Péti, Miklós

Péti, Miklós

Title: Dr
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1975
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +3614832885

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2007
Discipline: English literature
Title of Thesis: Interpretations of Homer in 16–17th Century English Literature
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1998
Discipline(s): English
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged

Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2001
Discipline(s): Comparative Literature
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged

Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2002
Discipline(s): Ancient Greek
Issuing Institution: University of Szeged

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of English Studies
Department: Department of Literary and Cultural Studies in English
Current Position(s): Senior Lecturer

Previous Employer: University of Pécs
Previous Position Held: Assistant Lecturer

Other Previous Employers: József Attila Secondary Grammar School, Budapest
Other Previous Positions Held: Teacher of English and Ancient Greek

Areas of Research and Teaching

Early modern English literature
Early modern translations and reception of the classics (mainly early Greek epic and lyric)
Milton Studies, Milton and the classics, Milton’s reception in Augustan Literature and modernism
Ancient Greek epic, classic revivals, orality and literacy studies
Hypertextuality and textual criticism

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

2000–2001: member and co-ordinator of the joint project between the University of Hull and the University of Szeged (“Representations of the Renaissance in Postmodern Culture. A project for cooperation in research, multimedial education and curriculum development”)

2012–2016: The critical edition of the Hungarian translation of Paradise Lost (sponsored by OTKA, the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

2011–2014: Bolyai János Research Scholarship

Member of the editorial Board of The AnaChronisT (a peer-reviewed yearbook of English Studies published by ELTE)

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2009–2010 CCV4 – Common Career in 4 Visegrad Countries: a project of curriculm development among four partner universities

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English reading, writing, speaking, fluent
Ancient Greek reading
Latin reading (basic)

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE) Board Member
Milton Society of America  
Hungarian Society of Ancient Studies  

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
06–09 2010 Cambridge University Library Research (Hungarian Eötvös State Scholarship)
2004–2005 University College, London, SSEES Teacher-Fellow in Hungarian Studies (British Council Chevening Scholarship)
09–12 2004 Warburg Institute Library Research (Hungarian Eötvös State Scholarship)
2002 Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge  Research (British Council Brooke Scholarship)
2000–2001 University of Hull Research (2x 3 weeks during the Fall Terms)

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Mudriczki Judit,
The 1608 King Lear Quarto in Context 2010
Zámbóné Kocic Larisa,
Protean Vicissitude and Milton’s Paradise Lost 2012


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Gábor Ittzés and Miklós Péti, eds., Milton Through the Centuries (Budapest: KRE–L’Harmattan: 2012) ISBN 9789632364841

Chapters in Books

“ ‘Conceived altogether in Homer’s Spirit’—Milton’s Transformation of an Iliadic Type-Scene” in Gábor Ittzés and Miklós Péti, eds., Milton Through the Centuries (Budapest: KRE-L’Harmattan, 2012), 206–218.

“The Modernits on Milton—Yet Once More” in Zoltán Vajda, ed., Poets, Spies, Detectives, Pieces of Toast, and Translations. Essays in Honor of György Novák (Szeged: Jate Press, 2012), 227–237.

“Egy karrier vége. Edmund Spenser: Himnusz az égi szépségről,” [The End of a Career. Spenser’s Hymne of Heavenly Beautie] in Ágnes Berecz and Éva Petrőczi, ed., Reneszánsz kaleidoszkóp (Budapest: Fekete Sas Kiadó, 2009), 63–82.

 “‘Egy tökéletes férfiú.’ Odüsszeusz az angol reneszánsz poétikákban,” [‘An Absolute Man’: The Figure of Odysseus in English Renaissance Poetical Treatises] in Tamás Bényei, ed., Átjárások. Fiatal anglisták és amerikanisták tanulmányai (Budapest: Fisz, 2005), 46–69.

“Descent into Jahannum: Reading the epic descent in Midnight’s Children,” in John Skinner, ed., Tales of Two Cities. Essays on New Anglophone Literature  (Turku: University of Turku, 2000), 131–142.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

“ ‘Envy’d Wit’ in An Essay on Criticism” SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 52.3 (2012): 561-583.

„Rhapszódosz a világhálón? A Homer Multitext Projectről” [Rhapsode on the World Wide Web: About the Homer Multitext Project]  Ókor 2011/4, 50-55.

