MA in Teacher of English Language and Culture

The application for the 2025/2026 academic year will be open from 1 February 2025 until 30 April 2025.


The full-time degree programme is either 2 or 4 semesters (60 or 120 credits), depending on your previous qualifications.

Programme Structure

We offer a 2-semester full-time degree programme to those who are qualified English teachers for the upper primary classes and have been teaching for at least two years. The degree programme consists of 60 credits. Apart from a module in methodology, there are courses in language development, linguistics, literature, history and culture – taught with a view as to how these can be incorporated into teaching English. Students are also required to do a supervised teaching practice and have to submit a portfolio.

We have two types of 4-semester full-time degree programmes: the one with 100 English studies credits is for those who have teaching qualifications in any subject other than English, while the one with 90 English studies credits is for those who have teaching qualifications for the lower primary classes. The English module comprises courses in language development, linguistics, literature, history and culture – taught with a view as to how these can be incorporated into teaching English. The teacher training module includes courses in pedagogy, psychology and methodology. Students are also required to do a supervised teaching practice and have to submit a portfolio.

Duration of the programme: 1 year or 2 years depending on your previous qualifications (see above)

The programme starts in September.

For our Essay and Thesis Writing Guide, please, navigate to:

For information on the Basic Exam, please, see the following link:

For information on the Complex Exam, please, see the following link:

Admission Criteria and Application Process

Entry requirements:

  1. Official and certified (stamped) English translation of relevant university degree (as specified in the description above),
  2. CEFR C1-level internationally accepted English language certificate
    Previous study in English of a minimum period of two years can be accepted as an English language exam certificate only from the following countries: United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand
    The English language exam certificate is not required in the case of native speakers.
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV),
  4. Motivation letter,
  5. Proof of teaching experience (at least 2 years) for those applying for the 2-semester programme.
  6. Application form. You can access the application form by clicking here.
  7. Payment of the application fee (non-refundable cost): 50 EUR/programmepaid within 10 working days of the applicant’s filling in the application form.

Bank account details
Name of the recepient: Karoli Gaspar Egyetem
Account number: 10404089-00033906-00000001
IBAN: HU03 1040 4089 0003 3906 0000 0001
Description: Full name_TEFL

Please note, that applications will be considered complete only after the university has received the application fee.

The entrance exam is a Microsoft Teams interview which aims at assessing the candidate’s knowledge of the target language, motivation and intercultural skills.

Fee-paying students

I. Self-financing applicants

Tuition fee: 1200 EUR/ semester

Self-funding applicants shall submit their documentation via our Online Application Platform


Scholarship Opportunities

Please check our scholarship site for the scholarship opportunities:


Contact Information

For more information write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Registrar’s Office
1088 Budapest Reviczky u. 4., Hungary

Telephone: +36 1 872 1743, +36 1 872 1744