Dear Students!

Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church is happy to inform you that you are entitled to use and install Microsoft 365 while studying at the University.

The below mentioned IT systems (Neptun, Moodle, Teams, M365, eduID, eduroam, stb.) can be accessed with the same username (except for Neptun where you don’t need at the end of the username) and password. Your initial password should be changed in Neptun first: Your password for all IT Systems can only be changed via Neptun.

  • Your Neptun username:
    neptuncode (without
  • Your first password:

(NeYYYYMMDD, the date is your birth date. You need to change this in Neptun on first login)

Requirements for the new password:

  • at least 8-10 characters long
  • contains at least 3 of the following:
    • lowercase letters
    • capital letters
    • numbers
    • special characters (.?!#–%”)
  • cannot be the same as any of your previous 4 passwords
  • cannot contain contain any contiguous part of your login name
  • cannot contain a word from a dictionary


You will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication on first login. You can find help here:

Microsoft portal, Office 365 software package

Office online (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote, SharePoint, Teams, Outlook etc.) can be accessed from here:

You can download Office from here:

You will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication on first login. You can find help here:

Microsoft Outlook

Your university email address: neptuncode[@]

You will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication on first login. You can find help here:

Microsoft Teams

You will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication on first login. You can find help here:



  • wifi SSID: eduroam
  • username: neptuncode[@]
  • password: same as the one for Neptun


  • webpage:
  • username: neptuncode[@]
  • password: same as the one for Neptun

If you have questions or you need IT assistance you can contact the Department of IT and Data Asset Management via TOPdesk and our colleagues will be happy to assist you. You can find useful information in the knowledge base, which we are constantly expanding.


The IT Team of KRE is wishing you success!