Attila Sági

Attila Sági

Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1985
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc):
Title of Thesis:
Issuing Institution:

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2011
Discipline(s): Japanology
Issuing Institution: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures
Department: Departement of Japanese Studies
Current Position(s): Assistant Lecturer

Previous Employer: Eötvös Loránd University
Previous Position Held: Lecturer

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
 Japanese  advanced
 Engliah  advanced
 Esperanto  intermediate

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


Publikációs lista




Edited Books and Journals
Nyelvjárási változások Japánban a XX. század első felében, in: Tanulmányok. Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskola. Asteriskos. Budapest: ELTE BTK. 2012. 305-323.

Chapters in Books


Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

A nyelvi sztenderdizációs folyamatokat elősegítő és gátló tényezők Japánban a XX. században, in: Közel s Távol II.Budapest: Eötvös Collegium, ELTE BTK. 2012. 131-142. 

Research on Kansai dialect, in speciality old and new rakugo plays, in: PhD. Workshop in Japanese Studies East and Central Europe 2012. Budapest: The Japan Foundation. 2012. 83-88. 

A Research on Gairaigo Words in the Japanese Language, in: Világunk határai.  Budapest: Eötvös Collegium. 2014. 189-217.

A rangaku-tudomány hatása a japán nyelvkutatásra, in: Közel s Távol III. Budapest: Eötvös Collegium. 2014. 223-241.

Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Anita Rákóczy

Anita Rákóczy 

Title: Dr.
Gender: F
Year of Birth: 1980
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): Expected year of Doctoral Defence: 2015
Discipline: Modern English and American Literature Doctoral Programme
Title of Thesis: Towards The Creation of Endgame
Issuing Institution: ELTE

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2006; 2007; 2009
Discipline(s): Philologist in English and Hungarian Language and Literature; Teacher of English and Hungarian Language and Literature; Theatre Studies, Dramaturgy
Issuing Institution: ELTE, SZFE

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Current Position(s): Teaching Assistant

Previous Employer: Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute
Previous Position Held: App. Deputy Director

Other Previous Employers: Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute, International Theatre Institute (ITI) Hungarian Centre
Other Previous Positions Held: Theatre Archive Documentator; Coordinator; Financial Administrator

Areas of Research and Teaching

Samuel Beckett’s plays; Manuscripts, preliminary versions of Endgame; Irish drama; docu-drama and documentary theatre; performance-analysis

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

TACE (Theatre Architecture in Central Europe) – Coordinator, Financial Administrator (2009-2011)
ECLAP (European Collected Library of Artistic Performance) – Coordinator, Financial Administrator (2011)

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Advanced (Cambridge Proficiency Examination, TOEFL IBT)
German Intermediate (Goethe Zertifikat B2)
Turkish Basic

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2013 University of Reading, Samuel Beckett Collection, UK Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship –
Extensive research towards exploring the genesis of Fin de partie, close-reading of the unpublished manuscripts of preliminary versions preceding the first publication.
2011-2012 CUNY Graduate Center, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, NEW YORK Fulbright Scholarship, Visiting Student Researcher – conducting research related to Samuel Beckett’s Endgame-directions; Virág Erdős: Suicide Bomb (staged reading) – dramaturg (director: Gwynn MacDonald, Bohemian National Hall, New York, 2012)
2007 West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds, UK Leonardo Scholarship – dramaturg intern at the Literary Department
2003 Norwich School of Arts and Design, UK Erasmus Scholarship – creative writing, installation techniques

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

Towards the Creation of Endgame. in: „Az ideál mindazonáltal megőrződik”. Tanulmányok Bécsy Ágnes tiszteletére. ed. HORVÁTH Kornélia & OSZTROLUCZKY Sarolta, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2013. 244-248.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Közelítések A játszma végéhez. Samuel Beckett drámája, rendezései és színházi jegyzetei. Előhang egy készülő tanulmányhoz. in: HOLMI, ed. RÉZ, Pál, 2013/5, 603-615.   

Word for Word, Verbatim and the Gypsy Superman, in: Slavic and East European Performance, New York, 2012, Vol. 32, No.1. 56-64.

Új apaiszodion, in: Alföld, ed. ACZÉL Géza, 2007/2, 107-111.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Book Reviews


Eurialus és Lucretia – Péter Gothár’s screenplay (from Hungarian to English, co-translator: Bernard Adams, 2009)

Beyond Everydayness. Theatre Architecture in Central Europe, ed. KOVAČEVIĆ, Igor, National Theatre Prague, Guild Print, 2010. (co-translator)

Creative Writing

Aluljáró – documentary play about homeless people (Budaörsi Játékszín, under the title Hátamon a házam, 2008)

The Quake, avagy lecke a perspektíváról. Király Anna bábelőadása, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI, Tamás, 2012/12, 40-43.

Be There. HATE RADIO. Theatertreffen 2012, in: 2012-12-12, ed. KALB, Jonathan, CUNY, New York

Hamlet és Zi Dan – Egy pekingi opera Edinburgh-ban és Kínában, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2012/1, 45-48.   

Let’s Count, Daddy – Theatertreffen 2011, in:, ed. KALB, Jonathan, Hunter College, CUNY, New York

Négysarkú világ – Spiró Kvartettje három nyelven, öt szólamban, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2011/1, 57-60.

Suicide Bomb – Dramas and Traumas in the Plays of Virág Erdős, in Hungarian Theatre Bulletin 2010, ed. LAKOS Anna, Budapest, 2011, International Theatre Institute Hungarian Centre, 12-17.

Számoljunk, papa – Theatertreffen 2011, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2011/8, 35-37.         

Bébik és bolhák – Dublini Fesztivál 2010, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2011/5, 46-48.

Új világok – Óceánon innen és túl, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2010/12, 57-60.

Dört Köşe Dünya, in: Tiyatro, főszerk. GÜLHAN Avşar, Sayi:220, ISSN: 1300-7963, Isztambul, 12/2010, 24-27.

S örökkön él a szerelem” – Don Quijoték, Dulcineák és a gazdasági válság, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2010/8, 62-64.

Leforrázva – Vándoristenek, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2010/8, 24-25.

Sötét anyag és becketti csönd – Spielart Munich 2009, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2010/4, 61-64.

Higher Education for Theatre Artists in Hungary, in: Hungarian Theatre Bulletin 2009, ed. LAKOS Anna, 2010, 11-13.

Három nap, három éj – Fesztivál Edinburgh-ban, in: Színház, ed. KOLTAI Tamás, 2009/12, 61-64.

