Scholarship for Christian Young People

Application period for the 2025/2026 academic year: 15 November 2024-10 January 2025

Mission of the scholarship

The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is based on the cooperation between the State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and for the Hungary Helps Programme and Churches that pursue humanitarian activities in crisis regions.

Degree programmes at bachelor level and one tier master’s programmes are open to all applicants, while master’s and doctoral programmes are open to those applicants who have completed their bachelor/master studies in the frame of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People in Hungary or are registered for the last semester of their studies in the 2022/2023 academic year as Scholarship for Christian Young People scholarship holders.

More information

For more information please visit the official Hungary Helps Agency website:

For the application procedure visit this site:

Call for Applications 2025-2026:

Available study programmes


Application criteria

  • full-age citizens, who was born before 31 August 2006;
  • those who have the required language skills and qualification as a pre-requisite for the study programme applied for, and submit the supporting document by the deadline;
  • those who have a recommendation from a foreign church or religious order;
  • those who undertake to conclude a Scholarship Agreement after receiving the scholarship;
  • those who have not previously participated in a scholarship programme financed by the Hungarian State for studies at a Hungarian higher education institution at the same level of education;
  • those who undertake to demonstrate by credible proof the use of the six-monthly travel grant received;
  • those who attach a statement, that they consent to the management of their personal data during the application procedure and their participation in the Scholarship Programme.


General Medical Certificate 

The student applications for the SCYP programme are accepted, only if the student completes the attached General Medical Certificate and has it signed by his/her local doctor.
The duly (fully) completed and signed document needs to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than the application deadline. Without this document, the application is invalid.

General Medical Certificate

Provisions Covered by the Scholarship

  • Tuition-free education: exemption from the payment of tuition fee
  • Monthly stipend: non-degree, bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s level:  monthly amount of HUF 166,600 (cca EUR 450) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies
  • Accommodation contribution: free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000/month to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period
  • Medical insurance: health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65,000 (cca EUR 195) a year/person
  • Reimbursement of travel costs to/from home country once a year: HUF 200,000 (cca EUR 550)


Contact Information

If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Viktória Soós at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.