34. Print.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Idegen nő, idegen szöveg. A Bibliotheque Pascal és az európai posztkolonialitás jelensége  (Foreign Women in Foreign Texts. Bibliotheque Pascal and the Concept of European Postcoloniality). Apertura, 7.2 (2011). Web.

Back to Normal: Manhood and Displacement in Hanif Kureishi’s Intimacy. South Asian Review, 32.2 (2011). 223–240. Print.

Writing Gender: Literary Identity Politics in Hanif Kureishi’s The Black Album. Transnational Literature, 3.2 (2011). Web.

Krúdy, Irigaray, és a modernista a nőábrázolás. “A podolini takácsné” értelmezéséről. (Krúdy, Irigaray and the Modernist Idea of Femininity in “The Podolin Weaver’s Wife”) Alföld. 62:6 (2011). 82–90. Print.   

“Eladó a menyasszony!”: Szexualitás, patriarchátus és politika Fábri Zoltán Körhintájában. (“The Bride is Up For Sale!”: Sexuality, Patriarchy and Politics  in Zoltán Fábri’s Merry-Go-Round”)  Apertura, 5.2 (2010). Web.  

“Érthetjük így is, meg fordítva is”: Gondolatok a Sorstalanság taníthatóságáról. (“Each Possible and Credible, This Way or That”: Problems in Teaching Fatelessness) Alföld, 61.1 (2010): 98–109. Print. 

Murderous Parents, Trustful Children: The Parental Trap in Imre Kertész’s Fatelessness and Martin Amis’s Time’s Arrow. Comparative Literature Studies, 46.4 (2009): 645–66. Print.

Never Keeping to Oneself: The Law of Exchange in “Typhoon” and “The Secret Sharer.” L’Époque Conradienne, 32 (2006): 21–40. Print. 

The Dream of Sharing: Business and Community in Timothy Mo’s Sour Sweet. The AnaChronisT, 12 (2006): 221–32. Print.

“A Pinch of Romance in the Commercial Kitchen”: Tropes of Transformation in Lord Jim. The AnaChronisT, 9 (2003): 148–73. Print. 

“Ifjúság”: Joseph Conrad és a tranzakcionális irodalom jelensége. (“Youth”: Joseph Conrad and the Idea of Transactional Literature) Napút, 4 (2002): 67–72. Print. 

The Voice and the Facts: Ideological Transactions in Conrad’s The Secret Agent. The AnaChronisT, 6 (2000): 202–28. Print.

Witch is Which, or the Selfsame Words in Macbeth. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 3 (1997): 59–69. Print.

Lord Jim: uralható-e a történet? (Lord Jim: Keeping a Story Under Control) Filológiai Közlöny, (1997.1–2): 26–37. Print. 

Allegória és szimbólum Joseph Conrad’s Sötétség szíve című regényében. (Allegory and Symbol in Heart of Darkness) Literatura, (1997.2): 167–178. Print.

Nárcizmus és narráció: a Tristram Shandy lacani olvasata. (Narcissism and Narration: A Lacanian Approach to Tristram Shandy) Literatura, (1993.4): 321–33. Print.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

The Meanings of Parable: Conrad’s Halo. The Bible in Literature and Literature in the Bible. Proceedings of the Conference “Teaching ‘Bible and Literature’ at Universities.” Ed. Tibor Fabiny. Budapest: Centre for Hermeneutical Research; Zürich: Pano Verlag, 1995. 182–88. Print.

Book Reviews

“Only connect!”: Zadie Smith Convenes Critical Minds. Review of Zadie Smith. Critical Essays. Ed. Tracy L. Walters. The AnaChronisT, 15 (2010). 212–15. Print.  

Vladimir Nabokov. Sebastian Knigh igazi élete. Szépirodalmi Figyelő, (2003.2): 94–95. Print. 

Kazuo Ishiguro. Árva korunkban.  Szépirodalmi Figyelő, (2003.1): 65–66. Print. 

John Fowles. A mágus. Szépirodalmi Figyelő, (2002.2): 94–95. Print.

A szerkesztő emlékezete (The Editor’s Memories). Review of Tüskés Tibor. Az édenalapító. Napút, (2001.7): 81-84. Print.

Régi magyar kertek. Ed. Géczi János. Somogy, (2000.4): 424–25. Print.

Géczi János. Cholnoky Jenő.  Somogy, (2000.4): 424–25. Print.

Szapudi András. Félisten a pocsolyában.  Somogy, (2000.4): 4232–24. Print.

Szapudi András. Vadkan a felhőben. Somogy, (2000.4) : 424–25. Print.

Géczi János. Dél. Somogy, (2000.4): 421–22. Print.

Brickner Balázs. Evelin világgá megy. Somogy, (2000.4): 422. Print.

Brickner Balázs. Gyémánthúr. Somogy, (2000.4):  422–23. Print.

Confessions of the Critics. Ed. H. Aram Veeser. Helikon, (1998.1–2): 210–11. Print. 

Redirections in Critical Theory. Truth, Self, Action, History. Ed. Bernard McGuirk. Helikon, (1998.1–2): 211–12. Print.

Dienes Ottó. A sötétség tudatosítása és a tökéletesség megidézése. Somogy, (1998.5): 554. Print.

Sulyok Vince. Fényörvény életünk. Somogy, (1998.5): 554–55. Print.

Pálinkás István. Pannon beosztás. Somogy, (1998.5): 555–56. Print.

Balajthy Ferenc. Álmok árnyékában. Somogy, (1998.5): 555. Print.

Rab Zsuzsa. Őrtornyaink. Somogy, (1997.5): 509. Print.

Bella István. Szeretkezéseink. Somogy, (1997.5): 509–10. Print.

Hatvani Dániel. Elnapolt újjászületés. Somogy, (1997.5): 510. Print.

Szigeti Lajos. Vízjelek nyári égen. Somogy, (1997.5): 510–11. Print.

Ébert Tibor. Kérdezd meg az esőt. Somogy, (1997.5): 511. Print.

Rohonyi Zoltán.“Úgy állj meg itt, pusztán!” Somogy, (1997.5): 512. Print.



Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)