here you can find the list of all Erasmus courses of the Faculty of Humanities.
Please make sure to check the semester (I. or II.) in which the course you would like to take is taught.
Please also have a look at what language the course you have chosen is given in – English, German, Dutch or Spanish. The usual language is, however, English.
Please note, that the updated list of courses is published each year in May for the autumn semester and in November for the spring semester. Should there not be enough applicants for a course, we reserve the right not to launch it. The minimum number of participants for a course is 2 students.
For any changes in the list of subjects you wish to take at KRE, please refer to the During mobility section of the Learning Agreement.
Important information regarding the registration for courses
For course registration, please, search for your course in the NEPTUN with its code.
Summary table of courses with meeting time
Art, History and Culture
Dutch Studies
English Studies
ERPB-MAD 3411 Qualitative research methods
German Studies
Hungarian Studies
Oriental Studies
Japanese language teaching methodology II.
ERASMUS_The past and present of Japanese Christian missionary work
Questions of the Japanese Modernization_Farkas
Introduction to Japanese Archaeology
Japanese Culture and Civilization_Szabo
Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies
American Art in a Time of War and Terror
Sociology, Communication, Psychology
ERPB-BKO_9832 Europe in the World 2025 Sandor Lenard
Summary table of courses with meeting time
Art, History and Culture
BAA_MAA 9523_The_Power_of_Storytelling_Julia_Szabo
ERPB-BAA 9506_Languages_in_the_Arts_Johanna_Domokos
ERPB-BAA 9926_From_page_to_stage – exploring_drama_texts_through_practice_Adam_Bethlenfalvy
ERPB-BKO 0003_Communication_in_Folk_Culture_and_Music_Iren_Lovasz
ERPB-BTO 0012-01 The Renaissance in Florence History Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici_Dr Frazer-Imregh Monika
ERPB-BTO 0016- 01 Modern Hungary in a Changing International Arena_Prof Dr Szavai Ferenc Tibor
ERPB-BTO0004-01_Medieval hungarian history_Dr Hidan Csaba Lászlo
ERPB-MVS 9440_Nature_Landscape_and_the_City - Art_and_Environmental_Aesthetics_Zoltan Somhegyi
Dutch Studies
ERPB-MHL 0011Stromingen in de Taalkunde
ERPB-MHL 2264Het essay in de Nederlanstalige literatuur
ERPB-MHL 2265 Het essay in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
English Studies
ERPB-BAN 1014 - Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 1014 English Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 1014 Language Practice 1, Gálla
ERPB-BAN 1014 Language Practice 1, Hajner
ERPB-BAN 1016 - Language Practice - Patterns of English
ERPB-BAN 1026 - Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 1027 Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 1111 Introduction to English Lingusitics, Hajner
ERPB-BAN 1111a - Introduction to English Linguistics
ERPB-BAN 1111b - Introduction to English Linguistics
ERPB-BAN 1311-2 Introduction to Literary Studies
ERPB-BAN 1312 Introduction to English Studies 1.2 - Civilisation in the United Kingdom
ERPB-BAN 2011 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-BAN 2130 Present Day English 3.0 Origins and Development
ERPB-BAN 2180 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2181 - Present Day English 2.3. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2181 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2378 Survey of 18th and 19th Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 2379 Survey of 18-19 Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 3162 Varieties of English
ERPB-BAN 3172 Applied inguistics, Hajner
ERPB-BAN 3312 The history and culture of English-speaking countries 1 - Introduction to Political Ideologies 1
ERPB-BAN 3319 British Society and Literature on Film - Film and History
ERPB-BAN 3333 Reading Possession by A.S. Byatt