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)


Organisation of Conferences

National Theatre in the 21st Century – International conference organized by ITI Hungarian Centre for the managing and artistic directors of the National Theatres of the Czech Republic, Germany Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.  (National Theatre Budapest, January 2010)

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Godots That Arrived: Waiting for Godot in Budapest Before and After 1989. Conference paper presented at Staging Beckett: Constructing Performance Histories, 5 April 2014.

Flóra Rajhona

Flóra Rajhona

Year of Birth: 1979
Place of Birth (Country): Kaposvár
Office Phone Number: 872-1705

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc):
Title of Thesis:
Issuing Institution:

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2004
Discipline(s): Latin and Hungarian Philology, Teacher
Issuing Institution: ELTE

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Department: Antique Studies and Historical Auxiliary Studies
Current Position(s):

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
 Latin  Advanced C1
 English  Medium B2
 French  Medium B2

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


Publikációs lista




Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

Mensa solis. Egy antik exemplum lehetséges útja. in: Magistri discipuli. Tanulmányok a 60 éves Madas Edit tiszteletére. Budapest: MOKKA-R füzetek 2, 2009, 271-279.

Forms of appearance of narrative material in exempla of Pelbartus de Temesvár's Pomerium. in: Fortunatus, Melusine, Genofeva. Internationale Erzählstoffe in der deutschen und ungarischen Litteratur der frühen Neuzeit. Szerk. D. Breuer - G. Tüskés - P.Lang. Budapest: 2010, 35-53.

Pázmány Péter prédikációinak forrásairól. 2006, 113-124


Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Alexandriai Szent Katalin legendája későközépkori prédikációkban.Közkincs 2014/8, 9-29.

Krähling Edit, A klasszikus görög-római ókor a magyar művelődésben és tudományban. ÓKOR: FOLYÓIRAT AZ ANTIK KULTÚRÁRÓL 3:(3) 2004, 83-85.

Alexandriai Szent Katalin legendája Temesvári Pelbárt feldolgozásában. Plaustrum seculi I. (2004), Bárczi Ildikó, 6-32

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Prescott, Frank


Prescott, Frank


Title: PhD
Gender: Male
Year of Birth: 1965
Place of Birth (Country): UK
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: ?

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2014
Discipline: Language Pedagogy
Title of Thesis: Adapting to the requirements of written academic discourse on entering university
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1988
Discipline(s): English Language and Literature
Issuing Institution: University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
 Moray House College of Education, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh  PGCE Secondary English  1993

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: English
Department: English Linguistics
Current Position(s): Associate Professor

Previous Employer: Eötvös Loránd University
Previous Position Held: Lektor

Other Previous Employers: -
Other Previous Positions Held: -

Areas of Research and Teaching

Academic writing, English for Special Purposes, Media Studies, English Language Pedagogy

Membership in Research Groups and Projects - None

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
 Hungarian  Intermediate reading/listening; Lower intermediate speaking/writing
 French  Lower intermediate
 German  Elementary

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
 IATEFL-Hungary  Committee member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


List of Publications




Edited Books and Journals


Chapters in Books

Prescott, F. J. (2010). Entering an academic discourse community: First-year students adapting to the requirements of university. In T. Frank & K. Károly (Eds.), Gateways to English: Current Hungarian doctoral research (pp. 311-327). Budapest, Hungary: Eötvös University Press.

Prescott, F. J. (2012). Questioning autonomy in language learning: A literature review. In É. Illés & T. Eitler (Eds.), Studies in applied linguistics in honour of Edit H. Kontra (pp. 191-198). Budapest, Hungary: ELTE BTK.


Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Prescott, F. J. (2007). Organisational strategies in the writing of entry-level university students. WoPalP (Working Papers in Language Pedagogy) 1, 17-37. Available

Prescott, F. J. (2011). Validating a long qualitative interview schedule. WoPalP (Working Papers in Language Pedagogy) 5, 16-38. Available

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Prescott, F. J. (2006). The importance of the group: A case study of a university first-year academic skills class.In M. Nikolov & J. Horváth (Eds.), University of Pécs Roundtable 2006: Empirical studies in English applied linguistics. Pécs, Hungary: Lingua Franca Csoport. Available

Prescott, F. (2008). The ‘problem’ of student writing in Hungarian higher education. Paper presented at II. Alkalmazott Nyelvézeti Doktorandusz Konferencia, MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet, 2008, Budapest. Available

Prescott, F. J. (2011). Using social networks to create parallel digital classrooms and teach digital literacy. In K. B. Bérces, K. Földváry, & R. M. Kóris (Eds.), Proceedings of the HUSSE10 Conference, 27-29 January 2011 Linguistics Volume(pp. 66-73). Debrecen, Hungary: Hungarian Society for the Study of English. Available

Prescott, F. J. (2014). A grounded theory of student enculturation into written academic discourse. In M. Ladányi, Zs. Vladár, & É. Hrenek (Eds.), MANYE XXIII. Nyelv - társadalom – kultúra: Interkulturális és multikulturális perspektívák I-II(pp. 377-383). Budapest, Hungary: Tinta Könyvkiadó.

Prescott, F. J. (2014) Using a virtual learning environment to augment classroom learning at university. In V. Ruttkay & B. Gárdos (Eds.), HUSSE 11 Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (pp. 66-73). Budapest, Hungary: L’Harmattan. Available

 Prescott, F. J. (in press). In at the deep end: the struggles of first-year university students adapting to the requirements of written academic discourse in an EFL context. Paper delivered at theFirst Conference on Academic Writing in Eastern Europe, West University, Timisoara, Romania, April 3-6, 2014.

Prescott, F. J. (in press). Observations from the language classroom: the importance of the group. Paper delivered at theIATEFL-Hungary 24th Annual Conference, Pannon University Veszprém, Hungary, October 3-5, 2014.

Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)




Organisation of Conferences

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Gyula Popély

Gyula Popély

Title: PhD
Year of Birth:
Place of Birth (Country):
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc):
Title of Thesis:
Issuing Institution:

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree:
Issuing Institution:

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Current Position(s):

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence


Publikációs lista




Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books


Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)


Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)


Book Reviews




Creative Writing


Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)



Organisation of Conferences


Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Tibor Pólya

Tibor Pólya

Title: Dr
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1969
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2003
Discipline: Social Psychology
Title of Thesis: Spatio-temporal perspective in life stories and social identity
Issuing Institution: University of Pécs

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1996
Discipline(s): Psychology
Issuing Institution: Eötvös Loránd Scientific University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute for Psychology
Department: Intercultural and Social Psychology
Current Position(s): Associate Professor


Areas of Research and Teaching
Social Psychology
Narrative Psychology

Membership in Research Groups and Projects
HAS RCNS, ICNP, Narrative Psychology Research Group, member

OTKA K 81633 The role of historical trajectory in the construction of national group identity, researcher

OTKA K 109009 The role of collective victimhood in the construction of national identity, researcher

COST IS1205 Social psychological dynamics of historical representations int he enlarged European Union, Working group leader

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
English Intermediate

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing
Bolyai Honours Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2009

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
European Association of Social Psychology  
International Society for Research on Emotions  
Hungarian Association of Psychology  

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2004 Medical Research Council, Cognitive and Brain Sciences Unit Research
1999 University of Aarhus Research

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Pál Kővágó,
University of Pécs
Emotion sharing in social media  
Levente Szász,
University of Pécs
National identity and national history  

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Linda Szijjártó,
University of Pécs
The nature of Machiavellist strategy: The role of behavior, traits and emotional intelligence in decision making by machiavellist persons 2014
László Kelemen,
University of Pécs
Opinions on law 2013
Péter Zsolt Szabó,
University of Pécs
The effect of national identification on group based emotions 2013
Ildikó Somogyvári,
University of Pécs
The role historicial fiction in the development of national identity: Empathy, group identification and intergroup processes in reception 2010
Elena Buja,
Institute for Linguistics
Development of narrative language of rumanian children 2008


List of Publications



Pólya T. (2007). Identitás az elbeszélésben. Szociális identitás és narratív perspektíva. Budapest, Új Mandátum Kiadó.

Chapters in Books

Boros G., & Pólya, T. (Szerk.) (2014) Szenvedély, szerelem, narrációk. Filozófiai és pszichológiai tanulmányok. Budapest, Eötvös Kiadó.

Pólya T. (2014). Múltbeli érzelmek újraélése és a történetek idői szerveződése. In Boros G., & Pólya, T. Szenvedély, szerelem, narrációk. Filozófiai és pszichológiai tanulmányok. (pp. 176-187). Budapest, Eötvös Kiadó.

Vincze, O., Ilg, B., & Pólya, T. (2014). The role of narrative perspective in the elaboration of individual and historical traumas. In László, J., Forgas, J., Vincze, O. (Eds.), Social Cognition and Communication. Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology. (pp. 229-244). New York, Psychology Press.

Ehmann, B., Lendvai, P., Pólya, T., Vincze, O., Miháltz, M., Tihanyi, L., Váradi, T., & László, J. (2012). Narrative Psychological Application of Semantic Role labeling. In Proceedings of the 2011 International NooJ Conference. (pp. 218-228). Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

Pólya T. (2008). A narratív értékelés hatása a szubjektív élmény észlelt minőségére. In Vincze O. és Bigazzi S. (szerk.), Élmény, történet – a történetek élménye. (106-120. o.). Budapest, Új Mandátum Kiadó.

Pólya T. (2004). Miről informál az élettörténet narratív perspektívája? In László J., Kállai J., & Bereczkei T. (szerk.), A reprezentáció szintjei. (341-355. o.). Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó.

Pólya T. (2004). A narratív perspektíva hatása az elbeszélő személy észlelésére. In Erős Ferenc (szerk.), Az elbeszélés az élmények kulturális és klinikai elemzésében. Pszichológiai Szemle Könyvtár 8. (89-107. o.). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó.

László, J., & Pólya, T. (2003). The narrative perspective in subjective literary experience: A cross-cultural study. In L.I. Komlósi, P. Houtlosser, & M. Leenzenberg (eds.), Communication and culture. Argumentative, cognitive and linguistic perspectives. (61-67. o.). Amsterdam, Sic Sat.

Pólya T. (2003). A narratív szelf pszichológiai értelmezései. In Rákai O., & Z. Kovács Z. (szerk.), A narratív identitás kérdései a társadalomtudományokban. (55-68. o.). Budapest és Szeged, Gondolat és Pompeji.

László, J., & Pólya, T. (2002). The role of narrative perspective in cultural-cognitive context. In C.F. Graumann, & W. Kallmeyer (eds.), Perspectivity and Perspectivation in Discourse: An introduction. (375-387. o.). Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

László, J., Ehmann, B., Péley, B., & Pólya, T. (2002). Narrative psychology and narrative psychological content analysis. In László J., & W.S. Rogers (eds.), Narrative Approaches in Social Psychology. (9-25. o.). Budapest, CEU Press.

Pólya T. (2001). Narratív identitás és szelf-reflexivitás: a szelf-reflexivitás narratív modellje. In Kampis Gy., & Ropolyi L. (szerk.), Evolúció és megismerés. (159-171. o.). Budapest, Typotex.

Pólya T. (1999). Személykonstrukció a narratívumban: a narratív perspektíva funkciója. In Kónya A., Király I., Bodor P, & Pléh Cs, (szerk.), Kollektív, társas, társadalmi. (171-180. o.). Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó.

László J., & Pólya T. (1998). A narratív perspektíva szerepe kognitív-kulturális kontextusban. In László J. (szerk.), Élettörténet és megismerés. (72-87. o.). Budapest, Scientia Humana.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Pólya, T., & Kővágó, P. (submitted). Narrator’s identification with national identity and the narrative construction of group history

Bálint, K., & Pólya, T. (submitted). Watching closely: Visual strategy of focalisation affects film viewers’ responses.

László, J., Csertő, I., Fülöp, É., Ferenczhalmy, R., Hargitai, R., Lendvai, P., Péley, B., Pólya, T., Szalai, K., Vincze, O., & Ehmann, B. (2013). Narrative Language as an Expression of Individual and Group Identity: The Narrative Categorical Content Analysis: SAGE Open April-June, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/2158244013492084 2013 3

Pólya T., & Kovács I. (2011). Történetszerkezet és érzelmi intenzitás. Pszichológia. 31(3). 273-294.

Ehmann, B., Balázs, L., Fülöp, É., Hargitai, R., Kabai, P., Péley, B., Pólya, T., Vargha, A, Vincze, O., & László, J. (2011). Narrative psychological content analysis as a tool for psychological status monitoring of crews in isolated, confined and extreme settings. Acta Astronautica, 68(9-10), 1560-1566.

