Faculty of Theology


Previous courses from 2021/2022

Previous courses from 2020/2021

Previous courses from 2019/2020


Erasmus Course Offers - Spring 2024/25/2

Augustine of Hippo our contemporary


Erasmus Course Offers - Spring 2023/24/2

Christianity’s Dangerous Idea – Formation of The Western World

Exegetical Bases: Gospel on The Periphery

Youth Mission


Erasmus Course Offers - Autumn 2023/24/1

Augustine of Hippo our contemporary


Erasmus Course Offers - Spring 2022/23/2

Gemeenteopbouw – gericht op de Nederlandse en Duitse Kerken - Gemeindeaufbau aus Deutsche und Niederländische Annäherung

Biblical Greek II: Morphology and Syntax

Contemporary Protestant Theology from WW2

Hermeneutis of the New Testament


Erasmus Course Offers - Autumn 2022/23/1

Christianity's Dangerous Idea - Formation of the western world (reading course)


Incoming Students to the Faculty of Theology are also welcome to attend courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities, for the detailed list please click here.


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