ERPB-BAN 3353 Selected Topics in English Literature 4 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures
ERPB-BAN 3391 - Literary and Cultural Studies Workshop - 20th-century and Contemporary Short Fiction
ERPB-BAN 3391 Literary and Cultural Studies Workshop 20th-century and Contemporary Short Fiction
ERPB-BAN 4006 Presentation Skills
ERPB-BAN 4007 - Advanced Writing Practice
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Practice, Gálla
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 4008 - Special Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 4502 - Introduction to North American Studies
ERPB-BAN 4505 Introduction to Canadian Culture
ERPB-BAN 4506 - The History and Culture of Native Americans
ERPB-BAN 4807 Professional Languages 4 - Language of Media and Visual Culture
ERPB-BAN 4816 Translation Techniques 2 Translation from Hungarian
ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity - Church studies
ERPB-BAN 9316 Hungarian Art and Cultural History
ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Film
ERPB-MAD 1120 Literary and Cultural Studies - Basic Concepts and Terminology
ERPB-MAD 1316 - Society and Political Philosophy in the English-Speaking Countries 1
ERPB-MAD 1317 - Society and Political Philosophy in the English-Speaking Countries 2
ERPB-MAD 2260 20th and 21st-Century Literary and Cultural Theory
ERPB-MAD 2273 Democracy and Totalitarianism in an Anglo-Saxon Context
ERPB-MAD 2274 Survey of Utopian and Dystopian genres
ERPB-MAD 2278 Historiography, Historical Memory, Cancel Culture
ERPB-MAD 3281 20th-Century Poetry and Drama
ERPB-MAD 3281 Main Tendencies in 20th-century British Poetry and Drama
ERPB-MAD 3291 Main Tendencies in 20th-century English and American poetry and drama
ERPB-MAD 3451 Statistics
ERPB-MAD 3461 Quantitative research methodology
ERPB-MAD 3481 English as a Global Language
ERPB-MAD 3491 - Lexicography and Terminology
ERPB-TNA 1025 Language Practice 2
ERPB-TNA 2382 Survey of English and American Literary History 3.0 Modern English and American Literature seminar
ERPB-TNA 2383 Survey of English and American Literary History 3.1 Modern English and American Literature lecture
ERPB-TNA 3003 - Special Language Practice
German Studies
Entwicklungstendenzen in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Seminar_BNT 2261
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Seminar_BNT 2321
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Vorlesung_BNT 2320
Geschichte_Sprachwissenschaft_MDE 1110 Szilágyi Kósa Anikó
Kontrastive Sprachliche Analysen_Seminar_MNE 2241
Kultur und Medialität 1_Seminar_BNT 2441
Kulturgeschichte - Seminar_BNT 1411
Kulturgeschichte - Vorlesung_BNT 1410
Literarische Lektüre_Seminar_BNT 3131
Morphosyntax der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Vorlesung_BNT 2230
Neue Medien_MDE 1150 hollos
Neue Tendenzen_MDE 1111 hollos
Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie_Vorlesung_BNT 2250
Textlinguistik und Pragmatik - Seminar_BNT 3210
Theorie und Praxis der modernen Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften_MDE 1311 Kovács Edit
Hungarian Studies
Hungarian language and culture for absolute beginners - Joachim
Oriental Studies
Questions of the Japanese Modernization_Farkas
Introduction to Japanese Archaeology_Lázár
Pragmatics-Communication Strategies in Japanese_Somodi
Modern History of China_Vámos
Japanese Culture and Civilization_Szabó
Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies
ERP 8756_Religion_and_Society_in_Central_and_Eastern_Europe_Csaba_Sarnyai
Sociology, Communication, Psychology
Csanády Erasmus Course 2024 Description Past and present of Budapest (five walks) - Urban sociology
ERPB-BAAA 0010_History of Philosophy
ERPB-BAAA 0020_Church studies
ERPB-BAAA 2120_Psyche and Society
ERPB-BKO 0117_Cultural Anthropology_LI_2024-25-1
ERPB-BKO 3152_The Dialogue between Science and Religion_LK_2024-25-1