Pólya T., Kis, B., Naszódi, M., & László, J. (2007). Narrative perspective and the emotion regulation of a narrating person. Empirical Text and Culture Research, 7(3), 50-61.

László, J., Ehmann, B., Pólya, T., & Péley, B. (2007). Narrative Psychology as Science. Empirical Text and Culture Research, 7(3), 1-13.

Pólya, T., László, J., & Forgas, J.P. (2005). Making sense of life stories: The role of narrative perspective in communicating hidden information about social identity, European Journal of Social Psychology, 35(6), 785-796.

Pólya T., Kis B., Naszódi M., & László J. (2005). Az érzelmi tapasztalat minősége az élettörténeti elbeszélésben. A LAS-verticum perspektíva modulja. Pszichológia, 25(2), 143-155.

László J., Ehmann B., Péley B., & Pólya T. (2000). A narratív pszichológiai tartalomelemzés: elméleti alapvetés és első eredmények, Pszichológia, 20(4), 367-390.

Pólya T. (1998). Személykonstrukció a narratívumban: a narratív perspektíva funkciója, Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 37(5-6), 567-576.

Pólya T. (1997). Pszichológia az egyénen „kívül.” Kommentár Rom Harré: „Érzelem és emlékezet: A második kognitív forradalom” című tanulmányához, Replika, 26, 131-141.

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Pólya T. (2014). Történetszerkezet mint az érzelmi intelligencia faktora. In Tanács A., Varga V., & Vincze V. (Szerk.), X. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2014. (pp. 148-154). Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Ehmann B., Csertő I., Ferenczhalmy R., Fülöp É., Hargitai R., Kővágó P., Pólya T., Szalai K., Vincze O., László J. (2014). Narratív kategoriális tartalomelemzés: a NARRCAT. In Tanács A., Varga V., & Vincze V. (Szerk.), X. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2014. (pp. 136–147). Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya T., Kővágó P., & Szász L. (2014). A nyelvi kategória modell kategóriáinak automatikus elemzése angol nyelvű szövegben. In Tanács A., Varga, V., & Vincze V. (Szerk.), X. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2014. (pp. 127–135). Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya T., & Szász L. (2013). A Regresszív Képzeleti Szótár magyar nyelvű változatának kidolgozása. IX. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. (124-132. o.), Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya, T., & Gábor, K. (2010). Linguistic Structure, Narrative Structure and Emotional Intensity. Third International Workshop on Emotion, Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect. (20-24. o.). LREC, Valetta.

Pólya T., Vincze O., Fülöp É., és Ferenczhalmy R. (2007). A pszichológiai perspektíva előfordulása történelem tankönyvi szövegekben. V. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. (235-241. o.), Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya T. (2006). A pszichológiai perspektíva modul fejlesztése. IV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. (323-329. o.), Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya T. (2005). Az élettörténeti narratív perspektíva modul angol nyelvű változatának fejlesztése. III. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. (278-281. o.), Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Pólya T. (2004). Élettörténeti narratív perspektíva és érzelemszabályozás. II. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. (278-281. o.), Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Informatikai Tanszékcsoport.

Organisation of Conferences

Elbeszélt érzelmek - filozófiai és pszichológiai perspektívák (2013). Szervezők: Boros Gábor, Olay Csaba és Pólya Tibor, Budapest.

Annual conference of the StoryNet (2014). Szervezők: Pólya Tibor és Barbara Maleckar

Gábor Pintér

Gábor Pintér

Title: Dr.
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1977
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: 81+(0)78-803-7422

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2008
Discipline: Linguistics
Title of Thesis: Asymmetrical segment distributions in Japanese
Issuing Institution: Kobe University

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2005
Discipline(s): Linguistics
Issuing Institution: Kobe University

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute for Oriental Studies
Department: Japanese
Current Position(s):

Current Employer: Kobe University in Japan
Institute: School of Languages and Communication
Current Position(s): associate professor

Previous Employer: Advanced Media Inc. (Tokyo)
Previous Position Held: Programmer, Core Technology Group

Areas of Research and Teaching

Teaching: phonology, phonetics,  morphology, general linguistics, English, Hungarian
Research: phonology, phonetics, automatic speech recognition

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Project: Phonological Characteristics of the Japanese Lexicon(leader: Haruo Kubozono)
Instittue: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics,
Status: external member

Phonology Association in Kansai (chair, organizer)
status: organizer, chair

Project: Stochastic & theoretical phonological research based on databases and phonetic experiments (leader: Takeru Honma) (8 members)
Grant: JSPS - Scientific Research B
status: project member

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2011-2013 English Education Division: board member
2013-2014 Undergraduate English Entrance Exam committee member  (ca. 7000 applicants)

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
Japanese fluent, Japanese-Language Proficiency Test: Level 1
Korean intermediate, Korean-Language Proficiency Test: Level 3
English fluent
Hungarian native

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
The phonological society of Japan board member
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics external project member
Phonology Association in Kansai (PAIK) organizer, chair
International Speech Communication Association member
Association for Lboratory Phonology member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2011-2015 (now) Kansai University, Japan part-time professor (linguistics)
2005-2007 Osaka University of Foreign Studies part-time professor (Hungarian conversation)

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Kobe University
Long vowel reduction in Japanese 2014


List of Publications



Edited Books and Journals

Chapters in Books

Pintér, G. (2015). Emergence of new consonant phonemes. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Handbook of Japanese Phonetics and Phonology, Chapter 3, 121–166, De Gruyter Mouton.

Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Tateishi (2014). Perception of Prosodic Prominence and Boundaries by L1 and L2 Speakers of English. In Proceedings of InterSpeech 2014, Singapore.

Jokisch, Oliver, Tristan Langenberg, Gábor. Pintér, (2014). Intonation-Based Classification of Language Proficiency Using FDA. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, and Daniel Hirst (eds.) Speech Prosody 7, 795–798.

Pintér, G. (2013). Perceptual distance and the decline of Japanese velar glides. In: Kyoung Kwon (ed.) Japanese linguistics and Japanese education. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: Seoul, 295–310. [in Japanese]

Pintér, G. (2008). Asymmetrical phonologization in Japanese: A case study. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Asymmetries in Phonology: An East-Asian Perspective, 165–181, Tokyo: Kuroshio.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2014). Boundary and prominence perception by Japanese learners of English: A preliminary study. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 17, 59–66.

Pintér, G. (2011). Developing an open source pronunciation training system. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 8, 52–60.

Pintér, G. (2010). Technical report about the current limitations of computer assisted pronunciation training systems. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 7, 1–5.

