Pődör, Dóra

Pődör, Dóra

Title: Dr (PhD)
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1969
Place of Birth (Country): Budapest (Hungary)
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +36 1 483 2885 (Office of the Institute of English Studies)

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2000 (PhD)
Discipline: Linguistics
Title of Thesis: Twelve Poems Attributed to Fland Manistrech from the Book of Leinster
Issuing Institution: University of Dublin, Trinity College (Republic of Ireland)

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1993
Discipline(s): English and French Languages and Literatures together with a Teacher’s Degree
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary)

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of English Studies
Department: Department of English Linguistics
Current Position(s): Associate Professor and Head of Department

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

History of the English Language (research and teaching)
Varieties of English (research and teaching)
Lexicography (research and teaching)
History of the Irish Language (research)
Terminology development in Irish (research)

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

TERMIK Terminology Research Group, Faculty of Humanities, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2005- Represents the Institute of English Studies on the Quality Assurance Committee of the Faculty of Humanities
2007- Responsible for curriculum development and the preparation of accreditation materials in the Institute of English Studies

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
Hungarian Native language
English Near-native
French Advanced (C2)
Irish Upper intermediate (B2)
German Basic (A2)

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
HUSSE (Hungarian Society for the Study of English)  
CEACS (Central European Associaton for Canadian Studies)  

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Tamás Eitler,
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary)
Some Sociolectal, Dialectal and Communicative Aspects of Word Order Variation in Late Middle English 2007
Márta Pintér,
University of Pécs (Hungary)
Az írországi nyelvcsere történeti beágyazottságának nyelvpolitikai szemléletű vizsgálata (’A Study of the Historical Embeddedness of the  Language Shift in Ireland from the Perspective of Language Policy’) 2008
Katalin P. Márkus,
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary)
Kéziszótárak az ezredfordulón  -- angol-magyar, magyar-angol kéziszótárak 1981 után (’Concise Dictionaries at the Turn of the 20th century – English-Hungarian, Hungarian-English Concise Dictionaries since 1981’) 2011
Alexandra Fodor,
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary)
The History of Abbreviated If-Structures – A Diachronic Corpus Based Study Between 1500 and 1990 2012


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

2012: Pintér, Tibor–Pődör, Dóra–P. Márkus, Katalin (eds.): Szavak pásztora. Írások Magay Tamás tiszteletére. [A Shepherd of Words. Festschrift for Tamás Magay.] (Bilingual – Hungarian, English – publication) Grimm kiadó / Grimm Publishers (www.grimm.hu), pp. 354.

Chapters in Books

2012: ‘A skóciai angol megjelenése az Akadémiai kiadó angol–magyar kéziszótáraiban.’ [’The Representation of Scottish English in the Concise English-Hungarian Dictionaries of Akadémiai Publishers.’] In: Pintér, Tibor¬–Pődör, Dóra–P. Márkus, Katalin (eds.): Szavak pásztora. Írások Magay Tamás tiszteletére. [A Shepherd of Words. Festschrift for Tamás Magay.] Grimm kiadó / Grimm Publishers (www.grimm.hu), pp. 135-141.

2011: ‘Joseph Szövérffy: A Hungarian Scholar in Exile in Ireland.’ In: Kurdi, Mária—Rácz, István—Gula, Marianna: Festschrift for Csilla Bertha and Donald Morse. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó / Debrecen University Press, pp. 192-205.

2010: ‘Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz.’ [‘Preface to the Hungarian Edition’ – introductory essay.] In: Lady Gregory: Cuchulain, az ulsteri hős. [Original English title: Cuchulain of Muirthemne]. General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 5-20.

2009: ‘Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz.’ [‘Preface to the Hungarian edition.’] In: Mabinogion. Walesi legendák. (Original English title: Mabinogion – ed. by Sioned Davies). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 5-7.