ERPB-BKO 9806_Logical patterns of communication_PL_2024-25-1
ERPB-BKO 9897_Sociosomatics_LI_2024-25-1
ERPB-BPSA 0110_Anatomy and Neurology 1
ERPB-BPSA 0170_Introdcution to the Theory and Practice of Psychology, History of Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 1150_General Psychology 1
ERPB-BPSA 1170_Social Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 1180_Personality Psychology 1
ERPB-BPSA 1260_Developmental Psychology 2
ERPB-BPSA 1380_Personality Psychology 3
ERPB-BPSA 4110_Anatomy and Neurology 2
ERPB-BPSA 4120_Industrial and Organizational Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 4150_Psychometrics
ERPB-BSZOC_9803_Qualitative Interviewing and Analyis_BiroE
ERPB-MKO 9025_Short Screenwriting_JE_2024-25-1
ERPB-MPS 7041The Psychology of Competition
ERPB_BPSA 0120_Biological Studies 1
Erasmus Course Description_Introduction to Social Network Analysis_Péli Gábor
Introduction to Cognitive Sociology
Sociology of Organizations and Institutions
Roots, Turning Poins and Ideas_ the Historical Evolution of the European Cooperation 2024_25
The Future of Europe Debates, Challenges and Plans 2024
2022 Syllabus for Freud Debates Lewis
BPS2611_Healing Power of Nature Syllabus_2024_25_1
ERPB-BPSA 2653 Coping with Grief
Summary table of courses with meeting time
Art, History and Culture
ERPB-BTO 0004 Medieval Hungarian History_2024_Spring_Hidán Csaba
Languages in the Arts - 2024 Spring - Domokos Johanna
Beckett on Stage and Film - 2024 Spring - Rákóczy Anita
From page to stage – exploring drama texts through practice 2024 Spring - Bethlenfalvy Ádám_Szabó Attila
The Power of Storytelling - 2024 Spring - Szabó Júlia
Ruins between nature and culture – Arts and aesthetics of decay - 2024 Spring - Somhegyi Zoltán
ERPB-BTO 0012-01 The Renaissance in Florence History, Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici_2024_Spring_Frazer-Imregh Monika
ERPB-BTO 0011 Modern Central-European History_2024_Spring_Szávai Ferenc
Introduction to Modern Hungarian Literature and Culture - 2024 Spring - Mudriczki Judit
Close reading The Seagull by Chekhov - 2024 Spring - Kékesi Kun Árpád
Dutch Studies
ERPB-BHL 2252 Oude Nederlandse Letterkunde
ERPB-BHL 3431 Europese cultuur en Nederland
ERPB-MHL 2214 Nederlandse letterkunde Proza
ERPB-MHL 2215 Nederlandse letterkunde Proza
English Studies
ERPB-BAAA 4060 Intercultural Communication
ERPB-BAN 1027 Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice - Bojti
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice - Dobó
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 2112 Present-Day English 1 - Phonetics and Phonology
ERPB-BAN 2130 Present Day English 3.0 Origins and Development
ERPB-BAN 2170 Present Day English 2.0 - Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2171 Descriptive Grammar Erasmus Course Description - seminar
ERPB-BAN 2210 British History I From the Age of the Celts to the Napoleonic Wars
ERPB-BAN 2231 History of the USA
ERPB-BAN 2363-1 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)
ERPB-BAN 2363-2 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)
ERPB-BAN 2368 Survey of English and American Literature 1.0 (Medieval and Renaissance English Literature) - lecture
ERPB-BAN 2382 Survey of British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 2383-1 Survey of 20th century British and American literature
ERPB-BAN 2383-2 Survey of 20th century British and American literature
ERPB-BAN 3152 Chapters from English Linguistics 2.1 - English lexicology and lexicography an introduction
ERPB-BAN 3309 Canadian Culture - A Multimedial Approach
ERPB-BAN 3312 An Introduction to Political Ideologies 1
ERPB-BAN 3319 British Society and Literature on Film - Film and History
ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in American Literature 2. Multicultural identity
ERPB-BAN 3353 Selected Topics in English Literature 4 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures
ERPB-BAN 3391 Cultural and Literary Workshop
ERPB-BAN 4006 Presentation Skills
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Practice
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 4009 Special Language Practice 2 - Aspects of English Vocabulary
ERPB-BAN 4807 Professional Languages 4 Language of Media and Visual Culture
ERPB-BAN 9001 Higher Purposes of the University_Service-Learning as Practice, Pedagogy, and Philosophy
ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity
ERPB-BAN 9109 Foundations of Christian Faith
ERPB-BAN 9118 Totalitarianism in Postwar Hungary - History, Art
ERPB-BAN 9316 - Hungarian Art and Cultural History
ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Film
ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature and Culture
ERPB-MAD 2131 History of the English Language-seminar
ERPB-MAD 2150 History of the English Language-lecture
ERPB-MAD 2150 History of the English Language_2024Spring
ERPB-MAD 2271 Readings in Modern Political Ideologies 1 - An Introduction to the Study of Nationalism
ERPB-MAD 2272 Readings in Modern Political Ideologies 2 - An Introduction to the Study of Feminism
ERPB-MAD 2279 International Relations 1 - Hungary and the English-Speaking World
ERPB-MAD 2280 International Relations 2 - The Global Engagement of English-Speaking Countries
ERPB-TNA 2011 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-TNA 2241 The Culture of the English Speaking Countries The Art and Culture of Britain - A course for future teachers of English
ERPB-TNA 3113 Varieties of English - Pődör Dóra
ERPB-TNA 3113 Varieties of English
ERPB-TNA 3168 The Beginnings of Modernity - Rewriting Shakespeare from the Restoration to Romanticism
German Studies
Aktuelle Fragen der Sprachenpolitik und deutschsprachige Gemeinschaften in Europa_MDE 1140_Szilágyi Kósa Anikó
ERPB-BNT 2220 Morphologie und Syntax des Deutschen im Überblick
ERPB-BNT 2221 Morphologie Und Syntax Des Deutschen Im Überblick I._Seminar
ERPB-BNT 2240 Lexikologie Und Stilistik
ERPB-BNT 2310 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1700-1815_Vorlesung
ERPB-BNT 2311 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1700-1815_Seminar
ERPB-BNT 2330 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1910 bis zur Gegenwart_Vorlesung
ERPB-BNT 2331 Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1910 bis zur Gegenwart_Seminar
ERPB-MNE 2221Die Bedeutung in Semantik und Pragmatik
ERPB-MNE 2360 Medialität Und Intermedialität
Grundkenntnisse der Kulturvermittlung_MDE_1312 Kovács Edit
Interkulturalität in der deutschsprachigen Literatur_MDE 1220_Czeglédy Anita
Semantik, Pragmatik, Kommunikation_MDE 1112_Szilágyi Kósa Anikó
Sprachwandelprozesse in der deutschen Sprache_MDE 1130_Szatzker Szilvia
Varietäten des Deutschen_MDE 1120_Hollós Zita
Hungarian Studeis for Foreigners
Hungarian Language and Culture for Absolute Beginners, ERPB-BMR 0003
Hungarian Language and Culture for Post-beginners ERPB-BMR 0006
Oriental Studies
East Asian writing systems_Apatóczky
Introduction to Japanese Archaeology_Lázár
Japanese Culture and Civilization_Szabó
Pragmatics-Communication Strategies in Japanese_Somodi
Questions of the Japanese Modernization_Farkas
Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies
Sociology, Communication, Psychology
ERPB BAAA 0060_Reading the Bible
ERPB BAAA 2140_Culture and Society
ERPB BPSA 0220_Biological Studies 2
ERPB BPSA 1100_Research Methods in Psychology
ERPB BPSA 1160_Developmental Psychology 1
ERPB BPSA 1190_Educational and School Psychology
ERPB BPSA 1250_General Psychology 2
ERPB BPSA 1270_Social Psychology 2
ERPB BPSA 1280_Personality Psychology 2
ERPB BPSA 4190_Intro to Counseling
ERPB BPSA 4290_Clinical and Health Psychology
ERPB-BKO 0117_Cultural Anthropology
ERPB-BPS2611_Healing Power of Nature
ERPB-BSZOC_9192_Culture_and_Cognitions_Concepts and Categories