Pintér, G. (2008). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic conditions on Japanese vowel devoicing. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 11, 27–32.

Pintér, G. (2007). Prosodic versus sequential constraints in phonotactics: A case study from Japanese. Kobe Papers in Linguistics, 5, 197–215.

Pintér, G. (2006). Richness of the Base and lexicon optimization in language change. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 9, 99–106.
Pintér, G. (2005). Vowel coalescence in Middle Japanese. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 8, 81–88.

Mark, S., K. Dohlus, G. Pintér (2005). Seeing geminates and hearing singletons: A pilot study. Theoretical and applied linguistics at Kobe Shoin, 8, 133–142.

Pintér, G. (2002). The minimal automaton of Japanese phonotactics. Online publication at Research Institute for Theoretical Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. [in Hungarian]

Pintér, G. (1999). The intonation of interrogative sentences in Japanese and Hungarian. Bulletin for Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 1, 81–94. [in Japanese]

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Book Reviews


Creative Writing

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)


Organisation of Conferences

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Pintér, G. (2014). Representational approaches to Japanese CV phonotactics. FAJL 2014, International Christian University, Tokyo.

Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese Learners of English. International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.

Pintér, G., (2012). A Usage-Oriented Approach to Building Language Learners’ Speech Corpora. International Workshop on Corpus Linguistics and Endangered Dialects –The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.

Pintér, G. (2014). A brief outline of automatic speech recognition: Theory and (an) application. Global Seminar, Ritsumeikan University. [invited seminar talk].

Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese EFLs. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, November session.

Pintér, G. (2013). Towards User Generated Speech Databases in Language Education. The 13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Waseda University.

Pintér, G. (2013). The emergence of the stop-affricate system in Japanese. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, April session.

Pintér, G. (2013). Hungarian overseas students and Japan. EU Japanese studies seminar, Kansai University. [invited seminar talk].
Pintér, G. (2012). Limitations of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training Systems. JALT, Osaka chapter, January session. [invited talk]

Pintér, G. (2009). About the origins of Japanese CV restrictions. Phonology Forum, Kobe University.

Pintér, G. (2008). Investigating the origins of CV restriction in Japanese. Tokyo Circle of Phonologists (TCP), November session.

Pintér, G. (2007). Sequential constraints in phonotactic description. Phonology Forum, Sapporo University.

Pintér, G. (2007). Phonetic knowledge in language learning: A case study of Japanese learners of Hungarian. Information and Communications Technology in the Analysis, Teaching and Learning of Languages, Hiroshima.

Pintér, G. (2007). The interaction of contextual vowels and formant transitions in Japanese fricative perception. 315th Regular Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Tokyo University.

Pintér, G. (2007). Investigating the correlation between functional load and perceptual salience in Japanese alveolar obstruents. 2nd Joint Meeting of Phonological Association in Kansai and Tokyo Circle of Phonologists, Atami.

Pintér, G. (2006). Modeling diachronic changes of vowels: A computational approach. Phonology Forum, Waseda University.

Pintér, G. (2005). Where have the Japanese velar glides gone? LingO: Linguistics at Oxford, University of Oxford.

Pintér, G. (2004). Resolving hiatus in pre-modern Japanese. Phonology Forum, Hiroshima University.

Pintér, G. (2004). Vowel coalescence in Japanese: An OT approach with unary features. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, February session.

Pintér, G. (2003). Hungarian geminates. The Uralic Society of Japan, Kansai University.

Pintér, G. (2002). Topic-focus articulation of Japanese sentences. European Association for Japanese Studies –Workshop for Doctoral Students, Paris.

István Pásztori-Kupán

István Pásztori-Kupán

Title: MTh, PhD, dr. habil.
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1973
Place of Birth (Country): Romania
Email-address(es): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: 0040-744-774557

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2003
Discipline: theology
Title of Thesis: Theodoret of Cyrus’s Double Treatise On the Trinity and On the Incarnation: The Antiochene Pathway to Chalcedon
Issuing Institution: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1999
Discipline(s): Master of Theology with distinction
Issuing Institution: University of Edinburgh, Faculty of Divinity, New College

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Protestant Theological Institute Kolozsvár Licence in Theology 1996
Debrecen Reformed Theological University  doctor habilis  2010

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities
Department: Department of General Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Current Position(s): University Associate Professor

Protestant Theological Institute Kolozsvár
Position Held: Vice Rector, University Professor

Other Previous Employers: Bethlen Gábor College Nagyenyed
Other Previous Positions Held: Youth minister, secondary school religion teacher

Areas of Research and Teaching

History of Christological Debates of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries
The Antiochene School of Thought
Disputes Between Early Christian Theology and Greek Philosophy
Church and State in the Twentieth Century: Christianity and Oppressing Political Systems
Ancient Greek Philosophy

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Library of Early Christianity Series, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (board member)

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity
2010 Ókori görög gondolkodók. Filozófiai bevezetés a teológia tanulmányozásához, egyetemi jegyzet (Kolozsvár: Protestáns Teológiai Intézet, 2010) – 422.000 karakter (253 old.)
2006–2012 Member of the Educational Committee of the Synod of The Reformed Church in Romania

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
Romanian Advanced
English Advanced
German Medium
French Medium

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function
(if any)
Joint Commission of the theological dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches member
Editorial Board of the Library of Early Christianity (Catholic University of America Press) member
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Külső Köztestülete (Public External Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Member
Romániai Református Egyház Zsinati Teológiai Bizottság Member

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2014. december Karoli Gaspar University of the
Reformed Church in Hungary

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Papp György,
Kálvin és Khrüszosztomosz a szabad akaratról  
Papp Zsolt,
Reinhold Niebuhr társadalometikája  

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Nemes Csaba,
Selye János
Ezer év több ezer éves kérdése 2015


List of Publications



Theodoret of Cyrus, The Early Church Fathers, szerk. Carol Harrison (London & New York: Routledge, 2006) – 770.000 karakter (xiv+278 old.)

Theodoret of Cyrus’s Double Treatise On the Trinity and On the Incarnation: The Antiochene Pathway to Chalcedon, published by The Transylvanian District of the Reformed Church in Romania (Kolozsvár: EREK, 2007) – 735.000 karakter (242 old.)

Követvén a szent atyákat. Az óegyház dogmatörténete 381-ig (Kolozsvár: A Napoca Star és a Protestáns Teológiai Intézet közös kiadása, 2009) – 480.000 karakter (208 old.)