2006: ‘Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz.’ [‘Preface to the Hungarian edition’ – introductory essay.]. In: Lady Gregory: Ír mítoszok és legendák – Istenek és harcosok (Original English title: Gods and Fighting Men). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 5-16.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

2011: ‘A Biblia ír nyelven: korai terminusalkotás, késői elterjedés.’ [‘The Bible in Irish: Early Term Creation, Late Dissemination.’] In: Magyar Terminológia [Hungarian Terminology] 4 2011/1, pp. 260-271. (Akadémiai Kiadó / Akadémiai Publishers, www.akademiai.com)

2010: ‘Terminológia-fejlesztés Írországban.’ [‘Terminology Development in Ireland.’] In: Magyar Terminológia [Hungarian Terminology] 2010/2, pp. 145-160. (Akadémiai Kiadó / Akadémiai Publishers, www.akademiai.com)

2007: ‘Az ír nyelv oktatása Magyarországon.’ [‘Teaching Irish in Hungary.’] In: Nyelvinfo [Language Info], 15/1, pp. 24-32.

2003: ‘The Representation of the Speech of Native Canadians in Two Modern Canadian Dramas.’ In: Central European Journal of Canadian Studies 3, pp. 31-42.

1995/96: ‘The Phonology of Scottish Gaelic Loanwords in Lowland Scots.’ In Scottish Language 14/15, pp. 174-189.

1993: ‘The Verb in Early Scots.’ In: The Odd Yearbook - Student Essays in Linguistics (School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), pp. 57-88.

Other publications

2012: ‘Holt és mesterséges nyelvek a modern filmművészetben.’ [‘Dead and Artificial Languages in Modern Cinema.’] In: e-nyelv [e-Language]

2010: More than one hundred endnotes on various phenomena connected to early Irish society, history and culture. In: Lady Gregory: Cuchulain, az ulsteri hős (Original English title: Cuchulain of Muirthemne). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 317-348.

2010: The adaptation of the original Pronunciation guide: an explanation of the pronunciation of both Early and modern Irish for Hungarian speakers, and the transcription of the pronunciation of dozens of Irish proper names according to the rules of Hungarian orthography and pronunciation. General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 352-360.

2009: The adaptation of the original Pronunciation guide for Hungarian speakers. In: Mabinogion. Walesi legendák. (Original English title: Mabinogion – ed. by Sioned Davies). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 39-43. 

2007: Added about 90% of the material for the chapter on the Irish language for the Hungarian edition of the Lonely Planet Guide to Ireland. Park Kiadó / Park Publishers, pp. 874-886.

2007: The transcription of more than a hundred Irish proper and common nouns according to the rules of Hungarian orthography and pronunciation for the Hungarian edition of the Lonely Planet Guide to Ireland. Park Kiadó / Park Publishers, passim.

2007: ‘Ír.’ (‘Irish language.’) In: Tipográfia és helyesírás 30 nyelvhez. [Typography and Spelling in 30 Languages.] Akadémiai Kiadó / Akadémiai Publishers (www.akademiai.com), p. 173.

2006: More than one hundred footnotes on various phenomena connected to early Irish society, history and culture. In: Lady Gregory: Ír mítoszok és legendák – Istenek és harcosok (Original English title: Gods and Fighting Men). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), passim.

2006: The adaptation of the original Pronunciation guide: an explanation of the pronunciation of both Early and modern Irish for Hungarian speakers, and the transcription of the pronunciation of dozens of Irish proper names according to the rules of Hungarian orthography. In: Lady Gregory: Ír mítoszok és legendák – Istenek és harcosok (Original English title: Gods and Fighting Men). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 438-443.

2006: The adaptation of the original Pronunciation guide: an explanation of the orthography and pronunciation of both Early and Modern Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Middle Welsh for Hungarian speakers, and the transcription of the pronunciation of hundreds of Irish, Gaelic and Welsh proper names according to the rules of Hungarian orthography and pronunciation. In: James MacKillop: Kelta mítoszok és legendák (Original English title: Myths and Legends of the Celts). General Press Kiadó / General Press Publishers (www.generalpress.hu), pp. 389-425.