ERPB-BSZOC_9803_Qualitative Interviewing and Analyis_BiroE
ERPB-MKO 9025_Short Screenwriting
ERPB-MKO 9026 Concept and Cognition
Erasmus_ERPB-MTVN_9003_The Sociology of Human Resources
The Ethics and Legal frameworks of Psychology
Summary table of courses with meeting time
Arts, History and Culture
Communication in Folk Culture and Music
ERPB-BTO 0012-01 Erasmus Course FIM Renaissance
ERPB-BTO 0016- 01 Modern Hungary in a Changing International Arena
From page to stage – exploring drama texts through practice
Medieval Hungarian History, ERPB-BTO0004-01
Multilingualism in the Contemporary Arts
Nature, Landscape and the City – Art and Environmental Aesthetics
The Spectator’s Craft Analyzing Contemporary Theatre Productions
Dutch Studies
ERPB-MHL 0011Stromingen in de Taalkunde
ERPB-MHL 0021 Literatuurwetenschap, moderne literatuurtheorie
ERPB-MHL 2264Het essay in de Nederlanstalige literatuur
ERPB-MHL 2265 Het essay in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
English Studies
ERPB-BAN 1014 - Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 1014 English Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 1016 - Language Practice - Patterns of English
ERPB-BAN 1026 - Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 1027 Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 1111a - Introduction to English Linguistics
ERPB-BAN 1111b - Introduction to English Linguistics
ERPB-BAN 1311 Introduction to Literary Studies
ERPB-BAN 1312 Introduction to English Studies 1.2 - Civilisation in the United Kingdom
ERPB-BAN 1320 Introduction to English Literary Studies
ERPB-BAN 2011-1 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-BAN 2130 Present Day English 3.0 Origins and Development
ERPB-BAN 2180 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2181 - Present Day English 2.3. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2181 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2378 Survey of 18th and 19th Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 2379 Survey of 18-19 Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 3162 Varieties of English
ERPB-BAN 3319 British Society and Literature on Film - Film and History
ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in North American Literature Responses to the Holocaust in American Literature
ERPB-BAN 3391 - Literary and Cultural Studies Workshop - 20th-century and Contemporary Short Fiction
ERPB-BAN 4006 Advanced Presentation Skills
ERPB-BAN 4007 - Advanced Writing Practice
ERPB-BAN 4008 - Special Language Practice 1
ERPB-BAN 4502 - Introduction to North American Studies
ERPB-BAN 4505 Introduction to Canadian Culture
ERPB-BAN 4506 - The History and Culture of Native Americans
ERPB-BAN 4807 Professional Languages 4 - Language of Media and Visual Culture
ERPB-BAN 4816 Translation Techniques 2 Translation from Hungarian
ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity
ERPB-BAN 9316 Hungarian Art and Cultural History
ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Film
ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature
ERPB-MAD 1120 Literary and Cultural Studies - Basic Concepts and Terminology
ERPB-MAD 1316 - Society and Political Philosophy in the English-Speaking Countries 1
ERPB-MAD 1317 - Society and Political Philosophy in the English-Speaking Countries 2
ERPB-MAD 3261 The main tendencies of English poetry in the 18-19th century
ERPB-MAD 3281 Main Tendencies in 20th-century British Poetry and Drama
ERPB-MAD 3491 - Lexicography and Terminology
ERPB-TNA 1017 - Language Practice Idioms
ERPB-TNA 3003 - Special Language Practice
ERPB-TNA 3513 - Teacher Skills Development - Textboo Research
ERPB-TOS 1010 - The Theory of ELT
ERPB-TOS 1011 - The Practice of ELT
German Studies
Entwicklungstendenzen in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Seminar_BNT 2261
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Seminar_BNT 2321
