Master’s degree in Psychology with Interpersonal and Intercultural Specialization

The MA in Psychology study programme will not start in the academic year of 2025/2026!

The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship application for the 2024/2025 academic year is open from 15 November 2023 until 15 January 2024. For more information please visit our Stipendium Hungaricum page.
Click here to apply! (only for SH applicants)

The Scholarship for Christian Young People application for the 2024/2025 academic year is open from 15 November 2023 until 10 January 2024. For more information please visit our Scholarship for Christian Young People page.
Click here to apply! (only for SCYP applicants)

The Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship application for the 2024/2025 academic year is open from 15 November 2023 until 31 January 2024. For more information please visit our Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship page.
Click here to apply! (only for DFP applicants)


Study Psychology at Károli University, Budapest


This master’s degree in psychology is a general qualification, it is accepted for further professional training in all areas and opens up various jobs in psychology. During the master’s degree program, we place great emphasis on getting to know the role of a psychologist, developing professional competences and attitudes. Our Psychology MA is traditionally practice-oriented, and each student has close contact with the psychology workplaces and practitioners already during the studies. The English language MA offers a specialization in interpersonal and intercultural psychology. We provide a solid foundation for further studies in professional psychology (e.g., Counselling Psychology, Applied Health Psychology, Work and organizational Psychology, Sport Psychology in Hungary) and for PhD studies.

Specialisation in Interpersonal and Intercultural Psychology:
Builds on the systemic approach of community psychology, focusing on positive functioning of the personality and using prevention as a main tool embedded into community processes. We offer theoretical training and practical experience in three areas: family processes, organizational development, and social inclusion. Our graduates are successful as psychology professionals in the social care system (e.g., as family support workers), in organizational development (e.g., as HR specialists, trainers), in the school-educational environment (e.g., educational counselling) and in dealing with social issues, in interdisciplinary cooperation with representatives of other disciplines.

Career options:
Our students with a Master of Arts (MA) in Psychology degree can work as psychologists in the labour market, the public sector and the competitive sector. They are expected to work in institutions and organisations where education, training, development, management, selection, health promotion, re-education, correction, and rehabilitation are carried out (e.g., health care institutions, schools, business organisations, multinational companies, non-profit organisations, foundations, etc.). Graduates can enrol in doctoral programmes (PhD) in Hungary and in EU Member States, as well as in various postgraduate psychology courses (clinical psychology, occupational psychology, educational psychology, etc.).


Head of Specialization: Dr. habil. Kiss Paszkál

Language: English

Degree: Master’s degree (MA) – Qualification: Psychologist

Attendance: Full-time

Duration: 4 semesters

Credits: 120 ECTS credits

Start of the program: 2024 September

Min/max no. of participants: 10/12

Tuition fee: 5100 Euros/semester (for both EU and non-EU applicants)

The study program may not start if the number of successful applications is below the minimum number.

Courses: we offer 37 courses throughout the two-year program: 11 foundation courses, 23 specialised professional courses, 3 elective courses.

Course insight (including but not limited to):

  • Introduction to Societal and Community Psychology
  • Community Development and Mental Health
  • Family Systems
  • Family Crisis, Coping
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Psychology of Leadership in international context
  • Community Interventions
  • Social Identity and Health
  • Intercultural Psychology
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Religion and Society
  • Psychology of Religion
  • Methods of Intercultural Research
  • Individual, Group and Culture from a Narrative Perspective


The relevant curricula can be found here (subject to change): (link)

Admission criteria:

  1. Entry requirements for the MA program:
  • a BA degree in Psychology and its official, certified (stamped) English translation,
  • transcript of Records of BA studies,
  • motivation letter,
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV),
  • a max. 600 word-summary of an empirical reference work,
  • copy of CEFR B2 level internationally accepted English language exam certificate.


  1. Entrance exam
  • written test – 30 multiple-choice questions based on the literature provided, (see below)
    Only participants scoring at least 5 (out of 30) points will be admitted to the online interview.

  • online admission interview - presentation and discussion of a reference work from Bachelor studies. Professional motivation, competences and experience will be assessed.


Dates of the entrance exam:


Written test: April 08, 2024
Review of your test paper results: April 11, 2024
Oral interview (online): April 23-24, 2024

For the admission interview, the applicant will need to upload a max. 600-word summary of a reference work completed previously. The reference work is an empirical study – it can be an assignment, research paper, thesis, etc. completed previously.

Deadline for uploading your CV, Motivation letter and 600-word summary of a reference work: April 08, 2024

Assessment criteria for the reference work: theoretical grounding, research methodology, presentation and discussion of the research question.

Motivational questions: certified volunteer work, community service, community activity, charity work, etc. The evaluation reflects the time, regularity, dedication and commitment to the activity.

      Literature for the written test:

  • Hogg, M.A., Vaughan, G.M. (2018): Social Psychology. 8th edition. Harlow: Pearson.
  • Carver C.S, Scheier M.F. (2016): Perspectives on Personality, Pearson.

Entrance exam results:

  • written exam: 30 points,
  • admission interview: 50 points,
  • maximum 20 points for the BA diploma (the grades of your diploma will be converted to 20 points)

Minimum 60 points are needed for admission.


Admission Criteria and the Application Process

Entry requirements:

  • Official and certified (stamped) English translation of secondary school certificate (matriculation document),
  • B2-level internationally accepted English language certificate
  • Previous study in English can be accepted as language certificate just from the following countries: United Kingdom, Ireland United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia.
    No English language exam certificate is required in the case of native speakers.
  • Language certificate is not required in case of native speakers.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV),
  • Motivation letter,
  • Application form.You can access the application form by clicking here
  • Payment of the application fee (non-refundable cost): 50 EUR/programme paid in 10 working days after filling the application form
    • Bank account details
    • Name of the recepient: Karoli Gaspar Egyetem
    • Account number: 10404089-00033906-00000001
    • IBAN: HU03 1040 4089 0003 3906 0000 0001
    • SWIFT code: OKHBHUHB
    • Description: Full name_PSYCHO BA


Please note, that applications will be considered complete only after the university has received the application fee.

The language of instruction is English, therefore high proficiency of English language is required to enter the programme. The language knowledge is assessed and evaluated during the entrance exam.

For further information please contact Judit Szabo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Fee-paying students

I. Self-financing applicants

Tuition fee: 5100 EUR / semester for EU and non EU citizens


Scholarship Opportunities

Please check our scholarship site for the scholarship opportunities:


Contact Information

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology
1037 Budapest, Bécsi út 324., Building 5, ground floor, Hungary