2000: Entry on ‘the Irish’ (‘írek’) in Volume 10 of Magyar Nagylexikon (Hungarian National Encyclopedia).

1999: Twelve Poems Attributed to Fland Manistrech from the Book of Leinster. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Dublin, Trinity College.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

2002: ‘Continentalism and Nationhood—Their Linguistic Aspect.’ In Continentalism and Nationhood in Canada, ed. by Anna Jakabfi. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, pp. 66-84.

Book Reviews



From Irish into Hungarian
2002, 2003: Translation of Irish lyrics into Hungarian for the CDs of the Hungarian music group, Édaín (approximately 20 pages) (titles of the CDs: Thar Sáile; Rí na mBocht).

From Irish into English
2002, 2003, 2006: Translation of Irish lyrics into English for the CDs of the Hungarian music group, Édaín (approximately 30 pages) (titles of the CDs: Thar Sáile; Rí na mBocht; Joyceful).

From English into Old Irish (= the Irish language of the 8th and 9th centuries)
2007: Translation of some dialogues in the film Hellboy 2 (Mid Atlantic HB Kft.; director: Guillermo del Toro)

From Hungarian into English
1999: ‘Cigányok Szlovákiában.’ (‘Gypsies in Slovakia.’) In Egyetlen esély: az érintettek bevonása – The Only Chance is the Involvement of Those Concerned (bilingual publication) (Magyar Népfőiskolai Társaság Publishers) (article)

1991: Balázs E. - Szakáll S.: Magyarországi ásványritkaságok (Mineral Rarities of Hungary) (Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadó Vállalata / Képzőművészeti Alap Publishers) (book)

From English into Hungarian
1999: ‘Minority Education and Culture in Poland in the Last Decade of the 20th Century.’ (‘A lengyelországi kisebbségi oktatás és kultúra a XX. század kilencvenes éveiben.’) In Egyetlen esély: az érintettek bevonása – The Only Chance is the Involvement of Those Concerned (bilingual publication) (Magyar Népfőiskolai Társaság Publishers)

1993: Gail Sheehy: Őszintén a klimaxról (The Silent Passage) (Fortuna Kiadó) (book)

Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences

Main organizer
2012 (30-31 August): ‘Representations of Ireland.’ Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest.

2012 (14-16 June): ‘Fantázia és erkölcs. IV. Jubileumi Tolkien-konferencia.’ [Fantasy and Morality. 4th Tolkien Studies Conference.] Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, and the Hungarian Tolkien Society.

2012 (12-13 October): ‘Interfaces in English Linguistics.’ Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest.

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

2012: ‘The Image of Ireland in English-Hungarian Bilingual Lexicography.’ ‘Representations of Ireland’ conference, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, 30-31 August 2012.

2012: ‘Early Celtic Borrowings in English: Chronology, Phonology, Role in Word-Formation, and Textual Context.’ ICEHL-17 (17th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics), Zürich, Switzerland, 20-25 August.

2012: ‘Manók, törpék, tündérek és tündék – az angol elf szó jelentéstörténete.’ [‘Goblins, dwarfs, fairies and elves – the semantic history of English elf’.] ‘Fantázia és erkölcs. IV. Jubileumi Tolkien-konferencia.’ [Fantasy and Morality. 4th Tolkien Studies Conference.] Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, and the Hungarian Tolkien Society, 14-16 June.

2012: ‘The Representation of the Indigenous Peoples of North America in English and Hungarian Lexicography.’ Indigenous Perpectives Conference, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, and Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, 8-10 March.

2011: ‘The Hungarian Content of the Oxford English Dictionary.’ HUSSE 10 Conference (Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English), Pázmány Péter Catholic Universtiy, Piliscsaba, 27-29 January.