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Vorlesung_BNT 2320
Kontrastive Sprachliche Analysen_Seminar_MNE 2241
Kultur und Medialität 1_Seminar_BNT 2441
Kulturgeschichte - Seminar_BNT 1411
Kulturgeschichte - Vorlesung_BNT 1410
Literarische Lektüre_Seminar_BNT 3131
Morphosyntax der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Vorlesung_BNT 2230
Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie_Vorlesung_BNT 2250
Textlinguistik und Pragmatik - Seminar_BNT 3210
Hungarian Studeis for Foreigners
Hungarian language and culture for absolute beginners
Oriental Studies
Erasmus Intermediate Japanese grammar
Introduction to Japanese Archaeology
Japanese Culture and Civilization
Questions of the Japanese Modernization
Pragmatics Communication Strategies in Japanese
Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies
Augustine of Hippo our contemporary
Dialogue Between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology BSB9455
Sociology, Communication, Psychology
ERPB-BPS2608_Sigmund Freud Debates
ERPB-BPS2648_Client Practitioner Relationship
ERPB-BPSA 4120_Industrial and Organizational Psychology
ERPB-BAAA 0010 History of Philosophy
ERPB-BAAA 2120 Psyche and Society
ERPB-BKO 0117 Cultural Anthropology
ERPB-BKO 9806 Logical Patterns Of Communications Reasoning, Argumentation And Debates
ERPB-BKO 9807 Culture and Cognitions
ERPB-BPS2611 Healing Power of Nature
ERPB-BPS2617 Introduction to Applied Sport Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 0110 Anatomy and Neurology 1.
ERPB-BPSA 1150 General Psychology 1.
ERPB-BPSA 0170 Introdcution to the Theory and Practice of Psychology, History of Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 0120 Biological Studies 1
ERPB-BPSA 1180 Personality Psychology 1.
ERPB-BPSA 1260 Developmental Psychology 2.
ERPB-BPSA 1380 Personality Psychology 3.
ERPB-BPSA 4110 Anatomy and Neurology 2.
ERPB-BSZOC 9109 Introduction to Cognitive Sociology
ERPB-BSZOC 9191 The Sociology of Organizations (Institutions and Ecologies)
ERPB-BSZOC 9803 Qualitative Interviewing and Analyis
ERPB BPSA 0120 Biological Studies 1.
ERPB-MKO 9025 Short Screenwriting
ERPB-MPS 7041The Psychology of Competition
ERPB-MTVN-9004 Logics of the Social Sciences
Introduction to Social Network Analysis Theoretical Basics and Applications
Summary table of courses with meeting time
Art, History and Culture
Communication in Folk Culture and Music
ERPB-BTO 0012 The Renaissance in Florence History, Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici
European Theatre History – Samuel Beckett’s Plays on Stage and Film
From page to stage – exploring drama texts through practice
Irish Drama
Language and Show in the Contemporary Multimedia Art
Medieval Hungarian History, ERPB-BTO0004-01
Modern Central-European History ERPB-BTO 0011
National cultural character and philosphy in Europe
Ruins between nature and culture – Arts and aesthetics of decay
The Power of Storytelling
Dutch Studies
ERPB-MHL 2214 Nederlandse letterkunde Proza
ERPB-MHL 2215 Nederlandse letterkunde Proza
English Studies
ERPB-BAN 1027 Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice - Bojti
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice - Dobó
ERPB-BAN 2021 Advanced Language Practice 2
ERPB-BAN 2112 Present-Day English 1 - Phonetics and Phonology
ERPB-BAN 2130 Present Day English 3.0 Origins and Development
ERPB-BAN 2170 Present Day English 2.0 - Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2171 Descriptive Grammar Erasmus Course Description - seminar
ERPB-BAN 2210 British History I From the Age of the Celts to the Napoleonic Wars
ERPB-BAN 2231 History of the USA
ERPB-BAN 2363-1 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)
ERPB-BAN 2363-2 Survey of English and American Literature 1.2 (Medieval English Literature)
ERPB-BAN 2368 Survey of English and American Literature 1.0 (Medieval and Renaissance English Literature) - lecture