Mindnyájan egybehangzóan tanítjuk. Az óegyház dogmatörténete 381-től 451-ig (Kolozsvár: A Napoca Star és a Protestáns Teológiai Intézet közös kiadása, 2010) – 570.000 karakter (266 old.)

Küroszi Theodórétosz: A görög betegségek orvoslása I. (Debrecen: DRHE Hatvani István Teológiai Kutatóközpont, 2014), 256 old. Kétnyelvű (görög-magyar) kiadás. Fordította, bevezetővel és magyarázó jegyzetekkel ellátta: Pásztori-Kupán István

Edited Books and Journals

Tankönyv – felsőoktatási jegyzet:
Ókori görög gondolkodók. Filozófiai bevezetés a teológia tanulmányozásához, egyetemi jegyzet (Kolozsvár: Protestáns Teológiai Intézet, 2010) – 422.000 karakter (253 old.)

Chapters in Books

Confession of Marosvásárhely (1559), in: James T. Dennison, Jr., szerk., Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation: Volume 2, 1552–1566
(Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010), 132–139 (Nr. 45)

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

ISI-minősítésű és/vagy nemzetközi adatbázisokban szereplő írások
An unnoticed title in Theodoret of Cyrus’ Περὶ τῆς τοῦ Κυρίου ἐνανθρωπήσεως, The Journal of Theological Studies (London–Oxford), 53 (2002), 102–111

Quotations of Theodoret’s De sancta et vivifica Trinitate in Euthymius Zigabenus’ Panoplia Dogmatica, Augustinianum (Istituto Patristico Augustinianum, Róma), 42 (2002), 481–489

The Holy Spirit as the Mother of the Son? Origen’s Interpretation of a Surviving Fragment from The Gospel According to the Hebrews, Origeniana Nona: Origen and the Religious Practice of His Time, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 228, szerk. Heidl György és Somos Róbert (Leuven: Peeters, 2009), 285–291

Review of Paul B. Clayton, The Christology of Theodoret of Cyrus: Antiochene Christology from the Council of Ephesus (431) to the Council of Chalcedon (451), Oxford Early Christian Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), Scottish Journal of Theology, 64 (2011), 490–491

The Teaching Concerning the Lord’s Supper in the 1559 Hungarian Reformed Confession of Marosvásárhely, in: E. Van der Borght and P. van Geest, szerk., Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth. Essays in Honour of Abraham van de Beek, Studies in Reformed Theology, 22 (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 503–522 – társszerző: Gudor Kund Botond

Magyarországi és romániai szakfolyóiratokban megjelent angol nyelvű

Invocation of biblical authority in a secular decision: the theocratic relevance of the Torda Edict (1568), Református Szemle 101/6 (2008), 677–699

Reformer – since when? An attempt to reassess the young Calvin’s theological attitude towards the mediaeval church, Református Szemle, 103/1 (2010), 40–50

The one veneration belonging to the One Son: The union of worship as the criterion of teaching “the One and the same” during the Monophysite controversy, Studia Theologica Debrecinensis 2010/2, 77–94

A secular decree on interfaith acceptance based on the Bible, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica, Număr special: Geneza şi semnificaţiile ideii de toleranţă religioasă în Principatul Transilvaniei (secolele XVI–XVIII) (Alba Iulia: Altip, 2010), 19–41

The formation and ecumenical importance of the so-called ‘Nicaeno-Constantinopolitanum’, Revista Ecumenică Sibiu 3/1 (2011), 25–54

Pro homine ethico. The need for an ethical collaboration between theology and other sciences, Revista Ecumenică Sibiu, 3/3 (2011), 423–434

Magyarországi és romániai szakfolyóiratokban megjelent magyar nyelvű

Kicsoda az, aki tegnap és ma és mindörökké ugyanaz? A Jézus Krisztusról szóló evangélium igazsága az apostoli kor végétől a reformációig, Sárospataki Füzetek 4/2 (2000), 23–43

Küroszi Theodorétosz: A megelevenítő Szentháromságról, Református Szemle 93/4–5
(2000), 317–336

Új keresztyén életrend a Római Birodalomban, Református Szemle 95/2–3 (2002), 198–205

A „tulajdonságok közlésének” tana Heinrich Bullinger teológiai gondolkodásában, Református Szemle 96/2 (2003), 146–158

A szkíták a Szentírásban I., Az Út 30/1 (2004), 5–18

A szkíták a Szentírásban II., Az Út 30/2 (2004), 71–85

Alexandriai Kürillosz és Küroszi Theodorétosz a Jézus Krisztus megkísértéséről: Az alexandriai és az antiochiai krisztológia hasonlóságai és különbözőségei, Református Szemle 97/1 (2004), 57–81

Őrzi-e nyelvünk a történelmi magyar határokat?, Keresztény Szó, 25/12 (2004), 26–29

A Szentlélek mint a Fiú Anyja? A Héberek szerinti evangélium egyik részletének Origenész és Hieronymus szerinti magyarázata, Református Szemle 98/6 (2005), 677–683

Küroszi Theodorétosz: A görög betegségek orvoslása (I. rész), Református Szemle, 99/1 (2006), 45–66; társszerző: Kupán Zsuzsánna

Jézus Krisztus személyének „hüposztatikus egysége” az 5. század terminológiai vitáinak tükrében, Református Szemle 100/3 (2007), 644–656

Hallgatni: arany-e vagy cinkosság? Karl Barthnak az 1956-os magyar szabadságharc kapcsán tanúsított „hallgatása” Reinhold Niebuhr értelmezésében, Református Szemle 102/1 (2009), 103–125

Tehetjük-e, hogy amiket láttunk és hallottunk, azokat ne szóljuk? Karl Barth tanítványai és Reinhold Niebuhr 1957-es levélváltása, Református Szemle 102/2
(2009), 195–213

Teokratikus tolerancia? A Tordai Vallásbéke teológiai üzenete, Keresztény Magvető
2009/2, 252–286

Küroszi Theodorétosz: Az első alapelvről I, Református Szemle 102/3 (2009), 306–326; társszerző: Kupán Zsuzsánna

Emberek vagyunk, nem pedig Isten. Niebuhr és Barth az Egyházak Világtanácsa bölcsőjénél, Református Szemle 102/4 (2009), 439–454

Az emberi lélek és az örök élet Kálvin első teológiai munkájában, Református Szemle 102/5 (2009), 573–594

Hagyomány és viszonyulás: Nazianzoszi Gergely, Küroszi Theodorétosz és a 433-as Egységformula, Református Szemle, 103/2 (2010), 163–176