 “Spenser’s Anacreon: a new model for the new Poet?” E-Colloquia 2007–2008 (5): 1

 “‘Így mesélik, de téveteg’: Milton és a reneszánsz Homérosz-fordítások,” [‘Thus they relate / Erring’: Milton and Renaissance Translations of Homer] Ókor 7 (2008):4, 25–36. (cca. 7000 words)

“Diomedes Apalamnos. Megjegyzések az Iliász egy hasonlata kapcsán,” [Diomedes Apalamnos. Remarks on a Homeric Simile] Antik Tanulmányok XLIX (2005), 5–21.

– “Usura Alone not Understood. A Rhetorical Consideration of the Usury Theme in the Cantos,” Paideuma 30 (2001): 3, 3–22. [cited by Alec Marsh and Ben Lockherd, „Pound and Eliot” American Literary Scholarship 2004–2002(1):137-160.]

“The Shaping of a Literary Cult. The Reception of Chapman’s Homer from Jonson to Keats,” The AnaChronisT 1999: 33–52.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews

Review of Casey Dué és Mary Ebbott’s Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush: A Multitext Edition with Essays and Commentary in Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Review of Zsigmond Ritoók’s Vágy, költészet, megismerés: válogatott tanulmányok in Credo 2011 (17.1-2), 65-67.

Review of Mandy Green’s Milton's Ovidian Eve in Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Review of Eric Nelson’s 2008 edition of Hobbes’s Homer in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 

Review of Barbara Lewalski’s 2007 edition of Paradise Lost to be published in the next issue of The European English Messenger Autumn 2009 (18.2) 88-89.

 “Translation as Tribute” review of Thomas Kabdebo’s A Tribute to Attila József on the 70th Anniversary of His Death in The AnaChronisT 13 (2007/2008), 238–242.

 “A Royal Gap Year. Antal Szerb: Oliver VII” in Hungarian Literature Online 26 November 2007

Zsuzsa Takács: Portrait,” in Hungarian Literature Online 22 May 2006

A Sentimental Journey Through Italy and France. Antal Szerb: Journey by Moonlight,” in Hungarian Literature Online 17 March 2006

Review of Stanley Fish’s How Milton Works in The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 11 (2005), 237–241.

 “From Orestes to Hamlet” review of Iván Nyusztay’s Myth, Telos, Identity in The AnaChronisT 2004, 182–187.

Review of Terry Eagleton’s The Ideology of the Aesthetic in Helikon 1999:1–2, 219–221.


co-translator of the Hungarian version of Edmund Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (Budapest: Magvető, 2008).

translation of Sándor Bazsányi’s article into English 

translation of Raymond Williams’s essay “The Romantic Artist” into Hungarian, in Helikon 1999:1–2, 12–36.

Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences

Milton Through the Centuries (an international Milton conference, 09 2008)

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

11 2012 “Dictates to me slumbring”: Orality, Literacy, and Inspiration in Paradise Lost

05 2012 Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society of Ancient Studies, Piliscsaba, Hungary, Paper: “Égi védnököm ha méltó módra tanít: Milton homérosi hasonlatai” [If answerable style I can obtain / Of my celestial patroness: Milton’s Homeric similes]

01 2011 11th 9th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Piliscsaba, Hungary. Paper: „Envie'd Wit in Pope's Essay on Criticism”

01 2009 9th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Pécs, Hungary. Paper: “Satan’s Leap into Chaos: Recovering a Miltonic Type-Scene”

09 2008 Milton Through the Centuries, International Milton Conference, Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary. Paper: “Conceiv’d altogether in Homer’s Spirit: Addison’s Reading of Milton’s Classical Allusions”

07 2008 9th International Milton Symposium, University College London. Paper: “Corporal Forms: The Similes of Books 6 and 7 of Paradise Lost”

05 2008 Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society of Ancient Studies, Szeged, Hungary. Paper “Semmibevett jóslatok az Iliászban” [Ignored Prophecies in the Iliad].

04 2000 The 15th British Council Conference on the teaching of English literature, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Paper: “The Legacy of Aristeas: Creative and Critical Aspects of Translation in Translation Theories”.