ERPB-BAN 2382 Survey of British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 2383-1 Survey of 20th century British and American literature
ERPB-BAN 2383-2 Survey of 20th century British and American literature
ERPB-BAN 3152 Chapters from English Linguistics 2.1 - English lexicology and lexicography an introduction
ERPB-BAN 3309 Canadian Culture - A Multimedial Approach
ERPB-BAN 3312 An Introduction to Political Ideologies 1
ERPB-BAN 3315 20th Century Irish History on Film - Postcolonial Film and Society
ERPB-BAN 3319 British Society and Literature on Film - Film and History
ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in American Literature 2. Multicultural identity
ERPB-BAN 3353 Selected Topics in English Literature 4 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures
ERPB-BAN 4006 Presentation Skills
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 4009 Special Language Practice 2 - Aspects of English Vocabulary
ERPB-BAN 4807 Professional Languages 4 Language of Media and Visual Culture
ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity
ERPB-BAN 9109 Foundations of Christian Faith
ERPB-BAN 9118 Totalitarianism in Postwar Hungary - History, Art
ERPB-BAN 9316 - Hungarian Art and Cultural History
ERPB-BAN 9317 Central European Film
ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature and Culture
ERPB-MAD 2131 History of the English Language-seminar
ERPB-MAD 2150 History of the English Language-lecture
ERPB-MAD 2261 Readings in Modern Political Ideologies
ERPB-TNA 2011 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-TNA 3113 Varieties of English
ERPB-TNA 3168 The Beginnings of Modernity - Rewriting Shakespeare from the Restoration to Romanticism
Summary table of courses with meeting time
If you cannot find the clasroom for the course in the table, please enquire at the departmental administrator.
Arts, History and Culture
Communication in Folk Culture and Music
ERPB-BTO 0004 Medieval Hungarian History
ERPB-BTO 0012 The Renaissance in Florence History, Art and Culture in the Time of the Medici
ERPB-BTO 0016 Modern Hungary in a Changing International Arena
ERPB-BTO 0017 The heritage of European towns and cities. A comparative urban history
ERPB-MVS 9440 Nature, Landscape and the City – Art and Environmental Aesthetics
European Theatre History – Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Irish Drama ERPB-BSB 9300
From page to stage – exploring drama texts through practice ERPB-BAA 9926
Rituality in the Arts ERPB-BAA 9507
Storytelling- European Radio Documentaries ERPB-BAA 9523
Dutch Studies
MHL 2264 Het essay in de Nederlanstalige literatuur
MHL 2265 Het essay in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
MHL 5995 Methoden van onderzoek
Taalkundige kennis III Grammaticaal conflict
English Studies
ERPB-BAA 4060 Intercultural Communication
ERPB-BAN 1111 Introduction to English Linguistics
ERPB-BAN 1311-1 Introduction to Englsih Studies - Reading Literary Texts
ERPB-BAN 1311-2 Introduction to Literary Studies
ERPB-BAN 1312 Introduction to English Studies 1.2 - Civilisation in the United Kingdom
ERPB-BAN 1320 Introduction to English Literary Studies
ERPB-BAN 2011-1 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-BAN 2011-2 Advanced Language Practice
ERPB-BAN 2130 Present-Day English 3 - Origins and Development
ERPB-BAN 2180 Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar
ERPB-BAN 2378 Survey of 18th and 19th Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 2379 Survey of 18-19 Century British and American Literature
ERPB-BAN 3162 Varieties of English
ERPB-BAN 3181 Research Seminar in English Linguistics --Translation Studies
ERPB-BAN 3342 Topics in North American Literature Responses to the Holocaust in American Literature
ERPB-BAN 3352 Literary Theory - Alternative Canons - Postcolonial Literature and Culture
ERPB-BAN 4006 Advanced Presentation Skills
