Department of Theatre Studies

Head of Department: Dr. habil. Gabriella Kiss, associate professor
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Telephone (landline): +36 (1) 483 2854

Administrator of Department: Andrea Édes
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone (landline): +36 (1) 483 2850 / 409

Department of Theatre Studies:

The Department of Theatre Studies was established on 1st April, 2009, to set out the teaching of theatrology adjusted to the linear academic traning model. Some of our new colleagues provided the Department with new academic programmes in the past years. At BA level all students of the Faculty (except for students of Sociology, History Studies and Psychology) can opt for Theatre Studies Specialisation (50 credits) or can take some courses of the specialisation freely. The completion of the Theatre Studies Specialisation is not a prerequisite for Theatre Studies MA, which we offer in full- and part-time schedueles, but provides an useful base for it. Besides our full-time professors, a great number of recognized experts and researchers, as well as noted directors, dramaturges and playwrights teach at our Department as guest lecturers.

Professors of the Department:
Dr. Bodolay Géza, senior assistant professor
Dr. habil. Kékesi Kun Árpád, associate professor
Dr. habil. Kiss Gabriella, associate professor
Rákóczi Anita, PhD student
Dr. Sepsi Enikő, associate professor
Dr. Visky András, associate professor
Guest lecturers:
Dr. Almási-Tóth András, associate professor
Bagossy László, theatre director
Bodó Viktor, theatre director
Csizmadia Tibor, theatre director
Dr. Duró Győző, associate professor
Dr. Falussy Lilla, dramaturg
Fuchs Lívia, associate professor
Dr. Győrei Zsolt, associate professor
Horváth Csaba, theatre director
Dr. Karsai György, university professor
Kovács Krisztina, dramaturg
Mádi Zoltán, economist
Dr. Nagy Imre, university professor
Nagy Judit, economist
Nánay István, theatre writer
Novák Eszter, theatre director
Papp Eszter, historian of puppet theatre
Péter Petra, dance historian
Dr. P. Müller Péter, university professor
Radnóti Zsuzsa, dramaturg
Rideg Zsófia, dramaturg
Schilling Árpád, theatre director
Dr. Schuller Gabriella, senior assistant lecturer
Tasnádi István, playwright
Tímár András, PhD student
Ungár Júlia, dramaturg
Upor László, dramaturg
Zsótér Sándor, theatre director


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