2010: ‘A Biblia ír nyelven: terminológiaalkotás hátrányos helyzetben.’ [The Bible in Irish: Term Creation in a Disadvantaged Situation.’] ‘A Bibliafordítás terminológiai vonatkozásai’ konferencia [Conference on the Terminological Aspects of Bible Translation]. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 11 November.

2010: ‘Early Borrowings between English and Celtic.’ ICEHL-16 (16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics), Pécs, Hungary, 23-27 August.

2009: ‘Canadian Material in the OED.’ Guest lecture at Pavol Šafarik University, Kosice / Kassa, Slovakia.

2009:a) ‘Early Borrowings between English and Celtic.’

b) ‘Teaching Medieval English to Undergraduate Students in Hungary.’ [With Andrea Nagy (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest) and László Kristó (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)]

SELIM 21 Conference (Conference of  The Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature), Madrid, Spain, 24-26 September.

2009: a) Chaucer roundtable (individual presentation)

b) Teaching medieval studies in the BA – MA structure (roundtable discussion) HUSSE 9 Conference (Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English), Pécs, Hungary, 23-25 January.

2008: ‘The Semiotics of the Dictionary.’ The Day  of Science and Research, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, 13 November.

2008: ‘Az étkezéssel kapcsolatos különlegességek a kora középkori ír irodalomban.’ [‘Some Special Features Connected to Eating in Early Irish Literature.’] Conference on the cultural historical aspects of eating from Ancient times until the 20th century (Az étkezéssel kapcsolatos túlzások, elhajlások, különlegességek a kultúrtörténetben az ókortól a XX. századig: a KRE Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskolájának konferenciája), 30-31 May, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest.

2007: ‘Joseph Szöverffy – a Hungarian about 1956.’ HUSIS 1 Conference (1st Hungarian Irish Studies Conference), Pécs, Hungary, 15 September.

2006: ‘The Presence of Canadian Lexical Items in English-Hungarian Dictionaries.’ CEACS (Central European Association for Canadian Studies) conference, Debrecen, Hungary, 27-29 October.

2003: ‘Rhyming Consonant Clusters in Middle Irish Poetry.’ 12th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, Wales, 24-30 August.

2003: ‘Translating Early Irish Poetry into Hungarian.’ IASIL Conference (IASIL = International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures), Debrecen, Hungary, 8-11 July.

2003: ‘Usage Surveys of Canadian English.’ HUSSE 6 Conference (Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English), Debrecen, Hungary, January.

2002: ‘Continentalism and Nationhood—Their Linguistic Aspect.’ ‘Continentalism and Nationhood.’ Conference of the Canadian Studies Centre of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

2001: ‘Does Canadian English Exist?’, ‘Young Canadianists’ Forum’, Eger, Hungary, May.

2001: ‘How Canadian is the Language of Canadian Drama?’, HUSSE 5 Conference (Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English), Eger, Hungary, January.

1999: ‘Metrical Features of Some 11th-Century Deibide and Dechnad Cummaisc Poems Attributed to Fland Manistrech.’ 11th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Cork, Ireland, 25-31 July.

1999: ‘Nyelv és kultúra a középkori Írországban.’ HIFA (Hungarian-Irish Friends’ Association—Magyar-Ír Baráti Társaság) Conference, Budapest.

1999: ‘Early Irish English: The Emergence of a Distinct Variety.’ HUSSE 4 Conference (Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, January.

1994: ‘The Phonology of Scottish Gaelic Loanwords in Lowland Scots.’ Conference on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster, Isle of Skye, Scotland.

1993: ‘The Verb in Early Scots.’ OTDK (National Student Conference), Szombathely, Hungary.

1991: ‘Celtic Loanwords in the Poems of Robert Burns.’ OTDK (National Student Conference), Szeged, Hungary. (3rd Prize in the Panel „English Linguistics.)


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