» Nomination of International Students
If you are a Stipendium Hungaricum, Scholarship for Christian Young People, Károli Christian Scholarship or Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship student, please follow the instructions on the scholarship’s website.
Please click here or on the picture to reach the guide for incoming exchange students.
Step 1
Step 2
The registration survey will be available during the next application period.
Step 3
‘First name Last name_Type of document_YYYY/YY_Semesternumber’ (Fall semester: 1, Spring semester: 2)
e.g. ‘John Smith_Motivation letter_202122_2’ or ‘Jane Doe_LA_202223_1’
We expect all the required documents to be sent as described above to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until:
Autumn semester: 15 June
Spring semester: 15 December
Although B2 is highly recommended, with some partner institution we agreed on B1, which means, for some students a B1-level certificate is accepted as well. Please inquire about this information from your home coordinator.
B1 and B2-level internationally accepted English language certificates:
Certificate of B1 or B2 knowledge issued by the home institution | TELC | ECL | Euroexam International Certificate | Cambridge [ESOL] | IELTS | BEC | ILEC | City and Guilds | Pearson Test of English (General) | LCCIEB | TOEFL IBT | TOEIC | Skills for Life | University of Michigan | International ESOL | British Council
In case you wish to study only in Hungarian, you do not need to send a certificate.
Details on available courses are found on the following website:
Please only indicate courses in your Learning Agreement which are planned to be launched in your planned study period. In case you indicate courses, which are not on the list, your Learning Agreement will be sent back to you for correction.
After sending all the documents and the application is successful, Károli Gáspár University will send an Acceptance Letter to the student who will be then responsible to forward it to their home institution.
Once you are done with the steps above, your registration is completed!
Name of the university: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Erasmus code: HU BUDAPES10
Address: H-1091 Budapest, Kálvin Square 9.
Contact person: Ms. Virág Zombory, International coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click here to reach the nomination form
Students who wish to study at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (HU BUDAPES10), short: KRE, as an Erasmus+ exchange student must apply to the student mobility at their home institution. Students can only choose our institution if both KRE and the home institution have a signed bilateral agreement for the proposed study program.
If they were selected at home, the home coordinator must send an official nomination to KRE by filling out the nomination form. The nomination form then has to be sent to the International Relations Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of KRE.
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