A Szent Korona és a magyar protestantizmus, Keresztény Szó, 21/5 (2010), 19–26

Edesszai Ibasz levele Mariszhoz: Kétszeri ítélet és kétszeri felmentés ugyanazért a levélért, Református Szemle 103/3 (2010), 276–292

Adalékok Nüsszai Gergely krisztológiai tanításának értelmezéséhez, Református Szemle 103/4 (2010), 372–382

Nagy Leó pápa Tomusa, a rablózsinat és a kalcedoni dogma, Református Szemle 103/5 (2010), 496–509

Az úgynevezett Niceai–Konstantinápolyi Hitvallás dogmatörténeti háttere, Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis I (Kolozsvár: PTI, 2010), 195–218

Az egyház ismertetőjeleiről, Credo, 17/2 (2011), 15–23

A teológia és a vallástudomány 19. századi különválása – Könyvismertető: Kovács Ábrahám, Hitvédelem és egyháziasság. A debreceni új orthodoxia vitája a liberális teológiával (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2010), Credo, 17/2 (2011), 69–70

Szentség, apostoli utódlás, magyar keresztyénség, Credo, 17/4 (2011), 71–74

„Viskótlan-e” a jó keresztyén? William Paul Young sikerkönyvének margójára, Református Szemle, 104/2 (2011), 183–194

Szentháromságtani kérdések William Paul Young A viskó című művében, Református Szemle, 104/3 (2011), 286–303

Gondolatok az Anyaszentegyház ökumenikus jelzőinek mai értelmezéséhez, Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis I (Kolozsvár: PTI, 2012), 99–108

Romániai szakfolyóiratban román nyelven megjelent tanulmányok

Epistola lui Ibas către Maris: Două condamnări şi două exonerări pe baza aceleiaşi scrisori, Studii Teologice 2010/3, 29–52 [Ibasz levele Mariszhoz: a 433-ban keletkezett görög szöveg első román nyelvű, előtanulmánnyal és magyarázó jegyzetekkel ellátott fordítása]

Gyűjteményes kötetekben megjelent tanulmányok

The Doctrine of „Communicatio idiomatum” in the Theological Thinking of Heinrich Bullinger, Emlékkönyv Tőkés István kilencvenedik születésnapjára / Festschrift für István Tőkés zum 90. Geburtstag (Cluj/Kolozsvár: PTI–EREK–KRE, 2006), 299–323

The Spirit of Religious Tolerance – A Transylvanian ‘extra calvinisticum’?, Calvinism on the Peripheries: Religion and Civil Society in Europe, szerk. Kovács Ábrahám, (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2009), 155–179

Élettapasztalatok és teológiai motívumok Augustinus és a pelagiánusok vitájában, in: Fekete Károly – Kustár Zoltán – Kovács Ábrahám, szerk., Átjárható határok. Ünnepi kötet dr. Gaál Botond professzor 65. születésnapjára, Acta Theologica Debrecinensis, 2 (Debrecen: DRHE, 2011), 351–369

Lehet-e a teológia a többi tudomány lelkiismerete? A „tudományos semlegesség” mítoszának végnapjai, in: Ungvári Zrínyi Imre – Veress Károly, szerk., Válságtapasztalatok és etikai távlatok (Kolozsvár: Kolozsvári Egyetemi Kiadó, 2011), 129–141

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

Book Reviews


International Conference on Church and Minority Issues, Felix Bath, 25–27 October 1999, Királyhágómelléki Füzetek, szerk. Antal János (Nagyvárad: Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerület, 2000) – a konferencia előadásainak angol fordítása

Tőkés István, A Második Helvét Hitvallás Magyarázata / Commentarium in Confessionem Helveticam Posteriorem / Commentary on the Second Helvetic Confession, II. javított kiadás (Nagyvárad: KRE, 2006) – a szövegek angol fordítása


Egyéb tanulmányok, kiadványok: Fény és árnyék… Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós emlékezete, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor és tudományos műhelyeink, szerk. Gazda József (Sepsiszentgyörgy: Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Közművelődési Egyesület, 1999), 26–31

Hármas Jakabság a Magyar Szent Koronán, Turán 2004/6 & 2005/1, 151–156

Keresztyén Ószövetség-szemléletünk, Üzenet (Kolozsvár), XX. évf. 5. sz. 2009. március 1

In memoriam Tövissi Ildikó. Válasz egy utolsó üzenetre, Református Szemle, 104/2 (2011), 227–230

Nem szakmai témájú társszerzős kötetek:
Coping with the past, szerk. Antal János (Nagyvárad: Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerület, 2002) – 670.000 karakter (300 old.)

Creative Writing

Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)


Organisation of Conferences

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

Faculty of Humanities

Dear Incoming Students!

Welcome on the Erasmus webpage of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary!

Here you can find the list of all Erasmus courses of the Faculty of Humanities. Please make sure to check the semester (I. or II.) in which the course you would like to take is taught. This is indicated in column 9 of the chart. Please also have a look at what language the course you have chosen is given in – English, German, Dutch or Spanish. The usual language is, however, English.
Please note that some of the courses offered on this list might be not launched in the forthcoming academic year, if there are not enough applicants. Therefore, we suggest that you consult with the respective teacher before your arrival! You can find the teacher’s email address and the course’s detailed description by clicking on the title of the course.
For any changes in the list of subjects you wish to learn at KRE, please refer to the „During mobility” section of the Learning Agreement.


Erasmus Course Offers – Autumn 2016/17/1


English Studies

19th and 20th Century Hungarian History

19th and 20th Century Hungarian History

Advanced Language Practice 1

American and Canadian Society through Films

American Literature (17-19. centuries) seminar

Analysing texts

British and American History 2 British History from 1815 until 1990 eminar

Central European Film

Christianity in America

European Theatre History - Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Irish Drama

Genres of English Literature

Hungarian Art and Cultural History

Hungarian History, Literature and Culture

Introduction to English Linguistics

Introduction to English Literary Studies

Introduction to English Studies (Reading Literary Texts)

Introduction to English Studies 1.2 Civilisation in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Language Practice

Language Practice

Linguistic Theories


Oral Presentation Skills

Present Day English 2.2. Descriptive Grammar

Present-Day English 3 Origins and Development

Research Seminar in Literature and Culture

Selected Topics in American Literature Responses to the Holocaust in American Literature

Selected Topics in British and American Culture and History

Selected Topics in Modern British Literature

Semantics and Pragmatics

Specialised Language Practice

Survey of English and American Literature 2_0

Survey of English and American Literature 2_1

The English Language from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Topics in American Literature

Translation Practice 2

Varieties of English

History and Culture

Communication in Folk music

Erasmus Course Description M. Frazer-Imregh

Erasmus Course Description - Semsey

Hungarian History in the middle ages - Hidan Csaba

History, Religion and Art in the Balkans

Introduction to Theatre Studies

Irish Drama


Philospohy, Theology, Religion

Sociology, psychology, communication

Adulthood and Aging

Affective aspects

Bridging Sport Psy Research and Practice

Crisis Communication Szondi

Cultural anthropology - Visual Communication Tari János

Cultural Anthroplogy - Lázár Imre

Introduction to applied sport psychology

Personality Psychology Seminar


Public Relations Szondi

Script writing Dragovoja I.