ERPB-BAN 4006 Oral Presentation Skills (2)
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Practice
ERPB-BAN 4007 Advanced Writing Skills
ERPB-BAN 4505 Introduction to Canadian Culture
ERPB-BAN 4816 Translation Techniques 2 Translation from Hungarian
ERPB-BAN 4870 Professional Languages 4 - Language of Media and Visual Culture
ERPB-BAN 9107 Introduction to Christianity
ERPB-BAN 9316 Hungarian Art and Cultural History
ERPB-BAN 9322 Hungarian Literature
ERPB-MAD 1120 Literary and Cultural Studies - Basic Concepts and Terminology
ERPB-MAD 1312-1313 Modern British Society History Culture Politics
ERPB-MAD 2230 20th Century Anglophone Literary and Cultural Trends
ERPB-MAD 3261 The main tendencies of English poetry in the 18-19th century
ERPB-MAD 3271 The Main Tendencies of the English Novel in the 19-20th century
ERPB-MAD 3281 Main Tendencies in 20th-century English and American poetry and drama
ERPB-TNA 2221 British and American History 2 - British History from 1815 until 1990
ERPB-TNA 2362 British and American literature 1.0 The Middle Ages and the Renaissance
ERPB-TNA 2363 British and American literature seminar 1.0 the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
ERPB-TNA 3003 Special Language Practice 1
ERPB-TNA 3511 Teacher Skills I. Vocabulary Development
ERPB-TNA 3514 Doing assessment and feedback in the ELT classroom
ERPB-TOS 1010 The Theory of English Language Teaching
ERPB-TOS 1011 The Practice of English Language Teaching
Introduction to American Education Robin Kohl
German Studies
Entwicklungstendenzen in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Seminar_BNT 2261
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Seminar_BNT 2321
Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910_Vorlesung_BNT 2320
Kontrastive Sprachliche Analysen_Seminar_MNE 2241
Kultur und Medialität 1_Seminar_BNT 2441
Kulturgeschichte - Seminar_BNT 1411
Kulturgeschichte - Vorlesung_BNT 1410
Literarische Lektüre_Seminar_BNT 3131
Morphosyntax der deutschen Gegenwartssprache_Vorlesung_BNT 2230
Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie_Vorlesung_BNT 2250
Textlinguistik und Pragmatik - Seminar_BNT 3210
Übersetzung Fachsprache I. Wirtschaftstexte_Seminar_BNT 4221
Hungarian Studies for Foreigners
ERPB-BMR 0002 Hungarian language for absolute beginners
ERPB-BMR 0010 Advanced Hungarian
Oriental Studies
East Asian writing systems
ERPB-BJP 2450 Japanese Culture and Civilization
Introduction to Japanese Archaeology
Pragmatics-Communication Strategies in Japanese
Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies
Trends in Philosophical Logic Classical, Modal, and Non-monotonic Logics ERPB-BSB 9660
Sociology, Psychology, Communication
Cultural Anthropology ERPB-BKO 0117
ERPB_BPSA 0120_Biological Studies 1
ERPB-BAAA 0010_History of Philosophy
ERPB-BAAA 2120_Psyche and Society
ERPB-BPS2608_Sigmund Freud Debates
ERPB-BPS2611_Healing Power of Nature
ERPB-BPS2617_Introduction to Applied Sport Psychology
ERPB-BPS2633_Principles of Altered States of Consciousness
ERPB-BPSA 0110_Anatomy and Neurology 1
ERPB-BPSA 0170_Introdcution to the Theory and Practice of Psychology, History of Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 1150_General Psychology 1
ERPB-BPSA 1151_General Psychology 1. practice
ERPB-BPSA 1170_Social Psychology
ERPB-BPSA 1171_Social Psychology 1. practice
ERPB-BPSA 1180_Personality Psychology 1
ERPB-BPSA 1260_Developmental Psychology 2
ERPB-BPSA 1261_Developmental Psychology 2. practice
ERPB-BPSA 1380_Personality Psychology 3
ERPB-BPSA 4110_Anatomy and Neurology 2
ERPB-BSZOC 9194 Social Imagination of Science Fiction
ERPB-BSZOC 9780_Family & Gender
ERPB-BSZOC_9803_Qualitative Interviewing and Analyis
ERPB-MPS 7041The Psychology of Competition
Introduction to Social Network Analysis Theoretical Basics and Applications
Past and present of Budapest (five walks) - Urban sociology
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