Budapest Comparative Law Seminar – An insight into the legal systems abroad
 Károli Open Talks on the latest achievements in space exploration
Plans for the new university campus announced
Working in Hungary – Student Edition

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Budapest Comparative Law Seminar – An insight into the legal systems abroad

The accelerating changes of the 21st century have brought countries closer together, resulting in an increasing number of cross-border legal relationships. It is no longer difficult to go abroad to purchase goods or services, or to study or work there. It is therefore increasingly important to understand different legal systems and to recognise their similarities and differences. The legal system is part of a country's cultural heritage and knowledge of it can help to build and strengthen mutual trust between countries.

The Department of European Law and Private International Law of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University has launched the Budapest Comparative Law Seminars series with the aim of providing an insight into the national legal systems and judicial practices of foreign countries. The invited speakers are all experts in a particular field of law, academics and researchers who are known and respected not only in their own countries but also abroad. Their presentations and question and answer sessions guarantee that the objectives of the seminar series will be achieved.

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Religious Liberty as the Keystone in the Arch of Freedom

Religious freedom has been considered as the keystone in the arch of freedom since it allows us to ask for and seek responses to the most fundamental question of human existence. This freedom allows communities to develop inner strength and resilience. Together with the freedom of speech, they aim to shield citizens and communities against arbitrary state intervention. However, religious liberty is being challenged by new phenomena such as cosmopolitanism, globalization or even religious extremism in the 21st century. Furthermore, even though there has been an explosion of human rights in terms of international treaties and apparatus; we have been experiencing an erosion of religious freedom around the world. It is mainly due to secular criticism and attacks especially in the West that aims to drive religion to the margins and out of the public discourse as well as to an individualistic construction of fundamental rights that ignores the collective nature freedoms. These and similar contemporary questions will be addressed by Gerard V. Bradley, Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame in the online event of the Barna Horváth Hungary Law and Liberty Circle.

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Delegation from Haigazian University

On 25th November 2024, a delegation from the Lebanon-based Haigazian University visited our university. Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) and President of Haigazian University, and Dr. Harout Selimian, Reformed Pastor, President of UAECNE in Syria were received by Dr. habil. Mózes Csoma, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Zoltán J. Tóth, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Dr. Gábor Szalai, Head of the International Relations Office at the Károlyi-Csekonics Palace. Representing the Reformed Church in Hungary, Mr. Balázs Ódor, Head of the Ecumenical Office and Mr. András Gér, General Secretary of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary took part in the meeting.

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üzbegisztáni konferencia

Conference participation at the invitation of the Research Institute of Criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan and visit to the Tashkent State University of Law

A two-day international conference on criminology was organised by the Research Institute of Criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent between October 29 and 30, 2024. The conference brought together leading criminologists from 18 countries to review the most effective international responses to global crime and prevention. Prof. Dr. Andrea Domokos, Head of the Institute of Criminal Sciences and the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law also gave a lecture at the invitation of Baxtiyor Erkinovich Berdialiyev, Head of the Research Institute of Criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In her presentation, Prof. Domokos talked about how the situation of victims of domestic violence deteriorates during crisis, and how latency can be reduced and prevention strengthened.

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Strengthening Academic Ties Between Hungary and South Korea

On October 2, 2024, Mózes Csoma, the newly appointed Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, welcomed Mr. Lee Sung Wook, the Director of International Affairs at Kookmin University in South Korea. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ways to enhance the partnership between the two universities, with the initial focus on exploring student exchange programs.

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