Year Opening Ceremony - Scholarship for Christian Young People

On 22 October two of our students had the opportunity to take part of the SCYP Year Opening Ceremony at Páduai Szent Antal Plébánia, Budapest. The event started with a mass, followed by two speeches, beautiful songs – performed by scholarship holders from the University of Pécs – and handing out the awarding diplomas.

It was a pleasure to be there together with these smart and committed young people from all around the best Hungarian universities.

On the picture you can see from left to right: Yasmine Saadallah (scholarship holder), Rozália Kiss (international referent), and Ayman Abdelmalak (scholarship holder).

About the Scholarship for Christian Young People Program:

The core mission of the scholarship is to provide opportunities for Christian youth living in crisis regions of the world or being threatened in their countries because of their faith. It is a chance for the mentioned youth to break out and pursue higher education studies in Hungarian host institutions.

For more information, please click here.