Social Psychology 1. practice

Social Psychology 3. practice

Vargha Delaney Sigmund Freud Debates

Hungarian Studies for Foreigners

Advanced Hungarian

Hungarian language for absolute beginners

German Studies

Angewandte Linguistik I.

Entwicklungstendenzen In Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache

Geschichte Der Deutschsprachigen Literatur 1815-1910


Interpretationsmethoden Literarischer Texte

Interpretationsmethoden Literarischer Texte


Kultur Und Medialität 1.

Kulturgeschichte Seminar

Kulturgeschichte Vorlesung

Linguistische Analysen Im Deutsch-Ungarischen Sprachkontrast

Morphosyntax Der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache Ii.

Textlinguistik Und Pragmatik

Übersetzung Fachsprache I. Wirtschaftstexte



EU terminologie

Mystieke literatuur

Nederlandse debatclub

Stromingen en methodes in de taalkunde van de 20ste eeuw

Zakelijke Communicatie


EMLex  courses

Computational Lexicography

Dictionary Planning and Dictionary Production

Fachwörterbücher, Lexika, Enzyklopädien

Geschichte der Lexikographie


Lexicography and Lexicology


The dictionary and its use

Wörterbücher bei der Übersetzung_Dictionaries in translation

Faculty of Theology


The mission of the Faculty of Theology of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is to train pastors and theologians who would – through their teachings and personal examples – serve both society and the Reformed Church in Hungary.

The Faculty offers an opportunity to study the Old and New Testament in ancient languages, such as Hebrew and Ancient Greek, to learn about theological and ethical thinking in depth, to explore church history in a wider context and to obtain pastoral practice. The theology that is studied and researched at the Faculty today is rooted in the Christian religious reform, which developed from the renaissance and humanist culture of the 16th century.

The forerunner of the Faculty of Theology is the Reformed Theological Academy in Budapest, which was founded in 1855. The Academy (the Faculty of Theology of Károli University since 1993) has been issuing theological doctoral degrees since the end of World War II. The Doctoral School of Theology and the Doctoral Council, which are recognised by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee as well, were established in 1992. For a long period of time the Doctoral School of Theology was the only doctoral school of the University. Besides the Ph.D in Theology  titles, the Doctoral Council regularly awards Hungarian and international personalities with the title of doctor honris causa as well.

The strong points of the Faculty:

  • a balanced combination of theoretical and practical knowledge
  • highly qualified academic staff
  • international recognition and reputation of the Doctoral School of Theology

Courses offered at the Faculty:

First cycle (BA) programmes

  • Teacher of Reformed Religious Education

Single-cycle programmes

  • Theology with Pastor Specialisation
  • Theology
  • Protestant Theology

Single-cycle teacher training programmes

  • Teacher of Religious Education

Second cycle (MA) teacher training programme

  • Teacher of Religious Education

Doctoral studies

  • Doctor of Theology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

With 4542 students, 204 full-time and 49 part-time faculty members, the Faculty of Humanities is the biggest faculty of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. The faculty is known for academic excellence, the personalised attention paid to students and its friendly yet vibrant atmosphere.
The Faculty of Humanities ranked 17th among all faculties nationwide (HVG Rankings 2020). The quality of education is ensured by dedicated faculty members, out of whom 92% hold a PhD degree. Talent development is an important mission of the faculty, which is well reflected in the 39 awards its students won at the 34th National Scholarly Competition held in 2019, in the third place for the total number of applicants and in the sixth place for student excellence among faculties in Hungary, and in the 94% employer satisfaction rate for its graduates.
To help students respond to the challenges they may face during their studies and in life, the faculty operates a Career Office, a Student Counselling Center, a Sport Office and an international buddy system.
The Faculty of Humanities offers first-cycle (BA) programmes in English and American Studies, German Studies, Dutch Studies, East Asian Studies, Communication and Media Studies, Hungarian Studies, Psychology, Sociology, General Humanities and History, and second-cycle (MA) programmes in English Studies, German Studies, Dutch Studies, Japanese Studies, Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies, Communication and Media Studies, Art History, Theater Studies, Psychology, Social Behaviour Analysis, History and Religious Studies as well as one-cycle and short-cycle Teacher Training Programmes in various subject areas.
History is also offered at doctoral level, and a second, multidisciplinary doctoral programme focusing on Psychology, Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies has been submitted to the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for accreditation.

49 active research groups conduct research at the faculty both at national and at international level. Established in 2015, Benda Kálmán College of Excellence runs a boarding-school type talent nurturing programme emphasising community and Christian values, providing opportunities for the most talented students to participate in its eight workshops: Linguistics Literature and Culture Psychology, History, Philosophy and Religions, Arts, Media and Art Pedagogy, Teacher Training and Social Sciences.   

The Faculty of Humanities has four programmes that have been designed to host international students: a two-year MA program in English Studies,a two-year MA programme in German Language, Literature and Culture, a three-year BA programme in Psychology and a three-year BA programme in English and American Studies. In addition, the faculty also offers a two-year specialist postgraduate programme in Kodály Culture in Hungary and a joint degree programme in lexicography (EMLex) in German and English, with the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg as the coordinator institution of the consortium. Erasmus and overseas exchange students can choose from approximately 100-120 courses offered in a foreign language every semester.

Our students can take language courses in thirteen foreign languages at the Foreign Language Center: English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish.

The faculty has on-going Erasmus + KA103, KA107, KA203 and CEEPUS projects, it is a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and Scholarship for Christian Young People Programme participant, just as it offers its own Károli Christian Scholarship Programme.

For more information on the individual institutes, you can click on the details below.


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